
Digital Trends Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"NFTs are nothing but a fad, a scam, a con job. And people see through that."
"Short-form content is reigning supreme, leading to loss of authenticity."
"New medium, new generation, like I said, it's like reborn like Vine."
"I think NFTs are really going to take hold on the digital world."
"Nike-owned NFT studio to release self-updating clones in 2022."
"Love them or hate them, NFTs are probably here to stay."
"Keep v-tubing, it's a cool and safe option for now."
"Hashtag a or hashtag and for nft um it seems like everything's a nft these days."
"There's no excuse not to make money with faceless YouTube in 2024."
"Juniper Research estimates that digital coupon redemptions will surge to ninety one billion dollars by 2022, up from 47 billion in 2017."
"Would you let someone livestream the hotel? Oh yeah, most definitely."
"NFTs are the Zoomers Avon... It's the exact same [__]!"
"2020 will be the year of 10-minute-plus videos."
"Either you go super cringy like insanely or you go super into Pinterest mode."
"If you're somebody that buys into anything like NFT games what is wrong with you get some help."
"I noticed the algorithm changed as far as getting a lot of views really fast."
"Don't sleep on this wave of minute long endless scrolling type platforms."
"A lot of YouTubers have been taking breaks lately."
"You must be a genius or you're just selling jpegs and everyone's lost their [__] mind in 2022. I think that's probably more like it."
"NFTs do you agree with me... it's probably one of the biggest explosions in any industry ever."
"Believe it or not, people ask Google what song is playing almost 100 million times a month."
"It's the mobile phenomenon that's been taking the world by storm."
"That's almost exclusively where I'm focusing on right now."
"I'm just so absurdly bullish on NFTs and the metaverse."
"I really think the NFT world is here to stay and it's the future of sports trading cards."
"The v-tubing scene is absolutely booming at the moment as the popularity for vtubers has exploded in the last few years."
"The app store is the new TV guide, changed my mind."
"NFTs are getting really, really hot right now."
"NFT Champions... very bullish... blockchain Pokemon Go."
"Blogs are gonna be back, you guys better get excited."
"Digital planners are very popular on Etsy right now."
"Marketing... will continue to rise especially with the rise of digital marketing."
"Video content is the future of social media."
"Why everyone's going to want to own something digitally."
"Everyone questioned short form going way back to Vine. 'Oh, this is stupid, six seconds, it's never going to work.' That was the precursor to what we see today."
"Love them or hate them, it really seems like shorts are becoming a big focus for YouTube on the platform."
"Social media is a moving target; things are constantly changing."
"I think it's super important to note that online stuff is always like three years ahead of IRL."
"Vertical video is not going anywhere. Stop creating content and web experiences for this aspect ratio."
"Tinder was quickly becoming the fastest-growing social media app on the app store."
"The use of digital streaming sites like Netflix is just close to demonstrate that the program makers are very much aware that digital streaming sites are becoming increasingly popular."
"It is becoming more and more of a search world."
"The idea of NFTs or digital property rights is going to be with us forever, 100%."
"Mobile traffic is huge, especially when we're talking about consuming content."