
Media Controversy Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The James Gunn controversy started in 2018 when a group of right-wing Twitter users delved deep into the director's Twitter feed."
"The whole world is trying to cancel [] Joe Rogan. They're trying to get Spotify to even cancel them. What the [] are they doing?"
"There's no doubt that Rachel Nichols was thrown on the bus and then ran over five times."
"Good for him for standing up against cancel culture."
"Despite all the criticisms, despite everything, the controversies and all that, it's still held out in giving the message that it intended to send."
"But why on earth would Canal 5 use a missing person as part of a creepy marketing campaign, if that's even what those videos were?"
"The controversy worked its magic and the game went on to sell over 1 million copies."
"Did you help Kim release her sex tape? No, true of course it's true."
"They would rather the controversy of this discussion of this racial [__] than that but yeah, but it didn't work, it actually spotlighted it."
"Even if Spotify were to finally fold to the pressure, canceling Joe Rogan's show would result in dumb outcomes."
"John Swan's video was not taken down with good intentions and it shouldn't have been taken down at all."
"The firing of James Gunn should either be undone or suffer the first real serious injury to the MCU brand."
"It's still here. A lot of people did not think so, being an adaptation of a Japanese manga, 'Ghost in the Shell' received a lot of pre-release publicity."
"Do I get an apology, the Sharon Osborne one of my guests tonight, does she get restored to her job at the CBS show, the talk, because she got fired for offering support on Twitter for my right to my opinion?"
"The unusually public denunciation of Tim Ballard is particularly newsworthy."
"In case you missed it, media release: 'Public interest journalism given a bad name by furry investigation.'"
"I think Chappelle has helped move things in a certain way, Netflix refusing to bow down to these people."
"Dominion's injury is Fox lied about its reputation... harmed its reputation all of that took place most of that took place before the January 6th Insurrection."
"The cancer at the core of the fight over Joe Rogan is both a distraction from real problems and a symptom of how much the nation has been poisoned against itself."
"This goes beyond the usual kind of work that I do. Believe me when I say that I have a more personal stake in this whole Cuties fiasco than some people might think."
"Chrissy Teigen is a sick, relentless, cruel, self-aggrandizing, needy, attention-starved bully."
"The inclusion of the cartoon sponge ignited a social media controversy surrounding SpongeBob's sexual identity..."
"America needs to own the fact that we're under sick management."
"The protesting of this film got so ridiculous, you would have actually thought that the makers of this film physically molested the country's children."
"The brothers stand by their testimony that this was a staged hate hoax by Smollett."
"I know nowadays it probably wouldn't even be that big of a deal, but back in like 2000 what two, three, when this happened, it was like a national tragedy that an American audience saw a nipple on television."
"Cuties sparked an immense backlash... Mass calls for the streaming giant to remove it."
"I think the outrage over Janet's nipple at the Super Bowl was fucking ridiculous."
"I'm torn on when dick because they're not the same thing. When dick was actively telling people to go and do things, that's very different from what Roseanne was doing."
"Calls to pull a film because of disagreements with its content are calls for censorship, plain and simple."
"All the drama that surrounded this film was for naught. There were no shootings, there was no violence."
"I guess we'll find out in September. In the meantime, it looks like this is the next Last Jedi."
"How do you hate Chris Pratt? Like, how do you cancel Chris Pratt?"
"There's no such thing as bad publicity. Tell that to Alex Jones."
"It sparked controversy that does not harm this series, and in fact only helps it in every way."
"It's not an excuse for physically assaulting a man who please he wants you to leave his name out of your mouth okay Chris Rock is done okay he's you bet stop."
"This is gonna be a banger, it's gonna be wild, it's gonna be extremely wild."
"You got Aaron Rogers MFL Hall of Fame quarterback talk about I was immunised because he went to a dark room and took some herbs and spices and meditated"
"Every rights holder for the characters in those scenes complained endlessly."
"James Gunn was the director of Guardians of the Galaxy. I say 'was' because he was recently let go by Disney because of a controversy online regarding some very old tweets that he sent."
"One of the most dangerous cases of a Pokemon being completely banned from a form of media is Porygon from the anime."
"This is what we wanted, you know. I wanted controversy and we've got it."
"They fired Ed Schultz for covering Bernie Sanders."
"When every single one of these families were drowning in grief, Alex Jones put his foot right on top of them."
"Gamergate was about controlling the narrative. That's why it blew up and why it kept going and why people keep talking about it even years later."
"Velma season 2 reportedly confirmed at HBO Max despite backlash."
"When even the race Warriors of Montecito say Susan Hussey is blameless, it's time for the palace to give her back her job."
"Janet Jackson is an icon across the board all around the world... She does deserve an apology from CBS." - Selena
"The media went to work trying to cancel this man's career."
"Silence Alex Jones, they want to kill them but they'll settle for bankrupting Infowars."
"Spotify CEO apologizes after clips show Joe Rogan using the N-word."
"It would be justice for her to be cut from Aquaman 2."
"Under no circumstances was Will Smith 110 percent wrong."
"If the news got out, WWE's clearly not happy."
"It is undeniably one of the biggest controversies within one piece."
"Chris Pratt has never fully come out as conservative, but once the press got a whiff of a hint that he might be right-leaning, then all these bogus controversies started pouring out after him."
"Is releasing the Snyder cut of Justice League a victory for toxic fandoms? No, that's really the only answer to that question."