
Narrative Pacing Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The detour to Scar Island felt contrived and distracted from intimate character conflicts."
"Pacing is about hitting the perfect happy medium for the speed at which your story moves."
"There's a lot of mayhem but they take time to have a moment with Dr. Strange understanding what happened to him during the blip."
"The story will unfold more dramatically than ever before with a rapid pace of major twists and turns."
"It's a slow burn, and slow burn definitely doesn't mean boring."
"A lot of people told me the story doesn't really pick up until season five and six."
"Breath of the Wild fixes pacing problems with minimal cutscenes that never feel dragged on."
"The Last of Us does pacing very, very well. Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog have a keen awareness of pacing."
"I think the pacing in the series is handled really well."
"I loved the ending, there just wasn't a single moment where I was like I wish this would speed up or I don't know why the characters behaving this way."
"The story never misses a beat, never goes on too long, and progresses swiftly."
"While I usually talk a lot about shows waiting to the finale to have characters kiss and get together, this one was well worth the wait."
"While I understand the pacing issues people had, I believe the good heavily outweighed the bad."
"I thought maybe they would have waited till the end for that."
"That’s a massive change for him and the way it's paced? It happens naturally without a single hitch."
"The beginning is always kind of slow so anyway we are in a different town."
"Unlike Infinity War, Endgame doesn't feel like it's in any rush."
"The pacing of this story is absolutely wild, I couldn't put it down."
"It's kind of it's like a slow burn with a big climactic ending and that's what we wanted to kind of achieve with Hellboy..."
"It's almost two hours long. Yeah, they don't really do much. It's just a lot of incompetent police officers standing outside a building."
"Guardians of the Galaxy is a surprisingly fun, professionally polished, excellently paced story-driven game that, like the Marvel movies that it's pulling from, doesn't aspire to heights it can't reach."
"It felt long to me... just get right into the thing."
"Honestly, from a story point of view, you can go right from the prison break to chapter 6 and miss pretty much nothing. And that's disappointing."
"It's always tough to know how many I should cover before we stretch out the story too long, you know?"
"The slow-paced, detailed nature with the occasional buildup to an epic action scene is peak Game of Thrones enjoyment for me."
"The movie was well paced through and through."
"This movie does such a great job of slowly introducing the characters."
"Now, we have to slow everything way back down, because things are about to get even more complicated."
"Do make your descriptions Vivid but meaningful to the story so keep things moving forward and make sure that when you're describing something it's something that is immediately mattering to the characters."
"It's paced well by mixing the slower scenes with the more intense ones, with good narrative devices to smoothly move the story throughout."
"The movie gives chunks of the characters' time to do their stuff, and then we move on to our next set of characters."
"The story takes the characters on a ride and doesn't have any extra long or inordinate moments of explanation."
"The stories don't have longer to play out, the stories have more time for you to forget what the story was."
"I thought the pacing was done pretty well but overall it was an emotional fucking roller coaster."
"It doesn't do it all in one dump, it doesn't do it awkwardly with like, 'Oh well, this is my friend who just like...'"
"Talia Hibbert resolves conflicts relatively quickly, never drags on or gets annoying."
"You just knew from the moment you read it, it reads like the show plays. It's so fast paced and it's so in depth and nothing in it was a cliche."
"All of these things put together mean that Steven Universe's story is developing at a horrendously awful pace."
"Plays like a film in my head, the whole thing is paced so well."
"I really like the ending, and I just wish that I didn't have to suffer through the majority of this arc to get to it."
"Have him show up enough to be a great villain, but don't have him appear too often so he doesn't lose his bite."
"What is that third act? Who needs a third act?"
"...it builds it up so much more and it's great as well to have a fight with lower stakes again."
"This is one of those areas in the story where the movies for very good reason speed up the pace of what's happening like by a lot."
"I spend more time making the big moments earned instead of making it all kinetic."
"These are just great movies, character development is good, not too much of it happens where it shouldn't."
"I loved the escalation of the plot, the pacing in every regard."
"It's not rushing or dragging, it is perfectly paced movie and storytelling."
"It was aggressively interesting; it had such a well-paced out story."
"It was just so... like the writing of it all, the pacing, it was just so good."