
Political Strategies Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The left strategy always is to grab a hold of the public school system and then indoctrinate kids into what they ought to believe about this stuff, against their parents."
"Selling access to Joe was certainly an abusive soft power."
"It's easy to see how a future election could be close enough that the losing candidates could convince enough electors to make them the winning candidates, and it will be totally legal."
"Everything you saw from the left was symbolic of what they did: attack."
"Republicans need to stop playing the game the Democrats are requiring, demanding they play."
"I want to shine a light on the alt-right playbook by Innuendo Studios. It's a very good explainer and an astute assessment of right-wing thought."
"An appeal towards normalcy is still mostly the most effective way of galvanizing people towards our side."
"Against that backdrop, what do I see a lot of other conservatives doing? A lot of them are playing whack-a-mole."
"It's easier to overthrow a milktoast moderate than it is a fascist dictator, and I started laughing."
"No, well now Trump has supposedly changed the policy. Now, as I explained, I don't think the policy actually changed legally speaking, but supposedly Trump changed the policy."
"The least popular stance is 'illegal in all cases,' only 13%. That's like lower than defund the police level of support."
"They all want to get rid of the electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, so they can get the Constitution interpreted out of existence."
"Democrats are going to have to figure out how to do better with rural voters."
"Democrats are willing to do anything and to hurt anyone to get their way."
"White supremacy, racism, and white nationalism, once held real meaning, have now become nothing more than election strategies every four years."
"It's as simple as that, you know it is using the Trump Playbook once again." - Congressman Adam Schiff
"When you cut off the money flows, that's the end of the Putin regime."
"The left takes the extreme position, the right settles with the compromise, generally speaking."
"I wanna explain what sanctions actually are, what their goal is, and whether or not they actually work."
"The best way they can do that is to say they're willing to negotiate because the only irresponsible way is to play a political game and say we're not going to talk about it. It sounds pretty childish to me." - Kevin McCarthy
"The Biden team has been reviewing ongoing experiments run by the national party and looking at Democratic Senate campaigns involving once obscure organizing strategies."
"I mean, part of it's gerrymandering and the way the districts are set up. Part of it though is just this massive fundraising advantage."
"Confrontation and containment are the fundamentals; cooperation is for expedience, and competition is a trap of discourse."
"Those things that the Democrats have now in their plan and the Republicans have ain't going to do a darn thing for black folk."
"But war never changes and soon the surrounding sovereigns could only look on as their lands were liberated in the name of congolese consolidation."
"If it's a fight between the populism of the left and the populism of the right, the right will win."
"I think the sad thing was is that I think largely we're going, if like we want to keep having what I would consider like democratic wins, like leftists and liberals have to work together."
"Hamilton never served as president nor did he ever make a serious attempt for the office preferring to operate behind the scenes."
"The big lie involves that if you tell a gigantic lie frequently and forcefully that people sort of assume there must be truth to it."
"Demographic change can overtake the best-laid plans of partisan map makers."
"They've learned from Trump, and it's a strategy that the Boris Johnson government, when their Cummings era, pioneered."
"Obama wouldn't be so stupidly challenging Texas as Authority in Texas."
"The CIA considered bombing Miami and killing refugees to blame Castro."
"This really is gaslighting and manufactured consent on a mass scale [...]"
"This is an effort to use the law to destroy a political opponent."
"Hybrid Warfare: undermining Democratic functions, disrupting normal life, sowing chaos and uncertainty."
"The left thrives by dialectics, and the right dies by them."
"Their whole thing is we just want to make it harder for people to vote."
"Could revisiting a former quarterback's playbook be his key to re-election?" - Lisa Brady
"It's enticing, it's shocking, it's scary, it's exhilarating. This might be some of the most effective politicking we've seen in a long time."
"I think it's so important we do... It's a bottom-up approach that's going to fix the country."
"Voter suppression is about making you not vote, not just inconveniencing you."
"The real danger of this moment is that all these ceasefire enunciations are just an appearance for consumption, not reflecting what's actually happening."
"They have serpentine political tactics, and it's right out of the Olinsky playbook."
"Are the petty games played by the Westerosians 200 years from now the same ones about to be played by these a-holes?"
"They might back off the wolf Warrior stuff a little bit and if that happens uh are we gonna fall for it again yes yes."
"Linker's argument pivots on the idea that Haley's potential collaboration with Biden isn't about ideological allegiance but rather a strategic move to safeguard against the reemergence of Trumpian politics."
"We have to stop reacting based upon what the left is doing."
"P2 was willing to do whatever it takes to stop leftists, even if it meant hundreds of people had to die."
"Politicians play to stereotypes by saying or tweeting radical things to fire up fringe view supporters."
"There's more than one way to skew or unskew the ideology of the high court."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"The real fight is over what happens in the middle, unfortunately, it's the centrist dance."
"Ultimately all wars are fought for political objectives not military objectives."
"Is he doing it just because there are elections next year or does he really mean it? It could be both."
"they will take a wedge issue gun control abortion whatever and they'll weaponize it against their opponents."
"There's a lot of ways in which these technologies could make the campaigns more efficient."
"This whole cry bully tactic of saying, 'Oh no, I'm not going to show up to the debate,' but also, 'You're too scared to debate me,' I think it's just emblematic."
"There is a style of republicanism that is excruciatingly popular... Do you know that the plurality of Latino first-generation Latinos in Florida support DeSantis's migrant flights to Martha's Vineyard?"
"Risking war to gain power seems to be the norm for the Union."
"GOP-controlled states are leading voter suppression campaigns nationwide."
"The whole idea behind doing this is it wants to start taxing the ultra wealthy people who are living off of their unrealized profits."
"Donald Trump is so good at ritualistically humiliating his interlocutors."
"The best way... to divide the country and create turmoil... is always revolution."
"Only diplomatic efforts can lead to lasting peace and justice."
"Simply to pander for votes. That's more off-putting to me than saying I could write a check for a billion dollars is someone lying about being engine."
"You have to imagine that this report is very damaging if the president is willing to let this unfortunate scenario drag on for this long knowing it will continue to damage him."
"Little did the Xi Jinping Administration expect that Biden's rise to power would continue the Trump Administration sanctions against Huawei with even greater intensity."
"One of Trump's strategies is to surround himself not with the smartest in the room, but with the idiots in the room." - Ben Micellis
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"In fact, structural adjustment had worked as a kind of bloodless coup."
"Jei's involvement in propaganda is critical to establishing the regime's legitimacy."
"Political speech is really about mobilization, mobilization of people within your world of like-minded people."
"The mission of silver chartist isn't to... make a bunch of money... I want people to have the time freedom to pursue... things of eternal significance."
"Well, if he's looking to drive North Korea's economy down even further, then he's definitely on the right track."
"There's no need for DMK to spend money anymore. People are getting educated and aware of their tactics."
"Some of that is posturing isn't it, some of it is just bravado continued uh propaganda."
"Every once in a while, there is a nominee that the minority party thinks they can tarnish."
"Appealing to emotions in politics rather than facts."
"You're going to win this election by issuing divine restraining orders."
"I am very skeptical of voter id because it is a transparently bad faith way for republicans to disenfranchise people."
"Bottleneck the voting process as much as possible, put up as many hurdles as possible, make it uncomfortable, make it vaguely threatening, weed out people who might not have tons of time or resources to devote to this civic responsibility."
"Once the people are mobilized...it's part of the battle of ideas against the War Machine and the ideas promoted by the war machine."
"Moving the Overton Window, one statement at a time."
"The Democratic Party doesn't even strictly speaking have a leader right now... and it's trying to use totally outdated methods to target voters."
"Andrew Yang was successful in avoiding being shut down and he was able to speak so confidently."
"The Republicans just keep sending letters and going on Fox News." - V
"Unwilling to call another parliament to grant him subsidies, a number of creative measures were used to raise royal funds and at the same time bypass Westminster."
"Honestly, it feels like that will produce people more likely to support them."
"The democrats are the ones calling this an anti-poverty plan."
"Let’s stop looking at whether there’s surprise. Let’s look at it as a strategy that’s going to get us into a failed state if we don’t refuse that narrative."
"If he wanted Britney's vote then uh he should have handled a lot of those conversations yeah before she left the game."
"There are market incentives around politics where political figures get rewarded more for ginning up like a passionate group of people on a particular side than they do in reaching out and solving problems."