
Provocative Statement Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation."
"Well, to me, that's even more holier than Christ."
"Racism is the problem white people are the problem."
"Don't start no [ __ ] there won't be no [ __ ]."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, baby Hitler."
"Lil Uzi told the crowd at one of his concerts that they all were going to hell for listening to his music."
"Sounds like somebody needs to decolonize their mind."
"If unborn children are dead, why do you need the abortion? The abortion is procured precisely to cause the living child to become a dead child."
"You can't be racist against white people. Yeah, it doesn't seem fair, does it?"
"We had a person who's a, you know, instead of a commander-in-chief, a terrorist-in-chief."
"I would rather offend someone into heaven than comfort them into hell."
"Gay sex comes from God. Women should be priests. Contraception, we just made that up a few years ago." - Fred Rotondaro
"This is not who we are. We're dishonest racist authoritarians who slaughter babies and shake our naked asses at children."
"Oh, they say I'm evil, and that makes me glad."
"Musk is the last adequate mind in North America or at the very least in gender neutral America he is the one with the balls."
"Race is not important, and to say it is, is racist."
"It's time to rename the Republican party... it's Maga."
"No legislation is going to protect you when it is 'I have the right to be a white man'."
"Black Jesus is just as absurd as white Jesus."
"Make plastic surgery self-mutilation again." - Adrian Curry
"If Israel doesn't want to be compared to the Nazis, it should stop doing Nazi-like stuff."
"Welcome to the world of imagination, suck it." - Griffin
"If Iran disappeared tomorrow, what exactly does mankind lose? Literally nothing."
"Trump is the moment where we realize we have cancer."
"You might as well use all religious writings for kindling."
"But what would Jesus have done? Told the president to go [__] himself, of course."
"If your God is real, he isn't just dumb, he's dumb and evil as fuck."
"This is infanticide. There's no other way to put it. That is infanticide."
"If I'm going to hell, I'll see you when you get there."
"Abortion kills babies and that is the truth."
"Guys literally only want one thing and it's [expletive] disgusting: a desire."
"White men are Devils... lynching, killing, cutting..."
"If you're young and you're listening to this show, maybe for the first 10 years of your life, be a drug addict who steals from your family. And then just stop and go, 'Okay, I'm done with that.'"
"The systemic racism narrative is all about getting people to rebel against the system and apparently justify doing so in violent ways."
"If Indians give up Hinduism, they will also be solving most of their problems."
"Somebody was like oh not not being celibate doesn't make you more spiritual yes the [ __ ] it does."
"Some people say tax the rich. Eat the Rich. Not if I eat you first honey."
"Why do you put these really extraordinary people in jail? We need their minds, their energy." - Tim Draper
"Democracy dies in darkness, and now we're going to give you the darkness. Welcome back to the darkness. Go back to brunch."
"Mexie has convinced me that cannibalism is good."
"We will puncture the pomposity of our elites."
"I'm doing God's work. I am the virus tonight."
"Whiteness as a parasitic disease for which we must find a permanent cure."
"We will never build Africa if we are not able to steal."
"Violence is never the answer. I say violence is the question, and the answer is yes."
"If we banned all conspiracy theorists from the internet, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, and Etc would all be the first to go." - Alex
"We had already found him. God is dead, and we killed him."
"The second leading cause of death in the United States is doctors, ladies and gentlemen."
"When you piss off all of the extremists, you're doing something right." - Elon Musk
"This is stuff that would make Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot blush. It's so flagrant, it's so crazed." - Donald Trump Jr.
"I don't know about you, but I feel like that's a crime."
"Elon Musk: 'Next I'll be buying Coca-Cola and put the cocaine back in.'"
"Black men are the real white supremacists at the end of the day."
"To say that white people are all racist, if that isn't racist I don't know what is."
"Glory to Jesus Christ who crushed Muhammad under His feet."
"Not all white people are Nazis, but I'm also not sure any of you can safely call yourselves innocent."
"We want all the pollution going to black folks... we want us to keep oppressing them." - Commentator
"Our first opportunity, our real first opportunities coming out of the gate here, is to understand that both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are both senile blabbering idiots."
"Positive herpes - spread the positive herpes and go fuck the world."
"There's nothing more dangerous than a woman."
"Kim Kardashian took my heterosexuality and killed it. That's the Holy Trinity, holy Kim Kardashian."
"If you ain't intelligent black you might want to get the fuck out."
"If you want to be the good guys, kill yourself."
"Black people were so genetically inferior that if we simply denied them health care for a couple of generations, it would, quote, solve the race problem in America because they would all die out." - Thom Hartmann
"Pigs or cops? Fuck you, I smell bacon, I smell grease."
"The emperor has no clothes, or the empress is a dude."
"White people, you know they gonna put y'all back in chains, right?"
"I am dynamite! My truth is terrible, for no one so far has called lies true."
"They have you so mad at the devil that you don't realize God is the fucking devil."
"Sorry, you're saying you want more white people killed?"
"I look like you wear Confederate flag boxers."
"Y'all cracked out man! I did a line off your mom's [ __ ] before stream!"
"Your woman wants you to hit on her, your woman wants you to disrespect her."
"If you're going to remove an option entirely and view yourself as responsible, then stop having sex."
"Food and incest, oh my God, simultaneously."
"You are someone that people think about whenever they touch themselves."
"If men had babies, abortion would be a sacrament."