
Political Predictions Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I made specific predictions...Obama will double the national debt, undermine our allies, and strengthen our enemies."
"The left never thought it was going to lose again."
"Democrats are going to get their asses handed to them in November."
"Tucker Carlson 2024 sounds extremely plausible."
"He wins a second term but at the end of that he's gone and ostracized or he might not even win a second term."
"At the end of the day, Clinton's going to be the nominee."
"There are real reasons why Trump might actually win."
"The only way Trump doesn't win reelection is a recession, I think."
"It's hilarious that people would actually try and bet against Donald Trump at this point."
"If Trump loses, he will start a news outlet and Donald Trump Jr. will run in 2024."
"I don't think it'll be Joe Biden 2024. Why? Donald Trump is already campaigning."
"I think that Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner for the nomination I think that is still true."
"All hypothetical matchups showed that Bernie Sanders would have whooped Trump's ass."
"If Bernie Sanders were elected president, there would be a wave election for Republicans in 2022."
"If Donald Trump wins 15 of the black vote in 2024 it is game over Democrats."
"If Trump is allowed to run, he wins. If he isn't, it's the end of the GOP, win-win." - Life of Brian
"BJP should be 270 280 plus if they lose they are no less than 215 any worst case not sure."
"I don't think it's going to be a Biden victory, an easy victory for Biden."
"How many more times does he have to say it how much more specific does he have to be before everyone starts treating him as the 2024 republican frontrunner."
"So Trump's going to keep doing his thing... I think Wall Street is starting to creep higher."
"Do I think Trump's going to win by 10 nationally in 2024 not necessarily but I do think he's going to win the popular vote."
"Predicted Trump winning Florida... betting market's looking favorable."
"2024 2028 2032 blood baths for Republicans because of shifting demographics."
"Very few people saw the 1980 Reagan landslide coming before election night. Could another one be brewing right under our noses?"
"The foundation for a massive full reagan-like Red Wave is there."
"You think The Rock isn't gearing up for a 2032 election? You're out of your goddamn mind. You know how The Simpsons predicted everything? This show is predicting everything from here on out."
"I'm expecting a figure of say maybe 22 23 easily in West Bengal."
"The media is losing its influence which is going to be massively important for 2024."
"If Donald Trump does not get the nomination... the party doesn't deserve anybody's support."
"Donald Trump is hinting he's going to run again... he's the clear favorite right."
"Trump suggests that Ron will probably find out about false accusations and fake stories sometimes in the future."
"If we don't win the election in 2024, I really believe that America is finished."
"The standard actually goes and makes a case that President Trump is well poised to win today's caucuses and the general election..."
"The next time a Republican can win a senate race in Georgia is in 2026."
"Trump's popularity would make him a lock for the nomination. Everybody else just disappeared yesterday."
"The prediction market believes DeSantis is more likely to be the nominee now. In the question of who will win the 2024 presidential election, Ron DeSantis has taken the lead."
"Virginia is going to be likely Democrat, the latest polling with RFK has Biden ahead by just 6%."
"If Trump gets back in the White House all of them will be discredited and knocked from their perches."
"The polls show that the election is shifting in favor of Trump... it makes you wonder, are we bracing ourselves for a landslide in the election?"
"So this is where I see it here moving forward... as far as the new triangle for the global balance of power."
"Donald Trump is just going to go quietly away."
"If Bernie Sanders came in third or fourth in Iowa everyone would declare his candidacy dead."
"CNN projects Joseph R. Biden Jr. is elected the 46th president of the United States."
"So the most likely electoral college count at the end of this is probably Joe Biden 306, Donald Trump 232."
"I think they want to nominate a woman, I really do."
"The little guy gets a better high-paying job at a better wage."
"Almost nobody saw that coming. We certainly didn’t. And we apologize for that. Again and again we told you Joe Biden would never be the Democratic nominee. We were wrong."
"Now I was treated like an [__] along with my fellow leftists when we all said that Trump was trying to pave the way for some kind of a coup."
"Once Trump is out of the White House anyone who mimics him or identifies as a Trump Republican they're probably going to be voted out next."
"Looking forward to the next few election cycles in any of these states, there could be a complete overthrow of the EU's authority."
"People think, 'Oh well Stoma's going to keep all of Labour's voters from 2019.' And in big cities I personally don't think he will."
"The Brexit party is considered likely to win the most votes."
"I think anybody who underestimates or doesn't take seriously the possibility that Trump could run in 2024 is really making a mistake."
"The people who thought Biden would win, but win by this much, were wrong by this much."
"If Donald Trump has named the nominee look at any of those general election polls he can't win."
"They really, I think, oversold how confident they were about Hillary Clinton winning the election in 2016."
"I am not convinced. In 2016, I thought Trump was gonna lose, and in 2018, I thought this is it, Trump's got it, the Republicans are gonna sweep, and I was wrong about that."
"If Trump is not put in for a second term, then we all need to go to the Lord and have a panel of those prophets give a reason on what happened."
"The red wave is coming, I meant the red tsunami is coming because that is what it looks like is going to happen in the midterms."
"Temporarily, things will get worse if the left wins this election cycle."
"I don't think Putin has a year to go; I think when Putin goes down, a lot of stuff is going to change."