
Wildlife Encounters Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Seeing someone get almost eaten by a crocodile, I'm gonna give that a zero out of ten."
"What to do if you encounter one? Stay calm and act submissive."
"If you see a human, steer clear, and if you're confronted, fight."
"The simple sight of a condor circling a convoy... was incredibly demoralizing."
"If bitten by a snake, get away from the snake immediately and limit your movement."
"Unfortunately, one very important realization came all too late to this woman: you don't mess with alligators."
"Buttons the elk strolled into the fire district, planting sweet kisses on each firefighter's face."
"I've had grizzly bears and cabin porches before, doesn't matter how old you are, there is nothing more unnerving than hearing something big intentionally walking on the porch of a cabin when it knows there's human beings in there."
"If you're anywhere near a bear... I just think they are one of the scariest land Killers out there."
"A whale could break your bones and take your life with a flick of its tail, but most won't do that. Humpback whales in particular are generally non-aggressive."
"I normally don't see a whole lot, but I killed two snakes here and saw a lizard. I didn't intentionally kill the snakes, just happens, it's part of it."
"If you found a snake in your toilet, you would probably call the police too."
"You'll be amazed at these human/sea creature encounters."
"It wasn't a bear though, Bears don't leave wounds like that."
"Never look up. No matter how many people or guns you have, wolves will find a way around you."
"It's non-stop Bigfoot encounters here we go, what we got."
"Unfortunately, bear attacks are a real danger to campers in North America as humans continue to encroach on their territory."
"I would have loved to hear a story of someone who goes outside the tent at the worst possible time to encounter this strange grunting beast."
"I had a blast on this trip man I could have asked for better weather better trail condition we had some wildlife encounters which is pretty cool though."
"Encounters with wildlife, especially bears, can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous."
"A sudden close encounter with one might somehow change your perspective about these predators."
"I could have filled three volumes of books just in stories of four foot tall owls."
"Seeing a bear in the wild is a special treat for any visitor to a national park."
"Managed to have encounters with animals that are truly unique and mind-blowing."
"I don't think a Bigfoot would want an apex predator the same size as him with ripping tearing canines coming at him."
"Our mission is to contribute to public awareness so encounters don't lead to lasting trauma."
"I'm having a real meltdown, um, basically the elephant situation really scared me..."
"I just heard a tiger, not a monkey, not a hog, not an elephant."
"Australia's largest state has become the deadliest shark attack zone on the planet."
"I'm so honored that you have all joined me on this journey to experience what Wildlife encounters I got to have this year"
"I don't know if I could say it was positive because there's always a chance I could have completely misjudged him and the situation and I could have been a casualty because, you know, people have died dealing with these creatures."
"Most people aren't that lucky. You're not surviving a Croc attack when a big Croc wants you, nine out of ten times, eh? Not too many people, if a big Croc's got them in the water, not too many of them around."
"There are few things more magical than getting out into nature and having a close encounter with Wildlife."
"I'd love for that to be me because then I could show everybody that video and be like, 'Check out this thing that happened, nothing bad happened, but like how cool is this, totally tackled by a bear.'"
"If you have ever wanted to get up close to turtles or docile nurse sharks, this is a fabulous place to go."
"How many times have you seen a bobcat or a cougar in the wild? Now imagine what an animal with far greater intelligence is capable of."
"My first fishing medal, the first time I've compared dental notes with a great white shark."
"I reckon I've driven past more leopards than I've seen."
"We've been very lucky this morning to have so many close encounters with these Eddies."
"We are so lucky, so fortunate to experience all these animals."
"This is why safari is addictive because some days you get lots of things, other days it's a little bit harder."
"We could sit with her for a long time and get rather close."
"Every situation is different, obviously the more and more times you interact with elephants and all these different animals on foot, you learn different encounters."
"We see all kinds of truly extraordinary things out here."
"What more could you ask for, being in the company of lions?"
"Sometimes spending time with animals, you get rewarded by getting very cool sightings out of it."