
Business Processes Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Hiring is guessing, firing is knowing. Like you gotta go fast. That's how you get shit done, that's how you figure shit out."
"Culture, workflows, and processes need to be protected during growth."
"Systemize your approach for steady traffic and reliable sales."
"Process is very important... it needs to be repeatable."
"Quality is an ongoing process; there is no end to Quality."
"Processes are so clean that blind people can run your eBay business."
"No one signed it but it's in our inbox so we're one step closer to starting it."
"Listen to how brutal this was, this is only somebody who would be full of anger and rage who could do something like this."
"The DMAIC cycle is the data-driven process improvement cycle used to run Lean Six Sigma projects."
"This stuff that's happening right here can be scaled indefinitely."
"Kanban is a tool for Kaizen. It's a means for us to make things better. It's the tool for Kaizen, it's not just an inventory control tool."
"It generally takes about 30 days to set up and transfer assets over."
"As soon as you address one bottleneck, you are presented with the next bottleneck."
"If you implement good processes and create good standard work, you can work smarter and not harder."
"You're still creating in some way. Buildings are built through creation, block by block, right? Company paperwork, everything is created."
"SAP MM is linked to other modules like SD, PP, QM, and FI/CO for seamless integration."
"You want to understand the capabilities of Power Platforms such as building basic business processes."
"AI Builder is a Microsoft Power Platform capability that provides AI models that are designed to optimize your business processes."
"Productivity by continuously taking steps to improve the business processes it can lead tin removing the business's inefficiencies and ultimately improve productivity."
"Record types are useful for assigning different processes, layouts, and teams."
"The situations when companies hire expensive consultants for designing business processes are fading away—you don't want another person to create a business process for you when you are the expert that knows the ins and outs of your business."
"Sales through AI is definitely one of the next big things that will change your business processes forever."
"The business process overview section outlines current and future business processes, identifying deficiencies and proposed improvements."
"You can model more complex business processes that need some sort of representation separate from the actual implementation with spring state machine as well."
"I think in most companies in the 10 million and up Mark you're looking at anywhere from six months once you're in process to maybe a year depending upon the complexities."
"We can't manage quality until we have a way to measure it."
"...you get a much richer experience of understanding how ordering and fulfillment processes are dynamic in the enterprise."
"Having good metrics, having good support, answering customer questions quickly, all of these make the processes easier."
"The ERP applications automate and support a range of business administrative and operational processes across multiple industries."
"It's going to be delegatable, it's going to be profitable, and it's going to be repeatable."
"Related records is a sub-tab typically against transactions which will show any other related records associated with this transaction."
"We're now going to take a few moments to look at some of the processes, one of which is the late customer process."
"It must integrate security into all business processes."
"There's new artificial intelligence that's helping organizations automate some of their business processes better."
"Your processes are one of the most important components of this implementation."
"Process mining is going to be a central technology to see life all the processes in an enterprise."
"The people run the processes, the process runs the business, and the business becomes massively profitable and an industry dominating brand."
"You need to understand their entire internal control."
"You first have to ask, have controls been implemented to address these risks that you have identified?"
"The RFI process is all about mitigating risk."
"Process is very important in business... you always need a healthy mixture of thinking out of the box but then also knowing that Monday is payroll day and we're going to get payroll done."
"Enterprise Architecture can unlock the power of information, unifying silos that inhibited business processes."
"The concept behind IIN is that the network design should make information available when it is needed by business processes."
"Document your processes because you don't want to be the worker forever."
"We have the ability with automation... to understand how business processes operate."
"Integration is the foundation for insightful end-to-end business processes."
"We have now integrated along our end-to-end business processes: recruit to retire, source to pay, design to operate, and lead to cash."
"Our applications' end-to-end processes are now fully integrated end to end."
"Define the rules, make sure you have the processes in place to make the virtual teams work, and then adhere to the rules."
"The benefits of acquiring ERP skill: you are exposed to the global best practice on enterprise business processes."
"A supply chain is defined as the integrated processes of plan, source, make, deliver, return, and enable."
"The uniqueness of the score framework is chiefly derived from using four elements together with a predefined relationship between processes."
"Every single business should have a process for their aged inventory."
"The business process demos I'm going to cover are just five kind of fundamental processes that you would do with the warehouse management module."
"The idea was to integrate the core processes of businesses."
"SAP Business One can really help you to streamline those processes."
"The form element to be included into a business process is a really useful tool to use when you are creating your own business processes."
"Business processes can be triggered either manually or automatically based on the condition of an item."
"You can basically have a knock-on effect through different business processes."
"The integration of both cognitive technologies like computer vision and fuzzy logic and machine learning along with language translation, sentiment analysis, and chat allow us to handle business processes across several domains."
"BizTalk offers a business rule framework that helps you create and manage sets of rules that govern business processes."