
Special Experience Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Everyone felt it was kind of special, you know."
"The road to Secret Wars should feel special."
"He's a special guy. I think he had a very special experience."
"We are in the presence of something really special, I think we know that."
"I was his love at first sight... this is pretty special."
"Pokemon is one of the very few games that truly pull from each of these different pieces to make catching a mon truly feel special for the player."
"Right from the somber ballad on the title screen, you know you're in for something special, artistic, and probably magical."
"These cars are so damn awesome. They're so special. We're never ever gonna experience these cars again."
"It's just kind of a neat little reminder that you're in something special."
"When a father posted a video about how his three-year-old daughter loves to watch games with Joel Embiid, he never expected that the Sixers would invite their whole family to a game where she could see her idol in the flesh."
"now the seats also super comfortable one of the best sports seats in the business really and they come just add to this special feeling of the tie bar."
"What put it over the top, what made it so special, were of course the people working on board."
"This is so special, I mean, really, really good."
"What a special thing to be able to see before heading back over, they've invited me to come and have a look around what feels like heaven at the moment."
"It feels special and is an experience in the way that the best old cars are."
"I'm pulling them out left and right. So special!"
"Hades is a reminder that video games can still be very special when the right one comes along."
"From the first audition I met Jonathan Larson... And then that was like, oh this is something really special."
"It's kind of a special experience being able to do this, a trip down memory lane."
"I also really love the whole personalization aspect of it because it's just a really fun and special experience."
"...when you know a car is special is when you're driving it and you're so excited your toes curl up."
"I think all of us as a cast, we were united and excited and we felt we were a part of something special."
"It's so good man, just the music in this game really is special."
"This just makes the unboxing process so much more pleasurable, doesn't it, having something a bit special?"
"Pilgrimage is a really special thing, a special thing in the spiritual life."
"Everything about this car for me has been special."
"It really is a special feeling to be on the ground here at Worlds, it always is."
"There is nothing more special than this experience I've had."
"That single-seat layout feels so special; it's almost like nothing else on the road."
"There's something so special about experiencing food in a context, and this context is quite meaningful for milkshake."
"It was something very, very special and continues to be something very, very special."
"It really felt like something special, it really felt like something I've never seen before, it was a culture shock."
"This Valentine's Day, I want to give them a special experience that they'll never forget."
"There's just something extra special about a visit to Disneyland, perhaps it's Walt Disney's direct influence or the local culture, or maybe it's all the top-tier snacks."
"Live music coming from the orchestra pit, sitting there and feeling special, it was very, very exciting."
"I'm going out in grand style, and it just makes this experience that much more special for me."
"These are some of the guys who I know that their character, their quality, their integrity, and the experience you'll get every time you light up one of their cigars is going to be something special."
"Even this feels special when you ride it."
"This whole experience is particularly special and I am having a lovely time."
"It's been a fantastic collaboration, the collaborative nature of the whole adventure is what made it special."
"Trail running really is something special."
"Having invested 12 million pounds, the directors of the company had come along to see how special the ride really was."
"It really is such a special experience."
"It's something special and kept for those who sail at night because you just can't show how amazing it is."
"We've been treated quite literally like royalty."
"I was an absolute wreck after finishing this book; it was just really something special."
"I have never felt more special in my life than when I was staying at Mira Costa."
"NASA, they're letting us do this thing today where we get to eat civilian food."
"It was special, it was a special special film to be a part of and it was a special time for me."
"They couldn't have been more accommodating; it was so special."
"This style at home or elsewhere, it's a modern look that's fine. The point is, these Disney themed hotels are supposed to be something special."
"Oh what a ride, this is something special."
"This experience has been so special, and I just cannot thank you guys enough."