
Market Advice Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"You do not want to be buying the top if you're getting new to NFTs because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into."
"A drop like this is really not that big of a deal. It's not that scary, just buy the dip."
"If silver goes below cost of production, start buying because it can't stay there long."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered." - Michael Burry
"I think going forward, a better move from a lot of these people that are creating these NFT projects is, look, you can lay out potential roadmaps, but stop promising what you're going to do for people."
"Stay the course and staying invested all days remember to always be buying."
"I'm holding, but I'm not a financial advisor. This is not advice. Don't do as I say and say as I do, right? This is the information that I want to pass along because this is what it's going to take to make this happen."
"If this market moves, be safe out there, trade well my friends."
"HODL it may look bad but you lose when you sell."
"Let your winners run and cut your losses short."
"Don't fall prey to fear in the market; consider buying during dips for long-term gains."
"Stop being afraid to buy the dip, stop being afraid to buy the dip, stop being afraid to buy the dip."
"Don't panic and press the sell button when the market goes down."
"It's 2021 going into 2022, just make your pistols optics ready and drop the whole MOS thing."
"Stay tuned, don't panic sell, and make sure that you have your exit strategy in place."
"It's okay just sell everything go to cash step back take a breather for a couple of weeks repos you know reposition yourself kind of and... think about what it is you're trying to achieve."
"Never give up in these damn markets, just understand you need to make sure that you just have a plan B and you have a stop-loss in play, that's the main thing."
"If you're in the market and you're looking for practical spacious and comfortable SUV with a lot of standard safety and tech features then the Nissan Rogue should definitely be on your shopping list."
"Bitcoin recovered and this doesn't do anything for you for 2021 well then just zoom out a little bit."
"Just buy low and sell high, get out of assets that are overpriced, get out of risky assets."
"No thanks, I don't know, hey, play the dips on this one folks."
"FOMO is how you lose money. Stay disciplined, be patient."
"The name of the game is to buy low and sell high."
"The most important thing is you buy low and you hold, and you sell high."
"Rest in peace to those who bought the dip in airlines and cruises... what a genius move, right?"
"Do not buy the dip in Alibaba... if you listen to this advice, you have avoided the disaster."
"The best way to make a million dollars in the stock market is to start with 2 million."
"The price is down, do not panic, my friends."
"Fortune favors the brave in the tulip market."
"If you guys are actually looking to purchase a hot hatch now may be the very best time to do so."
"Buy and hold creates a foundation under stocks and valuations which means you can actually support a higher trend thereafter."
"Just be patient if you don't like the price right now."
"If you're buying it at the same price it was over a month ago, that's my caveat here."
"If I had a good sum of money right now, I'd be buying a lot, so I'm just being totally honest."
"Partials pay every single time but you don't know and the people that bloviate about how Parcels are not good you don't know they don't know if their next trade or the one they're in right now waiting for a full Target is going to go there."
"Trust it, stay in, buy when it does that, get out when it does this."
"You don't have to sell everything, you don't have to do anything rash."
"Everything's green, you just buy and let it rip."
"Check out H Moser, great value today if you buy them unworn gray market or pre-owned."
"Just remember if you joined in 2021 and and it didn't go that well... try staying around when the market isn't so great and then be patient and wait for it to go back up."
"You don't want to have to exit the market entirely and have no lever or no capital to re-enter the market and regain those profits."
"Whenever you say bearish or bullish, you need to substantiate that idea with some evidence by looking at price action."
"Just buy and hold and stop at the stupid charts basically."
"Don't agree with taking profits in January? What do you mean? You should be taking profits right now!"
"When you're new, you're basically looking for confidence, someone that knows exactly what is going on."
"Don't chase when things are already running to the upside...you want to be early to the party."
"With shorts, you have unlimited losses. The silver shorts should not be able to sleep."
"Continue to buy and huddle high quality companies."
"Try not to panic sell and act out of emotion."
"DCA time. Dollar cost average. Buy things when they are low. That is the name of the game."
"Don't get married to your positions. You can love it when it's in the money, but don't get the notion that because you're married to it, you're committed all in forever till death do you part."
"Buy low, sell high; volatility usually goes the opposite of markets."
"The best types of cards that you can buy this week are going to be the cheap and low budget cards."
"Do what's best for you in this crazy market."
"Buy the dip, trim positions, but don't panic sell."
"More speaker companies need to take risks like what Pantheon has done."
"If you cannot identify its direction, don't trade it."
"Fundamentals pumpamentals, always ensure that you at least pump."
"If you are a first-time home buyer, we'll be talking about what you should do in today's market."
"...anybody who keeps telling you that housing will go up forever and you're never going to have a chance to buy a home ever again that's not true there's always going to be new inventory coming to the market."
"Listen to the chart, it's talking to you, don't ignore it."
"Don't fight it. Trade to where the liquidity is located."
"You want to sell anything before twelve months."
"If you're in the market, I'd give it a try."
"Stay on the right side of the trend."
"Market volatility is going to happen no matter what, and when in doubt, you want to zoom out."
"My verdict is, if you are in the market for a mid-level or mid-sized luxury car, I think this is definitely one that should be at the top of your list to consider."
"You want to make sure that they can give you some advice as to what the current market is."
"Buy the weakness, buy the sells, don't FOMO into the green candles."
"Don't chase losers in the market; chase winners."
"If you're getting into the electric skateboard market, I definitely think that the Like Hand GR seems to be a good option as of now."