
European Unity Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The whole idea of a Europe whole and free is at stake."
"This is Putin's greatest mistake, he has reawoken a sleeping giant in Europe."
"There's no pretending anymore, it's a United States of Europe, it's an expansionist Europe."
"It's our future. It's Europe that's at stake. It's up to the Europeans to decide." - Emmanuel Macron
"Europeans reacted with a force they didn't anticipate, triggered by trauma and memories that brought them together in a way they didn't expect."
"This is a victory for Ukraine, a victory for all of Europe, a victory that motivates, inspires, and strengthens."
"We Germans shall never forget that we owe the happy and prosperous development of our country to the readiness of our European partners and friends."
"To survive and prosper, the Atlantic Alliance needs a European pillar that is politically independent."
"This is a moment for Europe to stand united in the face of Putin's war."
"France is kind of talking about the fact that the Europe's got to stop relying so much on America."
"Britain assume a leading role in what Churchill once described as a United States of Europe..."
"Europe will be there for them, not only in the first days, but also in the weeks and months to come."
"Long live Europe and long live a free and independent Ukraine."
"Europe has been remarkably united and effective in responding to the war."
"Ukraine succeeding should be the dream of the Europeans."
"This war is an existential War for Ukraine so there is no way Ukraine can stop Retreats there is no other areas where they can Retreat it's they were to protect the not only Ukrainian borders but that's the borders of the EU."
"Europeans really do want stability and peace in Europe."
"The European Union has its origins in a peace initiative that started after World War Two, but look at the Europe of today, and you will see that it has become so much more."
"The European project can't survive without France... after all this was a project of reconciliation back in my 1950 ISM."
"Europe against all and against a new enemy, not the Soviets."
"Europe is an asset. We are stronger together. Climate change, digital change, war—we are much stronger together."
"Do prove that you are with us, do prove that you will not let us go, do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death and light will win over darkness." - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
"The defending hospital has seemingly achieved what no one else was able to do—to pause and unify a war-torn and fragmented European continent."
"Love is the key. These good Europeans and bad Europeans, they know each other because that's the same species."
"We want to make a continent of peace and overcome nationalism and populism."
"No matter how much union there appears to be, there's still a very clear line in the sand between those two very different Europes that today make up the European Union."
"I actually kind of get a sense that Europe is as united as it's ever been on this front."
"We're actually a moment in time where Europe is very United."
"as of 1992 there is now you're a passport that makes you if we travel within the boundaries of twelve member countries and I've always liked the idea of European unity"
"Let us have a Europe which plays its full part in the wider world, which looks outward not inward."
"European unity in the face of adversity is a great thing to celebrate today."
"The failure to attend to issues of equality of opportunity... has undermined the coherence of the European project."
"Our peaceful and united Europe is being challenged like never before by populists, by nationalists."
"I never said that we would face World War 3. I just simply said Europe has played a role in bringing the countries of Europe together after a century of two appalling conflicts."
"Europe's cohesion will face a severe test, but if it continues to maintain its unity, it could strengthen both Europe's energy security and leadership on climate change."
"We have to work together and I hope as well that European countries will collaborate together."
"Even though Europe may be unified as one, each country has its own national pride and national holiday."
"The European Coal and Steel Community proved to be a success... in order to avoid a future war."
"Ultimately, it was the presence of this power in Europe, and its long-feared power, that sustained the idea of European unity and helped to bring about the idea of federalism."
"Napoleon had an entire conception that's almost like the EU in a way."
"If indeed it is indicative of a spirit of solidarity amongst the European populations even when things get difficult, then that is a huge success story for Ukraine."
"Putin's war in Ukraine is an attack not just on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine but on the idea of democracy in Europe itself."
"If we manage in Europe to get together around an infrastructure project, it's actually going to be positive for Europe over the next three to five years."
"We've got to make it work in Europe because it's the first continent to do that."