
Critical Situation Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"I think we can all acknowledge this one is a little different than the others right like this one is like basically America's last stand before we dive into complete and utter chaos and the choice is yours."
"I'm sorry, I'm not going to let you do this. This is life and death."
"I understand there's so much politics right now, we're two months away from an election, but this is life and death."
"Steve is a dirty line [ __ ] and flash rewards claims he's real or smart wallet whatever the [ __ ] one of the sister companies they claim he's real."
"One Brave sailor crawled between the arcing six foot tall batteries, shutting them off before they could explode but also punching the crew Into Darkness."
"The city is going to be wiped out. They have about an hour before it goes critical..."
"This is its last chance. If the PvP and PvE don't get widespread success, Overwatch will come to an end."
"A massive red flag for a set up of a destruction of a nation."
"It's a big two weeks because if we fail to get Anthony and De Jong and we lose Ronaldo it's an absolute car crash of the transfer window."
"The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation."
"We don't have six months to lose at this point... it's dire beyond belief."
"We might get our clubs back, or we'll lose our clubs forever. That's what's at stake."
"This newly formed team was about to be put to the ultimate test."
"The aircraft was seriously sick, and what little automation was still working was trying to kill everyone on board."
"But then there's a situation where you went to a domestic dispute call and when you showed up there, there was this huge bag of marijuana, a bunch of cash, a bunch of guns."
"She was in fear of her life and that's what got her out of the back of the truck and running into the bush."
"What's happening here is very helpful, is it, uh, it's, it'll, it ought to properly frighten us and, uh, get us to wake up."
"Team dynamics are critical during a resuscitation attempt."
"He's on death row right now for a crime he did not commit."
"Just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you."
"Every day that fails to happen brings us closer to the point of no return for Ukraine."
"It's a very critical point for sure, be ready."
"When somebody is having a heart attack, when somebody's having a stroke, how many of y'all know that you don't supposed to say, 'Okay, let me put you in the car.'"
"The shit has hit the fan, she's planning to wipe out all Humanity and you're the only person left alive on the station who can stop her."
"If the Eighth Army was defeated, the Second World War was lost."
"We have to recognize now, this is not a game anymore. This is actually happening."
"It became evident that everyone was fighting against the clock to keep him alive."
"It's going to collapse soon, there is no could, may, might in this equation, is is the correct word."
"This is about life and death. This is about personal tragedy. This is about someone's life."
"We're at a precipice; we need everybody to wake up."
"Containment has failed. It has definitively failed."
"Getting it right could be a matter of life and death for them and their patients."
"We're calling it a miracle, I have a chance but I'm still bleeding guys, like I still have a giant gash in my side."
"This is not fine, this is the else world we were all living in."
"The only thing that can go wrong tonight is if we lose. Like, we absolutely have to win."
"This terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified as Kara... pandemic development, network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure."
"This might require professional help. This sounds crazy."
"This fight is not over until it's over, and our lives depend on it."
"How serious is the situation? Incredibly serious. And every minute counts."
"He sounds like the stakes are high. They have never been higher. Now I believe it."
"One hit point left, you are one hit point away from meeting the same fate as Waffles."
"Winning means spinning your last few years in a bunker with reconstituted urine."
"This whole thing is damning. This whole thing's a wrap because this is bad. This is very, very bad."
"Perhaps an older child would have realized that something was wrong here."
"The question is, the people who support him, have they backed themselves into such a corner?"
"Proper fucked is the correct naval terminology for their situation."
"Missy was found bleeding, and she wasn't responding to her name."
"The Elektra bomb was used while Maki was trying to deliver the antidote, maybe Kaito didn't die by poison, it could be something else."
"This is literally a wartime footing... Encouraging from the states."
"I pulled up on scene, there was a gentleman sitting on the railroad tracks."
"We're fighting for dear life guys, I mean it's absolutely crunch time."
"This type of warning...is at the highest level."
"Tammy's gonna die if she doesn't do something about the weight." - "She needs to grow up and take care of her own stuff. This is the final straw."
"What is actually unfolding is exponentially worse than anything we're being told about."
"It doesn't take a genius to realize there's something very serious going on here."
"Nothing Else Matters more and more often that everything is at stake."
"Everything is getting Beyond The Pale now, too dangerous."
"All I cared was that these people, that are now my responsibility, might just make it out of here."
"1,500 deaths already, and we have not even gotten to the hard part of this."
"Protect the king, and protect the princesses, or else all is lost."
"We needed a miracle, and that's when we heard the name Thomas Rush."
"Only one officer fired so that leads us to the conclusion that that officer overreacted that officer maybe he panicked that officer misperceived what he thought was an imminent threat."
"If this company wasn't to make it, it would be disaster."
"Hammering home how dire this situation has actually become." - Description of the bleakness
"He's just waiting outside... whilst his child is having life-saving measures attended."
"It's going to take courage... we're looking at the survival of our country."
"I just need to eliminate one bomb, please, for the love of god."
"if those Reds go away when they fall off you're pretty much dead meat"
"If the people at the top were doubting the success of the human race then things were dire."
"...the stakes couldn't be higher."
"His position is on the verge of collapse."
"The stakes don't get much higher than this: do or die."
"He's dying. There must be ways to save him."
"This is make or break for our country; things are not going well in South Africa, but it could be going so much better for our country."
"It's a do-or-die moment, needing to use the strongest technique for any chance to survive."
"Desperate times call for desperate actions."
"That right there is a perfect storm."
"We are calling a tornado emergency for the city of Coleman in points north and east."
"Our lives are in very real danger."
"The stakes couldn’t be higher—losing Bastogne would spell disaster."
"Realistically, Anna, if we can't get this to move in the next 24 hours, he could die from this."
"This is still a Do or Die situation for Atlanta, they'd have to win this game or the season is over."
"It's do or die; I need to make this company work."
"The tension out there is unbearable."
"I'm not making excuses, but the world is at a critical and dangerous junction."
"Less than 24 hours of air left but renewed hope in the Atlantic."
"The loss of propulsion from the crippled steam system throws the submarine into a perilous state."
"This was a matter of life and death."
"It's definitely a Do or Die situation for the ETH BTC chart."