
Health Decisions Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"We want to make sure individuals in Florida have their livelihoods and their jobs protected."
"If an adult cannot make decisions about their own health and their own consciousness, always with the proviso of while doing no harm to others, if they can't make those decisions, then they're not free in any meaningful sense."
"Morally horrendous choice." - "You know, to put people at the choice of feeding their families or taking something that they and their doctor don't believe they should, uh, is a morally horrendous choice."
"I will always take the 99.9999% chance of being safe for life from a disease instead of deciding well there's a fraction of a fraction of a chance that I will get this disease why even get the vaccine."
"No one would think it's the best result to have something in Washington DC dictate whether you or a member of your family must be vaccinated."
"But of course now he's immune, it's a price worth paying."
"It's between them and their doctor, not the government."
"Knowing how to make healthy decisions and take healthy actions is of the utmost importance."
"I made the decision for myself, and I didn't get it because I was told to."
"You know, if there was any decision in life to be based on best available balance of evidence, it should be the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family."
"We're willing to make that sacrifice for Neo to give him the best chance at life."
"It's never too late to make the right choice for your health."
"Please get your advice from a healthcare provider... this is not the path for you."
"Why does the University get to choose to do that? Why does the University get to tell you what to do? You know, why can't people make their own decisions about their own health?"
"It is unacceptable that Leon County violated Florida law, infringed on current and former employees' medical privacy, and fired loyal public servants because of their personal health decisions." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"I started getting fat as [ __ ] and decided it would be a good idea to up my dosage."
"It's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity."
"I just wanted to stop taking testosterone because I wanted to let my body do what it was naturally gonna do."
"The choices we make in our 30s, 40s, and 50s are very relevant because they again portend cognitive decline and full-blown Alzheimer's disease."
"People out there who don't want to take the vaccine, that's your personal choice."
"To make the best choices for their health, can't just decide what they want to conclude in advance. They have to actually come to it with an open mind."
"I never loved the idea of reconstruction, I never wanted implants in my body, but I also really struggled with the idea of being flat-chested."
"Do what you want, do what's right for you. Get the vaccine, wear a mask, don't do those things – it's up to you."
"Freedom of conscience is critical, in the end, you've got to be able to decide what goes in and out of your body."
"Thankfully his kids and family were like, 'No dad, plea no, don't do that, that's not gonna work, that's not a thing,' and thankfully convinced him to get the surgery he needed to survive."
"It's one thing to make the personal choice not to get vaccinated based on your scrutiny of the data, great. Make that choice."
"If the treatment is more harmful than just letting things run their course, then we don't like to do it."
"But overall, doctors and parents alike are weighing the options and saying, you know, that the symptoms of myocarditis are not great."
"People on their death bed saying I wish I'd gotten the shot."
"Promoting this to children who don't have a fully formed brain to make permanent, unalterable decisions about their body... that's what I'm against."
"It's so brutal. And would you get those shots? Would you get some shots to help it? No, I wish."
"If it's safe, which they all are, then you can inject it into me even if it is only 10% effective."
"Now is the time for personal responsibility. Every Texan has the right to choose whether they will wear a mask or have their children wear masks."
"I'm pro-choice, if you want it get it if you don't you don't feel like you need it don't get it."
"Do you know what? I have actually heard that saline implants are one of the safest implants that you can get, so that is also, you know, weighing on my mind for when I want my bosom done."
"You got Aaron Rogers MFL Hall of Fame quarterback talk about I was immunised because he went to a dark room and took some herbs and spices and meditated"
"Don't let people scare you out of a medication that your doctor agrees is the right decision for you and your body."
"People make decisions about their health and neighbor, taking risks in everything they do."
"Everybody should have the right to do whatever they want to do. If somebody wants to take the vaccine, they should be allowed to do that."
"Make up your own minds about the vaccine and therefore about life in general. Don't be bullied by society or by these self-anointed leaders into telling you what to do. Make your own mind up."
"Cancel the surgery you've been wanting for years or however long for a while that you quit smoking for except for that one time yes cancel that one no."
"I just think it is what it is. Right now, if a man wants to go and correct his vision, he can go get lasik surgery or wear glasses. If a woman chooses to give birth or deny that and terminate, she should have the right also."
"We want you to be taking decisions in your life that are pro your health."
"Believe it, don't believe it, go get your needle."
"It's your body, your life, your decisions, and your health."
"For older people I think it's worth the risk because you get this reduction in the mortality rate."
"Everybody has to make his research and put his or her trust into what feels right for that person when you deal with cancer."
"It was totally 100 worth it to have the peace of mind of being fully vaccinated."
"Steroid cycle you can't undo a steroid cycle you can't travel through time at least not yet think about it this is a huge decision hope this video helped."
"I don't think that you would go and have a shoulder replacement with just anyone. Why would you do that with your face or body?"
"I have to balance this decision about this drug that is making my life harder to live with, or whether I can very gradually give up. I think I've come to the decision that I'm stuck on this exclusive here drug for the rest of my life."
"I quit smoking though, so I don't know if that'll affect my shot."
"There's no evidence for this, nothing I can see should steer people away from experimenting with their own diets."
"Patients should be informed to make decisions about their health."
"Patients should have access to information to make informed decisions."
"I'm very happy with the outcome; it was definitely the right thing for me to do."
"We like to believe we make objective decisions about our health."
"Your health and your decisions are completely intertwined."
"You're making positive health-conscious decisions for yourself going forward."