
Aroma Quotes

There are 1684 quotes

"The fragrance the basil in there the water crush the garlic and just a little bit of olive oil i'm sure."
"Honestly, it smells good. Smells kind of sweet."
"Pineapple weed features a flower head that is acorn-like in shape...whenever part of this plant is crushed or damaged then it will release the sweet delicious scent of pineapples."
"Flavour is a combination of roughly 20% taste and 80% aroma."
"Simply outstanding... meaty, rich, but so fragrant."
"The biryani itself is so moist, it's so fragrant."
"They also have a special on the sour special sauce. 16.6 CBD, one of the rarest flower strains on the market. It's got a very distinct aroma, has earthy tones."
"Fill your home with the sweet scent of raspberry candle."
"I enjoy being an aroma of fragrance that's pleasant."
"That aroma is incredible, truly magical meat-eating experience."
"A drink that is so much about aromatic spice smells is primed to light up all those parts of the brain."
"Your house will smell amazing and you'll have such a delicious chili."
"This lime basil and mandarin candle from Joe Malone, my family got this as one of our Christmas gifts."
"And with the herbs and the garlic in there, your entire house is going to smell amazing."
"He couldn't resist the temptation of the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen."
"This pack is an homage to the calming properties of scented smoke."
"Wow that smells so good worth the month long wait honestly."
"The aroma of the seafood, oh delicious."
"The lavender smells so nice and it adds a very nice floral touch."
"This stuff makes you so glowy and it's delicious, it smells so good as well."
"This is the best smelling 7-Eleven I've ever been at."
"Desert rain has a particularly very pleasing smell."
"It's said that their aromas are able to soothe others with a calming spirit and even bring some plants back to life."
"It smells so good, it's like a fruity pear deliciousness."
"It smells like caramel and like vanilla; that's what 62 smells like."
"Composting is a good smelling process; the end result should smell good."
"I wish people could smell what's happening, it smells great."
"It smells so good, it literally smells like chocolate, and you expect people not to eat this?"
"It's amazing, remarkable and also the aroma, yeah it removes that as well."
"It smells so good, it really does smell like pancake and butter."
"Val cupped the mug with both hands and brought it to her face to breathe in the heady aroma."
"This smells amazing. I'm like moving it around and I can get a whiff so good."
"Catmint is more than just a visual treat; it's an aromatic journey that enriches any garden."
"It's root beer in a candy, oh my goodness, this smells so good."
"It smells really good, I wish actual [__] smelled like this."
"It smells like butter, it's like the butter you get on popcorn."
"Can't wait for the house to smell of pure cinnamon."
"That beef is so tender I'm going to grab a spoonful it's very aromatic very herbaceous."
"The smell is pretty good. The house smells good."
"There's all kinds of foreign exotic spices, check out all the cinnamon right here, it smells absolutely incredible."
"Sun grown berries had double the amount of aroma compounds, which leads to a more intense or better flavor."
"This is the aroma you can take one of these apples when they're ripe and put in your house, and your whole house will fill with the aroma. It is amazing."
"Oh we got pizza, mmm it smells so good."
"I wish you guys could smell how good this is."
"...I mean anytime you've got onion and garlic cooking it instantly makes the whole house smell so good so good."
"There's nothing better than the smell of fresh basil."
"This is the aromatic, woody citrus of my dreams. It is absolutely exquisite on its own, and it's also fantastic for layering."
"The wafts of freshly cooked cinnamon are already drawing in a crowd."
"The smell here is so good. My stomach is done. I can't eat anymore."
"This smells almost like a bubble gummy tuberose or something like that like very white floral but sweet and Candy likee."
"It smells like it was chosen for particular reasons."
"It just smells amazing in all sorts of weather."
"This always puts a smile on my face it smells like straight up Cocoa Puffs."
"Fat carries flavor. The olive oil is fat, and so it's all just infusing right now. The house smells amazing."
"It's very vanilla but has a little bit of brightness."
"It's literally the best smelling mushrooms ever. It's hard to describe what it smells like. People say red hot, and I kind of get that. I do understand what they mean when they say that."
"Oh my God, exactly. Well, that mushroom, quite ridiculous. Smells the cauliflower one. The mushroom smell is just thick, awesome."
"Can you smell it? Oh, I can smell it."
"wow wow wow this smells incredible"
"I love the smell of this room - cigars, tobacco, aging cedar."
"Can you guys see smells amazing that's for sure."
"If I could make a perfume of just this smell, I mean, first of all, that'd be weird, but second of all, who's to say what weird is now?"
"This smells really, really, really good."
"Even though these diffusers don't promise to uplift or put you in a positive mood or keep you mindful and all that good stuff, they do smell really great, and that's my favorite thing about them."
"The saffron with this fragrance is no joke."
"This has got the granola pot in it. It smells incredible."
"Oh, does not smell like flower, but it definitely has a peachy scent to it. A little fruity scent for sure, smells very nice."
"This smells so good, Maria and Carly are going to love it."
"I just pulled the lemon cake out of the oven oh my gosh it smells absolutely incredible."
"French fries, the burger aroma is incomparable."
"Oh my gosh it smells like the most intense bubble gum, like bubble gum dentist office bubble gum flavor I've ever smelled in my entire existence."
"They also smell like mint which is my other favorite thing because they don't have the nasty vitamin smell."
"Just love the smell of anything with bacon."
"This smells absolutely unbelievable. I don't know what it is, but onion, garlic, and mushroom – best combination ever."
"The basil smells so good, honestly, unbelievable."
"Stunning love me a good sage like this is just other than me absolutely."
"It smells so good like it's been smelling. The whole house has been smelling so good, honestly."
"Smells are an essential part of the cooking experience the nose is like the ears of the face and it was at this point in the process that my kitchen began to be filled with the delicious hearty aroma of raw lamb meats."
"Wow, fragrance. Smells like oranges."
"It just smells so good, like sweet but not too sweet."
"It smells first of all, it smells so nice. It clears your nose right out if you're ever feeling a little bit congested."
"It's like having a meat candle in your house. Your whole house smells good for the entire process."
"This coconut curry is something special. Very different from India. Oh, it smells so good."
"During withering, you're effectively building the aroma profile of the tea leaves through stress activation."
"Aroma formation from wounding stress happens over an hour-long timeframe of resting."
"This was so incredibly easy and it smells like Christmas to me."
"Those are some of my favorite incense sticks that I've ever smelled in my life."
"This one's bergamot and honey. Oh, I like that one. Oh, that smells good."
"The Scent Private Accord by Hugo Boss. My favorite from the scent line. Has a coffee note I very much enjoy along with cacao."
"Smell it, and you're just... It is the best, best smelling tea I've ever smelled in my life."
"Can you see that sizzling there? I need a little bit of the heat from the pancetta and the oil to completely cook my eggs."
"This is really the best smell you can find in any Italian kitchen: garlic, oil, and chili."
"And it's that aroma that induces feelings of warmth and memory and brings people back."
"The aroma I'm getting out of this beer is amazing. It's chocolatey, it's got this kind of slight fruity edge to it, fresh kind of brownies character to it as well. Just a really nice rich malty aroma without being overpowering."
"It smells so good and it's not even cooked yet."
"And this smells amazing. If you could be here right now, friends, you would be amazed over how amazing it smelled. I hope you make it."
"It smells really good in here y'all. I hope these taste good."
"Fresh bluegill over rice, smells yummy."
"It smells like a tropical drink that you wanted to literally drink."
"Remember how Grandma used to boil jellies and preserves on the stove in the kitchen? What a wonderful aroma."
"This stuff is so good when it's warm, I wish you could smell it. It smells great, fills the whole house with cinnamon and baking smells."
"The aroma of spices... Nothing makes me hungry like the aroma of spices."
"You can really smell a very distinct sour aroma which is coming from the drying and the fermenting of the cocoa."
"This smells like if you were to take like raw sugar and turn it into a cotton candy but elevated and perfume."
"the smells I just cannot get over how amazing this kitchen smells"
"Just smells like you want to eat it because that's how good it is."
"Oh my goodness, it smells so good."
"The delicious smells that are here in the kitchen are just unbelievable."
"The aroma, oh I smell it through the mask!"
"It smells so good, I love when I sprinkle this on the carpet."
"Wow, does it smell good. It's making my mouth water."
"It's really amazing, I mean the aroma coming out of here guys, it smells, you have no idea."
"It does smell very, very tangeriney."
"Let's talk about the rolls. They look really good and they smell delicious."
"Cooking it in beef fat, like just watching that beef tallow melt and like smelling that sort of aroma in the kitchen was just an experience in itself."
"I've been loving this scent recently."
"...makes me happy every time I smell it."
"So beautiful, it smells sweet and juicy, it's amazing."
"This smells incredible to me, perfect summer fragrance."
"There's a beautiful smell with lilies but it's nicely contrasted with smoky incense."
"I love the smell of fig trees and leaves and fruits and things like that."
"This is truly the scent of summer. It straight up just smells like summertime."
"...just warm, ambery, like Amber vanilla, just a very delicate one, not too sweet at all..."
"Oh my God I'm gonna show you guys the perfumes that I put on today because it smells really good."
"The smell from the honey is extremely intoxicating in a very good way."
"This smells like a really cozy coffee shop... dessert coffee cappuccino basically."
"It smells like a delicious baked pear pie."
"It smells so good in here, you guys. It smells like eucalyptus."
"I love a overall strong smell in my house."
"There is just something particularly satisfying about a Cab of 50 of these that smells absolutely exceptional."
"People just love the smell of sweet vanilla."
"Literally smells like a freshly baked pie with caramel drizzle and coconut cream. It just smells so good."
"It smells so much like a real cinnamon roll."
"Man, this smells so good, it's crazy that it's just salt, pepper, and garlic."
"It smells really good, I mean really good."
"The aroma of this tiny village causes a wave of peace to wash over you with every breath that you take."
"It smells so so so so so so good."
"It smells like you literally took me out of the oven and I was baking."
"Oh my gosh, the smell of the citrus, man, I tell you, every time I just want to smell like limes for the rest of the day."
"Looks beautiful, smells absolutely delicious."
"It smells so good, it's making my mouth water just thinking about it."
"A distinctive aroma instantly makes you crave the dish."
"Catching a whiff of freshly brewed coffee is pure bliss."
"I rather smell Sandalwood all day than my nasty ass armpits."
"The smell of mycelium is one of the most wonderful, comforting, earthy aromas you'll ever get to experience."
"This cake is like Santa's grotto in here, or what I imagine Santa's grotto would smell like - nutmeg, cinnamon, sweet, and just pure heaven."
"It smells so good, I could smell you out here in the hallway."
"It smells lovely, such a beautiful fragrance."
"My house smells so good right now."
"It all smells just amazing like it smells so good."
"It smells so good though. It does smell good."
"It smells absolutely amazing. One of my favorite vanillas."
"The smell in here is absolutely phenomenal!"
"It's more about what they smell like, right? And people always want to talk about some stinky boots. It's some good [__]."
"Strawberry fields forever. It smells so good right now in a cross breeze between two strawberry fields. Look at all that red, ready to be picked."
"My whole house smells like a bakery right now."
"It smells good, it smells like coffee honestly."
"I almost smell like a mango or like a fruity flavor."
"It's gonna be so good, I can smell it already."
"It's kind of that sun tanning oil beachy type of scent."
"I cannot with this smell. It's just so good."
"This smells glorious for real, this smells really good."
"When I opened up the Banana Leaf you could just see like all of the warmth coming out."
"That actually smells really good."
"Nothing in my opinion makes our house smell better than bread that's baking in the oven."
"Thanks for hanging out as we processed all this garlic my house smells like garlic when I went outside to water all the pots I came in and I was like it is pretty strong."
"The warm sugary smell of freshly baked cookies fills the bakery."
"I love the smell, just wonderful."
"This pizza smells so good. I'm gonna dig in."
"It literally smells like a freshly baked vanilla cake. Oh, it smells so scrumptious, so sweet."
"You can never go wrong with the vanilla candle."
"Truffle fries taste every bit as good as they smell."
"The sauce is extremely thick and it is pungently spiced. Coriander, mustard seed, possibly some cumin. Smells really, really nice."
"Once you add your cumin in here your whole world turns upside down with that smell."
"Speaking of kitchens, I detect a very pleasant aroma coming from that direction."
"I know it sounds terrible, but the main thing is it smells amazing."
"It smells amazing right here... we've made it back to our hotel."
"This coffee looks and smells amazing... what a great way to start the day."
"It smells insane it smells so good I can't even describe what that smell is it's like sweetly floral."
"It's bright, it smells good, it's summertime on a plate."
"It's going to be a magical pumpkin pie that honestly is going to smell amazing."
"It smells really, really good, we haven't had this in so long."
"This is a smoky kind of tobacco cannabis. It's like a dark green, like think of like not fresh cut grass kind of green but like a kind of a... I guess like buds, right? Like it kind of smells like that."
"Vanilla forward fragrance... one of the best vanilla fragrances ever."
"...it smells amazing in the air it is just fantastic just the right amount of sweetness and freshness a little bit aromatic classy sort of as well."
"But this one goes ultra animalic for me in comparison to that one, so you gotta love castoreum. Castorium is also used to create leather accord so it has kind of slight leathery touches in here as well."
"It just smells rich and opulent, it smells creamy."
"It's very woody it's very sugary and it's kind of like a toasted sugar almost like a burnt cotton candy."
"I cannot stop smelling this fragrance you guys."
"Wow, captivating Amber fragrance like wow."
"I love the lemon in this fragrance and the bergamot, so it just kind of smells like candy."
"Jovoy Fire at Will: A spun cotton candy vanilla with a light, airy texture."
"It's a nice scent. It's a really unique scent, very sweet. It is like vanilla and creamy, especially in the base. And like I said, like that orange creamsicle dry down definitely comes through when it does dry down."
"It smells so good, like it's divine."
"Simply smelling chocolate has been proven to physically calm you down and relax you."
"These leaves smell incredible. Like just touching them, my hand is going to smell good for the next 30 minutes."
"It's really, really juicy, very, very fruity, and also aromatic."
"It's super fantastic, very, very juicy, and also aromatic."
"It smells super fantastic and also very, very juicy."
"There's nothing like fresh applesauce cooking down on the stove."