
Personal Acknowledgment Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I did. I don't get everything right. I make a lot of predictions that don't pan out. That's a reality."
"It's been from beginning to end Michael, you are welcome."
"Thank you, Lincoln Electric, my sponsor for this."
"It's hard to get here man, the people, man listen, there's so many people that see me in the malls and see me be like I'll look at the interview on real life Street star I'm like oh yeah thank you."
"Thank you, Stephanie, for another $50, what the heck?"
"I want the viewers to know that you in Turkish I have a lot of respect for."
"Malia's gratitude for her mother's protective instincts is evident as she acknowledges the challenges Michelle faced during those transformative years."
"Salute all the single parents out there. This stuff is not for the weak."
"You're a trooper and I want to appreciate you, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you joining us for the show."
"Charity begins at home. Let me first thank the wonderful ladies who make me look good when I do my work."
"If I came on the show, Nick man, you had some great takes yesterday. Man, you are the man."
"Those of you that have been in my corner, I really appreciate that."
"That was a mistake, I should not have done that."
"I just want to say thank you for making it through."
"I want you to know that you are, I want to say it to you personally, you are a legend."
"Shout out to Lexi Brown, the emotional orange."
"I shook his hand, I said welcome home brother."
"I actually appreciate Max now. You can quote me on that."
"I really wanted to thank you so much for your suggestion, MJ 23, the good Roachara in Zwalkaway, this is our choice."
"I want to shout them out every creator here, some of these boys especially can charge a fortune for their time, and I would know, I'm one of them to be honest."
"Just because, I just mean from the sense of, yo, the man Tyler, he did what he did. He won fair and square. Salute that man."
"That was so smart, Aaron. That was so smart."
"A big thank you to Callum Douglas for shedding light on GM1 and MW50."
"A lot to me, thank you to Igor for that. This is awesome." - Stephen
"One day Bolin Gully will acknowledge the shine for what it is."
"If he acknowledges it in a good light then I might actually acknowledge the shine myself."
"Honor his hero's journey and acknowledge his personal quest."
"I'm racist, I don't like white people but I'm gonna respect you as a man."
"You are the best, Grace! Thank you for all that you do."
"Thank you for being you Emily, such a blessing"
"It all started with this guy right here, Alex."
"I feel very fortunate. Yeah, I know I do. I do."
"Be very grateful for acknowledging the fact that you're going through something bad."
"I see it. I watch your hustle. I see your charisma."
"You're genuinely a good guy and I think you've worked hard on yourself and I'm so glad that you love yourself."
"I respect that, Aubameyang. You know I've been cussing you, but I respect that."
"You're regaining your confidence, owning your power, and acknowledging the power within you."
"Why not ask for help? I would be crazy not to ask for help if I want it and I haven't been doing it right."
"Please make it a point that you realize that you need help, and that help is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"My competitiveness could be like a strength but to some people it might be like why you don't like me but I'm cool with that."
"If you're watching this right now and you've been questioning or have any thought that you might have an addiction issue to any substance of any kind I encourage you to embrace it and follow through with it."
"You acknowledge the truth, you face the truth."
"You're the most talented person here, you know."
"Sally expressed her admiration for Chen, saying that he was truly unique."
"Elon Musk was asked who his favorite retail Tesla analyst was, and he named you."
"I love you, I appreciate you, and I stole your idea."
"Rediscovering young youth reconnecting to your younger self who you used to be you felt you were when you were born that wasn't acknowledged."
"We are truly blessed because of all our support." - Brandon Jones
"Welcome to the special dedication, yeah, and this one's about you."
"We have another legend in the building today, darlings. The one, the only, Miss Coco Peru is here."
"Thank you for seeing her as a human being, Kazu."
"JJ wishes me happy birthday, he was one of the first people to actually congratulate me."
"Wow, that was super intense. Mikey, great work."
"Shout out to Ryan Walterson for curating the list, I appreciate you good sir."
"I am nothing without the trust that people like you and others have put in me, so thank you."
"Thank you for everything, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff."
"The fact that someone as accomplished as you are, and as dedicated as you are, saying that about me is truly humbling."
"You couldn't have married," replied Talan, acknowledging the past opposition.
"Yo can I get a shoutout shoutout to you caboose"
"I just want to say thank you, really, that-- that's what-- that's where I was trying to get to because I do want to say that I-- I see you and-- and I’m so grateful."
"Kenny G's personal fluffer just so I'm aware..."
"It's okay to be proud of yourself sometimes."
"The first thing about mental awareness mental health disorders is the awareness and the fact that he's aware and he's able to Ring the Alarm is a big step."
"Thank you all so much for your continued support I literally could not do this without you."
"Thank you for your service during two tours in Afghanistan."
"Thank you for seeing me of some small part of your sacred journey."
"Jeeves K, you kept saying VSK, Jeeves K, exactly."
"You do have to give her some credit for her performance in those tough losses where she just refused to quit."
"Thank you. Thank you. And you're you're one of the best."
"The king that Kingsley says, 'Shatta Wale, I see.'"
"I tried, but we lost fair and square. Rob is the victor here. That is sharp. Bask in your glory."
"That's some strong leather, thank you Benjamin."
"I appreciate you, yes I am talking about you."
"Jennifer, you really are the best, you know? Thanks."
"I genuinely respect you as a person and I want you to hear it from me."
"And I'm just so grateful for you guys every day."
"'Thanks for coming back, Beverly. I know it wasn't an easy thing to do,' he said."
"You took the time to spell out 'daughter'. It meant a lot to be acknowledged."
"Ruyi, you're always the thorough one."