
Interpersonal Behavior Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Don't be an asshole. Those are the words to live by."
"Don't be a dick to people, even if they have what you know."
"Well, always treat people the way you want to be treated."
"Threats are not cool. I don't threaten anybody, you shouldn't either."
"For someone who is considering you as a romantic partner, how you treat your friends and pets gives them an insight into how you would treat your children as well as how you would treat your significant other."
"It's about your actions and how you treat people."
"Surface Charm and Glibness: Pronounced charm is a red flag which indicates sociopathy."
"She's made people cry for years. She's talked down to people for years."
"Anytime you can be nicer to the new dude you just met then you are - yo kids that's a red flag sir that's a red flag."
"Don't be over there hogging up all my good tools now."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"The way you treat your neighbor tells me how you treat you."
"Stop and don't bother to interrupt them, respect their privacy."
"The best thing you can do is try hopefully to be nice while understanding that it's very possible you might be wrong."
"Be charitable, listen to one another, and remember Jesus said, 'I am the truth.'"
"Be kind, be generous, be loving. God is watching you."
"That's shady, especially when you're recording somebody."
"Be professional, work hard, and don't be a dick."
"Be respectful, be kind, be compassionate, but be honest."
"Being shitty to somebody never made me feel any better."
"Being mean to them as a way to like show your strength it doesn't work man."
"All this warring and fighting is because you're not acting like Christ, you're not practicing Christianity."
"Wow, thank you. Let's be nice, we're being as nice as possible because I wanna get picked up."
"Sometimes you can choose not to be a dick even if you're technically in the right."
"She's absolutely the actions itself are exploitative and parasitical."
"A nice guy won't step on someone's toes. A kind guy might step on your toes just to let you know your toes are in the wrong spot."
"There's no Nuance no context allowed in Megan's framework it's simply are you being nice if yes continue if no that isn't who you want to be."
"I have the same view; people can be as self-destructive as they want, but I cannot respect or support someone who's destructive towards others."
"They treat everyone with kindness and respect."
"Speaking the truth in love, as Paul says to the Ephesians."
"Don't do this to anyone and don't do it to yourself."
"Common sense means treating people with respect regardless of anything."
"Be nice until you can't be nice... that's the way we should all behave."
"If more people were able to just chill out and think before they say [ __ ] it, we would all be in a better place."
"There is some brokenness going on there hurt people hurt people," - Unknown Speaker
"It's one thing to be wrong, it's another thing to have a nasty attitude about it."
"It's better to be nice than to act like some power-hungry jerk like Frank."
"Maybe treat people with respect, no matter the circumstances."
"Just because someone is being polite to someone they don't like doesn't mean they're fake."
"People who make a pattern of being rude to the waitstaff, it's very uncomfortable."
"Are you going to be a dick about it?" - Kody Lewis
"I'm very communication based, you know, and it's like there's no reason to be unnecessarily rude."
"How he is towards other people and whatnot that's that's your true character."
"Kindness is the best form of editing you can have."
"To me, in general, you don't want to hurt people or hate people."
"If you ever went on a date and were rude to waitstaff, that'd be a deal-breaker."
"They're normal people, they're just absolute [__]."
"Be nice to people... being rude doesn't get anywhere."
"Treat everybody right, try and be sort of humble."
"I don't think there's any harm in being nice to somebody."
"Every single moment that presents itself in your life, every single person that crosses your path, just be kind. It's that simple. It is that simple: be kind, be patient, considerate, compassionate, listen actively, listen."
"Let your ego go, let your pride go. If somebody's acting like that he got nothing to lose."
"Maybe they just weren't in a good mood, maybe they weren't being rude on purpose."
"At the end of the day, you need to show respect."
"Keep your hands to yourself unless you know somebody wants it."
"Practice humility, avoid slander and quarrels. Be gentle and show true humility to everyone."
"I just don't want to be mean to each other, right? Please don't [ __ ] be nice to each other, right? Please don't respect, please don't."