
Game Culture Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Now, Guardian Games Allstars enters its second week. Shout out to all the Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans for making the class proud this past week and a half."
"Perhaps you should talk to Titan speaker man."
"When many people think of League of Legends, they don’t just think about the superstars. They think about Sjokz, who brought those superstars to them."
"SCP-5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player."
"By embracing an ironic late-stage capitalist aesthetic... the game engenders this weird sense of camaraderie."
"He's done everything the right way... he knows how to be good for the game."
"Happy Volts Asylum: where the light-hearted charm of Bully disappears, replaced by sinister vibes."
"Ambient noises: from crying babies to domestic fights, the dark side of Bully's sound design."
"Most villains in Warhammer are bald, and I believe that the entirety of the Warhammer 40,000 universe could have been prevented if they had just gotten themselves some god damn keeps."
"Halo was in its prime, but I'm not talking about movement mechanics or art style. I'm talking about the community."
"Among Us, I'm giving this an A, bro, I love that so much."
"The Renegade Raider is obviously the rarest skin in the game."
"Corsairs in Ross Crie have their own culture, worship different gods, and are more like pirates."
"Reprint the card, always keep cards affordable, but let some very rare, very special card arts and styles stay that way."
"Tracer... she's just an overall great representation of not only the game but just what Overwatch represents as a whole."
"Keeping soul ring legal allows you access to more cards, it lets you play these powerful cards that you have an attachment to when you're a kid."
"You can almost completely avoid Wizards. You don't have to bend the knee to Wizards and jump through the silly hoops."
"The cars really are the heart of Gran Turismo."
"The infamous Gjallarhorn, the infamous Gjorn. Well, let's be honest, we all knew it was coming back. We all knew it was only a matter of time."
"If you don't think Sonic doesn't appeal to furries you never played Sonic 06."
"Mega Man X4 became known for his kick-ass intro, huge changes in art style, and became infamous for that one 'what am I fighting for' cutscene."
"The narrative of melee changed. We were talking about hungrybox a year and a half ago, and there was no other conversation."
"One day trader who cashed in on the craze walked into a gamestop store this week and started handing out hundred dollar bills to employees."
"Even though Minecraft is a sandbox, that doesn't stop the game from having unspoken rules."
"Legacy is important in Mortal Kombat. Let's not forget the origins of characters and show and respect where they've come from."
"The surrealism of Quake 1 intensified to such remarkable effect just isn't quite part of the Quake 2 aesthetic."
"We all need to be healed by the song of healing this game's most iconic and memorable track."
"I use a bunch of Genshin Impact music for some of my videos because the music and character reviews for Genshin Impact are just fire."
"Who could have known a 19th century French author could cause so much chaos in a 21st century mobile game at least he didn't write a novel called the three Hog Riders."
"You may not personally find these cards salty, but you need to be aware that there are others in the greater Magic community that may find them salty."
"For the blood God! Skulls for the skull Throne!"
"It's all good, GG, that's what Fortnite is, man."
"Even though they've made a bunch of new Smash Brothers, the meta is still to play on a GameCube controller. I love that!"
"Infinite is heavily reminiscent of the archetypical edgy OC associated with the Sonic community."
"The combat dance: the beating heart of every Halo game."
"Beyond the mechanics of the game, the biggest strength Counter-Strike has is the community."
"Don't hate the player, don't hate the game, just hate the players who play the game."
"It's genuinely heartwarming to me to see these people spending time together outside of the game."
"It's become more than a fighting game, some sort of celebration."
"Rocket Jump Waltz pulls everyone just like how the dead ringer did when it first came out."
"There's no better time to get Mario Maker than now because the community is booming with designs."
"If I win, can I get a kit creeper? Oh man, so we back swinging from side to side."
"The grenade launcher may never shake off the moniker of Noob Tube, but I'm glad that there are still plenty of games out there where the weapon can bloop proudly and build upon its Legacy as one of the most explosive and iconic video game weapons."
"Everyone hates everyone in these games and usually for incredibly stupid reasons."
"Every single time people count this game out it still manages to bounce back."
"As long as there's been The Sims, we've been killing them. It's all in good fun."
"There's gonna be a giant Freddy Fazbear mall!"
"It's just better than the original, probably the most hardcore wild battle theme in the franchise."
"Popular commanders are for losers now. Commander players deserve it anyway."
"Supporting your local game stores helps the Pokemon TCG thrive and they will be a big part of the future of the game."
"They sought to challenge Goa Corporation's grip on dueling and restore true freedom to the game."
"I'm so honored to have my song chosen as the song of Persona 2."