
Astrological Influence Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"Cancer rising sign usually are seen in the entertainment, political, and artistic family."
"This aquarius full moon is really going to magnify that for you."
"Jupiter aspecting the sixth house is very good, you can change your whole workspace and make it much happier and productive for you."
"You're not hiding it anymore and the firmly can catch up the social network can catch up earth can catch up because Taurus has entered the building."
"Result of Jupiter in Lagana: You'll be enterprising and ambitious, and you'll progress through your own efforts."
"Aquarius is the sign of collectives and the sign of groups and networks and larger humanities consciousness."
"Your planet is turning direct guys, and it means that all the tests almost for the past two, two and a half years, they're starting to ease up."
"There could be an offer being presented to you possibly by a Scorpio that sees you as someone who is very stable but maybe kind of reluctant to approach."
"There's gonna be... we got a yes solid for here that's gonna be yes the passion yes to love and we got Venus coming in strong here for you guys so the cupid is gonna strike."
"This New Moon represents creating something new in your life."
"The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is going to reinforce the shift of the power to the people."
"Going from absolute worst to absolute best. And so if your life or whatever part of your life is tracking with Venus, that part is going to improve significantly."
"The universe is guiding you and directing you and having Uranus in your sign is all about living your authentic self now being true to who you are becoming now leaving the past behind if it doesn't hold value for you."
"So the north node's going to back up into Taurus your own sign... is this the type of life that you wanted to have and if you say no it is to look at the smallest steps that you can take to shift your direction."
"Jupiter's placement in the birth chart can indicate the areas of life where a person is most likely to experience growth and success."
"Capricorn, hard workers paying off. Time for healing in reverse, confidence is your key to success."
"Change can be really difficult for fixed signs but sometimes necessary to demolish old structures in order to make way for new growth and get rid of things that are no longer serving you."
"Saturn is helping you make more money and make your dreams come true."
"Jupiter will be working overtime to help you make positive changes in your life."
"One thing about Mercury this year is every time it retrogrades, it's an air sign retrograde. It retrograded already in Aquarius at the beginning of the year... this is a very intellectually based year."
"Mars in the 10th house... could find that you come out on top in any work in career space and now you're receiving some great gains."
"A huge amount of exalted Mars energy applying to the Capricorn part of reality for the world."
"Now, Saturn is going to join forces with Neptune."
"Uranus always wants to liberate you and free you from self-imposed limitations."
"Pluto's entering Aquarius in your six, which is saying your work routines will transform."
"Jupiter is a very powerful Planet when it's in a try aspect in the chart it can see what it's looking at 100% of the way."
"Aquarius has the ability to change the whole mood of something."
"The universe doesn't know the word never... there's an influence here that we are experiencing this week with strong Sagittarius and strong Pisces energies."
"It's time under this influence for marching to the beat of your own drum; people don't let people tell you what to do on the 8th of February, what to think, how to behave, and most of all, how to express yourself."
"With Mars, you know its energy cannot be destroyed only transformed."
"So now Jupiter can give some very important actually positive development in certain area of your life."
"Scorpios, some of you are planning revenge... seriously plotting."
"Saturn in Aquarius has incredible Awakening influence."
"Patience and perseverance always pays off with Saturn."
"Your ambitions can grow because Rahu is more ambitious. Rahu is more material."
"Jupiter is the planet of truth and of course when it was in Scorpio, it revealed a lot of secrets about misuse of power."
"I feel like that's true for everyone because again we have Uranus and Taurus until like the end of 2025 Uranus and Taurus does not tolerate um kind of not having freedom or being you know constricted in some way."
"We're already starting off fiery as hell for Aries season, man."
"Mars will melt the iceberg and show you the way forward."
"I see Gemini and Libra's energy showing up here really strongly."
"There's a larger narrative play taking place. And in this particular Aries season, it's dealing with an energy and an aspect of war."
"The reason why astrology is on a computer is because of him as well but the helio work that he's done is beyond so many other astrologers even comprehension."
"The wealth outlook for Capricorn Moon and Ascendant is superb."
"Jupiter is about abundance and how we're able to step into something with more confidence and strength."
"Big changes are coming your way very soon on the horizon. Mars is about to enter Leo."
"Saturn is the greatest master, so wherever it transits, it usually asks us to be serious."
"A sun figure opposing a Capricorn established leader."
"Eclipses in the sixth house sometimes bring that element of misfortune or just having to grind your way through something."
"Your intuition is right on target here, you got the star card, Aquarian energy."
"Outgrowing things is a big theme at the time of this full moon."
"There is very much entrepreneurial energy, and that's a very Aries thing to just take control."
"Retrogrades can be blessings... here to help us see things again from a different perspective."
"This is an aspect that has been and will be in the air all week and beyond."
"Subscribe if you want to see where the future lies ahead."
"Don't make life-altering decisions during the eclipse; confusion is common as shadows pass."
"This new moon is at 11 degrees. It's loving yourself and loving yourself some more. If you love yourself, you'll do the right thing and you can't stop it. Just loving yourself because you have to take it one step farther to make a change."
"Unlimited possibilities for you with Chiron at 12."
"This Saturn Transit will be an incredible time of self-actualization that would definitely come with its challenges but will also come with its rewards."
"This is the beginning of a whole new 12-year energy cycle."
"Jupiter ultimately wants us to learn, to grow, to understand more."
"I need to be like on the floor, I could do it on my bed. I was thinking about that too. I don't know if it's just this Pisces energy, I just want to like snuggle."
"Something's aligning for you, but you've got to stay in the power of the sun."
"If things aren't right, Capricorn energy does not settle for things that are not right for it."
"May to October 2024: Alchemizing life, making long-haul moves—Dragon Year's flight."
"Let go of doubts during Jupiter in Pisces, as they can manifest externally. Have faith in what you hope for, desire, or fear."
"This is your year and like the Scorpios with Jupiter in their sign and you having your Saturn in your sign it is empowering you to make bold moves."
"We also have Mars in Virgo almost perfectly trining Pluto and Capricorn... where are you holding yourself back?"
"Uranus wants us to continue to embrace our liberation and our authenticity."
"Fire signs, it's truth and it's coming from the heart."
"Saturn is like the taskmaster, rectifying and putting rules into place."
"Pluto in Aquarius is a collective paradigm shift."
"Certainly Venus can bring you greater wealth in your career over the next two years."
"For some of you guys, this could have started on Aquarius season."
"Venus becoming visible will bring huge wealth, Taurus is the sign of wealth."
"Success will come. It just might be a little delayed, but Saturn does give success. It's a planet that's known to give the best success, so as long as you meet the expectations of Saturn, financial and professional success will come to you."
"This Aries full moon completes that cycle for us and has us coming back to the self."
"K2 is a moksha karaka, meaning it wants to help you be free from the burdens and stresses of life."
"We're in a very jumpy time, it's jumpy because the sun is in Cancer."
"Venus trines Chiron, so our heart is opening up to the fact that we are strong enough."
"Relationships complete you, and also Libra is ruled by Venus so like that makes sense."
"There's a lot of healing, a lot of understanding, major breakthrough that Aquarius is going to have with the Sagittarius full moon super moon and from there you're going to make a decision."
"Be careful, cuz I'm getting a bit of arrogant energy off of this Pisces."
"Jupiter in Sagittarius lifts you up out of the depths of Scorpio and asks you to see something differently, to feel more optimistic, to feel more open to your choices."
"Taurus energy supports growth and abundance."
"Golden healer good. I feel like all the air signs, it's like you're vibing but then you're realizing there's something that you need to address."
"Until Venus becomes visible by progression, relationships might not manifest fully. It's about working on self-worth and inner growth."
"A balanced Libra full moon is about a balance between doing the work and managing other people."
"Pluto changing sign almost always ushers a crisis in society because the foundation that we were used to before is no longer."
"With this energy, if you've been trying to fit in or suppress certain aspects of your weirdness...I just see with Jupiter Uranus, you're allowing yourself to be wholly and authentically yourself."
"The Taurus energy reminds us that we have the strength... to do what we need to do."
"This two-year phase for Taurus is a very positive one for their mental happiness and also happiness at home."
"Your intuition has so much sharper since Mars has been there. You know it, you know what's up."
"You're very charming, maybe you have a lot of Leo in your chart, your confidence is naturally attractive."
"Aquarius season is going to be very successful for you."
"This moon is working in uncomfortable eights that put us into unfamiliar, put us into the unknown."
"The more beneficence of the aspects and the planets here, the more that fame carries on."
"It's a very important house for business success."
"Just because we're in our north node does not mean that we still don't have lessons to learn."
"An eclipse is a very powerful energy that sees you reassessing what you value in life."
"Mars will trigger revelations, pushing you to change or leave."
"Jupiter in Aries will drive away all crises, annoyances, and producers; it says Deliverance, Freedom From the Past evils, renewal."
"Every day along this journey, it's been the eye-opening experience but so far so good."
"The lords of the kendra change their nature, but not completely."
"Each of our lives, this Moon can help us rebirth something anew, create something entirely new."
"You're moving beyond that, you're evolving Leo, you're growing and expanding beyond what has restricted you."
"The energy of hope, this is Aquarius energy."
"Don't be afraid to call in for reinforcements. Don't be afraid to call out for help. Don't be afraid, especially with Jupiter moving through the sign of Pisces."
"Capricorn season: Embrace necessary endings and exciting New Beginnings."
"Look at the bigger picture. Sagittarius energy. You are definitely positioned for abundance."
"I'm really hoping that we are able to embrace this very powerful eclipse energy to help us each in our own individual journeys."
"The energy stemming from Mars will have a very strong positive effect."
"Financial challenges? Tighten your budget, pay off debts. Saturn in the 2nd house leads to long-term financial success."
"Cosmic reset time. Let go of old conditioning, embrace authenticity. Saturn hitting your sign brings rewards."
"Pluto in Aquarius is asking us to become much more mindful of our connections to each other."
"Leo energy will last for the next six months, empowering you to step into your own power."
"Life is starting to get easier and things are starting to flow again... thank the Taurus New Moon because things are going to get easier."
"Saturn in Pisces can bring spirituality to the forefront and re-center society around the great mystery."
"A remedy or cure for everything in October 14th Eclipse."
"Retrogrades slow down the energy so you can be more assured."
"The sun and mercury conjunct... it's a moment where our heart and mind are on the same team."
"This Scorpio full moon is likely to bring up themes for all of us about destructuring and trusting in the higher power."
"I always feel for you Virgo is that you are changing the way that you present yourself in your career."
"You are about to have a major activation within you, Pisces, shining like the sun."
"This is a supercharged full moon energy with a lot of fire."
"This is a really nice energy for Libra... to engage with your community... can be very fruitful and very motivating."
"Aquarius and Virgo coming out the strongest here."
"Aquarius is the star, something very shocking, they weren't expecting you in their life at all."
"For some of your fourth house is to start a family some of you this is exactly what might be happening."
"For example your great-grandmother get divorced your grandmother got divorced your mom got divorced and now saturn and jupiter entering your fourth house and you're given a real opportunity to change that direction to change that pattern."
"But also while saturn transit the third house you might have felt quite almost like stuck when it comes to communication and to expression."
"This Cancer season for cancers in general has been a really big ascension of self-respect and self-love."
"Being born on the spring equinox is kind of amazing because you have this creator manifesto power." - Mary Elizabeth's birthday shoutout.
"Jupiter comes in and says, 'I'm gonna help you rebuild your life.'"
"The houses represent different parts of a person's life and become important in predictions."
"Nobody's it's almost like you're unstoppable Aries, you're powering up in this month."
"Uranus and Aquarius are all about like, 'Nah, I don't feel like doing that.'"
"There could be a major emphasis on your siblings for the next 18 months."
"Neptune and Pisces can be wonderful for a deep cleanse, a deep removal of who you are not."
"Mars separates us from our mother at the umbilical cord, this is how we become the unique individual that we are."
"Big changes happening for those early-born Tauruses that transform their life in a big way."
"Big changes happen very fast when there are eclipses, the eighth house is also the house of getting pregnant, pregnancies, conceptions, life and death."
"It's a liberation... very liberating, the south node energies."
"When you have Jupiter giving expansion and opportunities in your life in all areas, you feel better, you feel more powerful."
"Pluto's influence on societal transformations."
"Uranus is associated with the awakening, the opening of the third eye."
"When Gemini has sharpened perfect vision, we succeed."
"Prosperity, good luck, abundance, Taurus energy, blessings."
"This full moon will see you become the best version of yourself."
"Saturn is stationed on the natal Moon of the United States chart."
"We cannot avoid these Eighth House karmas any one of us and we should face them bravely, thereby we become happier and more peaceful."
"From all the obstacles that she was facing early on in life Jupiter suddenly provided this upheaval for her."
"Take advantage of what is going to happen while Jupiter transits in Pisces."
"Abundance in your marriage house... your partner is abundant and wealthy."
"Saturn will come into your first house Pisces... help you make your dreams become real."
"That's just so perfectly correlated with the Taurus eclipse which happened on November 8th."
"Those Virgo energies will keep you focused, we'll keep you on track, they will be sure to get you in line on understanding what really matters that you can control at this time."
"Jupiter-Saturn synergy: Personal Year Number Three promises growth and abundance."
"Gemini energy is absolutely hilarious. It's quick-witted, it has the best clap-back comeback, just really, really, really smart jokes, you know? And I'm all about that."
"Crypto's defining moments: on the cusp of transformation with Ripple, XRP, and distributed ledger technology."
"Pluto is entered our house right we aquarians feel this this is important we are leading Humanity in aquarium matters."
"Jupiter aspecting fifth and ninth house puts you in a mood to make fantastic plans now and you think them well through and they could be excellent for you."
"June is the sixth month, it's starting in the month of June, very powerful for you."
"Help is on the way, and your hardships are over for now. The stars predict the beginning of a whole new era, which can only be described as fantastic."
"Eclipse season: a time of transformation and new beginnings."
"Through this Gemini full moon a lot of you are figuring out where you want to return to or that original Foundation."
"Venus is bringing her Venusian wiles, charm, love, art, beauty, peace, kindness, luck, illuminated and radiated with the power of the Sun."
"You're just reaching levels yourself, Pisces, into the energy of the king of wands and into the energy of king of coins."
"Leo risings light up a room with their warmth and playful disposition."
"Leo risings radiate confidence and boldness effortlessly."
"Moon in Capricorn is going to show you where you need to step up."
"This total solar eclipse is bringing you heightened emotions in terms of all things romance."
"This is going to be a very spiritual month because we have so much Sagittarian energy."
"Be like a freaking Aries at that full moon, you know, warrior-like... Knight of Swords is here, like, we are not taking any shenanigans."
"Pluto, moving through Capricorn since 2008, created movements like MeToo and Black Lives Matter."
"For some of you, you will have options, specifically a water sign."
"For many Sagittarius people, they're going to be feeling more love, more warmth, more affection - just more blessing through this particular period. How wonderful is that?"
"Your love for your culture, country, community can really strengthen while the first house lord is in the fourth house."
"Uranus is the planet of the strange and the unexpected."
"This new moon is opening up a whole new love story."
"Venus in Scorpio keep showing us the real deep line and exposing the truth."
"Aquarius is the sign of truth, it's the sign of science."
"If Pluto in Capricorn is the dark side of more conservative policies, because earth energy is considered more on the conservative side, it is going to be Pluto in Aquarius that brings the dark side of more progressive policies."
"Gratitude is the attitude Taurus is in an attitude of gratitude feeling very thankful feeling very grateful feeling very much so earthy so you are in your full element"
"This is a moment where you're about to step into something and connecting in with the Mercury retrograde starts tomorrow and at the moment we're in the shadow opportunity for reflection."
"The highest potential of this Saturn conjunction today is to create a truly beautiful reality."
"Pluto wants to take your power back; it's about empowering you for the next 20 years."
"Jupiter in Taurus reminding you that you can build the next dream."
"This Luna Eclipse is changing your life. Let me repeat that: This Luna Eclipse is changing your life. This is a big, powerful energy, this is activating your psyche."
"Saturn in Pisces could be showing you what you are working through in order to accept what is or what was."
"The work we do in the 12th house will positively impact our new beginnings."
"Jupiter brings opportunities to grow and expand."
"Jupiter will bring opportunities to boost and secure your financial situation."
"Jupiter will protect your travel and be very favorable for your business endeavors."
"The libra new moon is the time, the space for you to tap into that feminine energy."
"This particular new moon is kicking off a month of electric energies that hold extra powerful potential to help you co-create something new in your life."
"This new moon will seriously help us to gain an identity in front of the public."
"Their emotions towards you are very strong, sensitive to the moon."
"Symbolically, since there has actually been decapitations during the time that this fixed star was activated but it symbolically symbolizes people completely losing their head and losing their mind."
"Venus definitely wants to bring you more money and your career gains as well."
"Pluto in Aquarius will bring big transformations that you'll never be the same after."