
Relationship Norms Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I don't see the problem at all, but there is that psychology that 'you've got to sleep together'—I don't agree with it."
"Perhaps the biggest gripe with us 30-something women is that we wanted men who wanted to settle down and raise a family."
"If you're in a relationship, you commit... that's just how that goes."
"A happy, healthy, loving relationship is going to feel boring. Not boring in a bad way but boring in a new way."
"If feelings are primary, then it's the male's feelings versus the female's feelings. Whose feelings come first?"
"You don't have to agree to be somebody's ex's buddy, and you don't have to agree to be okay dating somebody who hangs out with their ex. You get to actually have your boundaries about that."
"Normalize talking about your ex? Why? No, it gets to normalize it because it's not just talking about it 'cause her trauma."
"Who the [ __ ] are they to tell you what kind of relationship you can have?"
"It's not about doing it non-traditionally, it's about doing it in a way that's truly healthy."
"Telling someone that they need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled is weird."
"Men don't want women that have slept with multiple people."
"Normalize the fact that if you get in a relationship, he doesn't have to be making the same or more money than you."
"I definitely think it's okay to cheat, it's not cool, but it seems like it's right."
"Women rarely if ever hear that guys like... 'oh no please stay with me please I love you so much.'"
"Say goodbye to the constraints of monogamy and have your Sims live a life of freedom."
"Every single king, every single sultan, all of them had more than one chick. That's actually the natural human state."
"The higher the body count, the less valuable."
"Can we please normalize actually putting energy into someone who's emotionally available?"
"Boundaries are simply what's okay and what's not okay for me."
"He does not talk to any other women in front of you."
"I think that you do not need a sadistic and abusive relationship to be a whole and well-rounded and worthy person."
"Can we just have a real conversation about cheating? When did cheating become this deal breaker beyond all deal breakers?" - Al
"Being in love with this woman and treating her with love and respect is not simping."
"So, you didn't get to fall in love, there wasn't dating, it was just an assignment."
"I hope we arrive at a point in which it's normalized to not want a ring in order to have a crib." - Amber Heard
"This idea that we would write a contract that says the word forever in it I think is a little bit silly."
"People have very rigid ideas on what love can look like."
"Marriage is just a piece of paper, not a relationship status."
"Our relationships don't have to be defined by other people's standards."
"We shouldn't be pushing this agenda that toxic relationships are like funny or that they're cool."
"We never see healthy relationships where the love interest isn't the main point of a woman's life, like Ron Stoppable's dynamic."
"Some guys play dumb, but if you think that's not a valid boundary, you're the weirdo."
"My hand has been naked, which you were very upset about, which I didn't like. But it didn't feel right to put a ring on it until we had a wedding."
"Give women rights to be in charge of their bodies and have the right to have multiple partners and not have to get married."
"Love can only be singular? Have you ever seen a teapot with only one teacup?"
"Polyamory challenges the norms of monogamy, advocating for love without limits."
"Why are two people who like each other not allowed to be together because someone else liked one of them first?"
"I'm okay with open relationships, guys. It's just an announcement."
"He always said 'I love you'... before hanging up any phone call."
"God doesn't really talk about marriage that much either... but it doesn't really talk about like, 'Hey, have a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman.'"
"The Rules of Engagement simply is the standards that this relationship container looks like and then both of you sharing your standards and then applying those standards in the relationship."
"I don't see an issue but I also think it's up to the people using these terms between each other to decide whether or not that is good or happy for them." - Cristine
"What's your opinion about open relationships? Close them [Music] up with a lock and close it up baby."
"Ladies stop being out here treating these men black men in particular right they are your side pieces like they are in your friend zone like they are your convenient boyfriends."
"Scorpio's really like, 'I don't care if it's normal, if you think it's okay or not, it's about me and my partner.'"
"Celebrities like Emma Watson and Gwyneth Paltrow are reframing traditionally negative relationship statuses and helping remove the stigma."
"I just don't think these hard and fast rules of like women want men with more experience with all these partners is just not a nuanced take."
"It's absolutely disrespectful for a woman to be with a man and then want to run around with her girls and pretend she's still single."
"Men are conditioned to believe they must have a woman to validate their masculinity... that's why they think you gotta stay in this relationship."
"Ladies, if the penis gets to go inside the vagina on a regular basis, you have every right to talk about the relationship."
"Preferences are just preferences, there's nothing wrong with having them."
"Monogamy is overrated, sorry, of course, come on."
"Boundaries, you gotta set up those boundaries."
"Love is love, right? There'll be no more boundaries, no set of standards."
"America knows this: there is no way an attractive Manhattan doctor is not engaged by 33. You lock that down. You put a ring on it."
"Let's forget what other people think intimacy should be. Let's set our own rules here. We create what we want to."
"Once upon a time, you could run a dude out there. Once upon a time, you could tell a dude all that. That's dead."
"You cannot compare what is normal for another couple to be normal for you."
"It's okay to find love on your terms, however unorthodox."
"We need to be able to talk about what is normal, what is expected in a relationship, in a marriage, and what is not normal."
"Relationship Anarchy, essentially meaning that there is not one way that relationships are supposed to look."
"Norm by norm, principle by principle. This is what a partner relationship is."