
Long-term Engagement Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Tekken is a game where if you're into it, you might just love it. Like, you might play Tekken the day you die."
"For me, it's actually been a constant for many, many years now and something I've had an enormous conviction that's only grown." - Piers Kicks
"By combining all three of these ideas, developers can make combat systems compelling enough to last through 100-hour campaigns."
"Love how Bungie have set this up...another five years of making friends, making memories."
"Skyrim is a game like I said it's going to take you a long time to get through."
"There's so much more that as a fan if you watch long enough you're going to pick up on."
"Supercell's goal is to make games that as many people as possible will play for years and that they will remember forever, that mission statement is just insane."
"This is about an expansion that you can play for a long time."
"We've reached this point where a lot of them are being designed to be played for a long period of time."
"The Sims has been my special interest since I could."
"I love Sex and the City and I have loved Sex and the City for a very, very long time."
"Regardless, this is both a satisfying conclusion to both the rebuild films that I've been watching since 2010 and just the series as a whole."
"The truth is that I love WoW. I've loved WoW for 15 years."
"I could play these sorts of games until the cows came home."
"I feel like that's where we've found something that the audience has really kind of invested in over time."
"To all the Supernatural family out there, thank you so much for taking this journey with us for 15 years. We love you."
"All I want to be in GTA online is a criminal. That's why I'm still playing this game after so many years."
"We've been waiting for this for years, yes, years, a decade."
"All in all I know NBA 2k 17 will be in my gaming rotation for many months to come."
"Overall, Starfield definitely seems to be a game that I will very happily sink hundreds of hours into getting lost in the Galaxy."
"After 120 hours in this playthrough I'm nowhere near done with all the things I can do."
"It's one of those games that really gives you a sense of development and it takes a really long time to hit the ceiling, making this one of those games where you're stuck, immersed in it for long periods of time, but it seems like nothing."
"There's something about it that keeps people playing it beyond being a kid."
"The popularity of it kind of caught me off guard because, you know, we'd go there, we'd sit for hours and hours and hours and hours."
"It's been a long six and a half years of bum-clenching 2CP fights."
"This game is going to take over people's lives for the next like 10 years."
"Be selfish and selfless at the same time. Those are not contradictions."
"Elden Ring remains a glorious game, one that established fans are going to savor for some time to come."
"The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind was a game changer... it was a seismic video game that you could crawl through for 300 plus hours and still have stuff to do."
"This game taught me how to wait for a better opportunity to come. I played this game for 11 years, and when you do anything for that long, it's going to change who you are as a person."
"That is what ensures you stay in the game the longest and that is what ensures you find joy."
"It's a recognition that NATO, America, and its allies are in it for the long game."
"No Man's Sky really at its best in its later hours when the grind of those odd systems in the oddity of procedural generation are sort of forgotten within the travel."
"Nothing is required... the base game has enough to play for hundreds of hours."
"Breaking what I thought was new ground 15 years after the game's release is just neat."
"After 27 years of doing this character, I'm just getting warmed up."
"They're like the all-day foreplay, I love that [ __ ]!"
"Smash Bros has been a big competitive sport for a really long time now."
"Black Desert is a marathon, not a sprint. If you don't like what you're playing, you're probably going to get bored and quit."
"For older fans, it's kind of a reward, a payoff for due diligence."
"This game has been a game that I will often times for years at a time have sitting out on the dining room table for anyone to just play with me."
"People have been finding out new things related to Final Fantasy 9 for years now."
"If you've made it this far, thank you. This might be like three hours in."
"I'm happy to play this game until the end of time."
"Any wrestler worth their salt is going to derive true satisfaction from a long-term program with a suitable dance partner."
"Reaching level 50 gives you access to the end-game but it's far from the end of the game."
"We want the real player or gamer eventually to join us and stay with us as a long run so that would be the best."
"Name another game that still has this many subscribers after 11 years."
"One of the things that should be said about something like Dragon Ball Z is while it is nowhere near at the level of say, a Star Wars, like a Star Wars, it's true. But like Star Wars, it has cultivated fans that be fans for like 20 years."
"Here I am 13 years later finally experiencing the well, the experience that is Brutal Legend."
"Once you get past that first year, you will become addicted."
"Our goal is not... to graduate people and send them down the road. No, we feel like we want them to be... for as long as they want to be able to come here."
"The real One Piece is the story that we all enjoyed for over 25 years."
"After two decades, Vice City feels like home."
"Sino is a character who I absolutely love and will probably be maining alongside Chao for a long time..."
"Long after your game launches, if you can make a compelling and immersive experience, you can have players playing on for years on end."
"I'm into it now I feel like you know this is going to be something I do for a long time if not forever."
"The long game about starting conversations with people is powerful."
"Nintendo supplied me with enough content to play for years."
"It's meant to be one that you're going to play over a long period of time."
"I just feel like it's something that I owe y'all because y'all been watching me for so long."
"If you're addicted to the game and you're gonna be playing it for a long time, I definitely recommend that you buy your builders."
"I've really enjoyed pretty much everything about this game so far, and I only imagine that'll be amplified in 60, 80, and 100 hours."
"The very first step in the whole process is to find your niche ideally your niche should be something that you're either interested in or can learn about and you can stay passionate about for the upcoming number of years."
"Games have been a home to many of us for many years."
"I've done career mode for many many many years."
"RuneScape gives you a long-term sense of progression and many people play this as their only game."
"Both of you keep that curiosity about each other alive."
"I am so excited to spend my life playing this game."
"This is just good overall like I said a lot of people already play it they tout 60 million players or 60 million people have bought the game and checked it out but it is still very very popular despite being around for a while."
"At the end of the day, for a game to leave an impact on me, to stand out among a sea of games that are more fun but nothing else, hmm, I'll take 358 mundane days with some of my favorite characters."
"Once you reach level 500, there's nothing to work towards—give us some long-term goals, it would be really, really fun."
"Give us something to hold on to for the next seven years of the game's lifespan."
"It's a really great package that is going to keep me playing for quite some time."
"The filter becomes a key that allows us to develop a long-term relationship."
"Starfield was the most intentional going into it; this is a game people are going to play for a long time."
"One Piece has been like a best friend guiding me across my whole life."
"They've been watching since Money in the Bank."
"I'm going to be playing the new Halo probably when I'm 70, right? I'll be really bad at it, but it's not like I go back and I play Zelda one."
"The fact that people still care and they've been around for this long, it really does mean a lot."
"Thank you so much for the last almost eleven years of Awesome TechNole."
"Fan base has been spending enough money over the course of how many years."
"Now I am 27 years old and I've been officially playing Minecraft for well over 10 years."
"This game has been a huge part of my life for the past four years."
"It's definitely a fun and enjoyable game in the long run."
"It just seems like a massive troll, but why would someone make posts like this for seven to nine years?"
"I got to give props when promises do. You were with our platform for almost like two and a half years now."
"It's a great show, and we've spent a long time watching it."
"This is an evolving project that started a long time ago when I first started getting into the hobby."
"These larger-than-life characters have been with me for 30 years."
"This is a process I'm going to be engaged with for hopefully a very long time."
"Easy games keep people in the short term because they never challenge them, but they don't keep people in the long term because they never give them the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge."
"Once you start getting into the drafts in your leagues that have been around like 15, 20 years, I love it."