
Public Controversy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The James Gunn controversy started in 2018 when a group of right-wing Twitter users delved deep into the director's Twitter feed."
"The world demanded answers. And so much more than they could have ever imagined after the infamous interview rocked the world and left the Royal Family on the brink of disaster."
"There is no other way to put this: the entire situation with Spock derp has been a complete dumpster fire."
"That whole situation is [__] though, I'll tell you that. That whole Kyle Rittenhouse thing was pretty dumb."
"Operation Phoenix, for all the controversy about excessive brutality, has a positive side."
"Mr. Depp is not suing Miss Heard for making statements about society in general; he is suing her for publicly naming him as an abuser, which is fundamentally personal in nature."
"But like many things that go viral, Chef Pii's sauce was quickly caught up in a controversy that left a bad taste in many people's mouths."
"Forged documents: Angus Taylor produced forged government documents in an attempt to smear Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore."
"The crux of the matter revolved around Trump's unequivocal denial in 2019, during which he vehemently claimed never to have met Carol and disparaged her book, dismissing it as a work of fiction."
"It was a rally filled with controversies, but the biggest moment was when Kanye broke down into tears."
"Donald Trump was found liable for rape by a federal jury and Donald Trump is now tormenting his rape victim and further defaming her each and every day."
"Was it worth the long wait and all the drama, people shooting up buses and all his shit? Was it really worth all of that? Probably not."
"Trump has no problem suing authors and comedians but is afraid to sue a thirteen-year-old who accuses him of rape." - Alexander
"This led Shannon to begin giving her perspective on a number of controversies including the health of Eugena Cooney the video is so upsetting to watch because it feels like an inappropriate joke."
"Keep playing it up. Once the truth comes out, you're gonna look very, very stupid." - President Trump
"Chris Rock told a shitty joke, Will Smith did a shitty thing, they're not equal."
"She went after his sponsor... There was a huge backlash against her after this."
"These statements were intended to discredit Myer and detract from his vocal calls for fundamental change within the comic book industry."
"JK Rowling expressed some opinions on her twitter account about trans people that were quite controversial."
"Starting controversies out of thin air is often the initial step in shaping public opinion."
"The brothers stand by their testimony that this was a staged hate hoax by Smollett."
"Lock them up, lock up the Bidens! Can you imagine if my kids did what this guy Hunter is doing?"
"Being truly edgy and being controversial it's just not cool and everybody's all afraid to offend people."
"Dave Chappelle has softened his approach quite a bit and he's not nearly as controversial as he used to be."
"Regardless of the LeBrons' many controversies, they have built a successful and massive social media brand."
"The $450,000, that's more than some of the 9/11 victims received."
"It's not one item, it's not two items. It is, according to the material on your screen, newly released and unsealed—a sweeping list of government property, national security information, and some of it top secret..."
"I had no idea that scientologists being visited by CPS was such a problem that people in the community have become Specialists on how to keep CPS at bay. Go Britney!"
"His release stirred controversy and generated international attention."
"Logan Paul went into that forest and filmed that situation and then he came back with tears in his eyes saying 'I have made a severe and continuous lapse in judgment.'"
"Now today Kyrie's in the headlines not for his play on the court but his decision not to get the shot."
"Nothing's created the amount of hostile social media attacks like Johnny, not even close."
"Maybe don't go around talking to Billy Bush about how you like to do this exact sort of sexual assault and how it's just awesome when you do it."
"James Gunn was the director of Guardians of the Galaxy. I say 'was' because he was recently let go by Disney because of a controversy online regarding some very old tweets that he sent."
"Turn critical race theory from a minor occupation of academics... into the most intense and enraged public debate..."
"I know we didn't invent color blocking but I'm having a hard time with the new James Charles merch. It's the exact same design as Hila's." - Ethan Klein
"The arrogance of Disney continues from ignoring parents and allowing radicals to sexualize our children to now ignoring Florida taxpayers by sneaking in a last-minute sweetheart development agreement."
"It wasn't Kanye West that put the White lives matter t-shirt on first you did... I want to destroy it further than it's already destroyed itself I want to."
"I think we've said enough, let's see how CNN treats this Covington Catholic boys school thing today."
"No lies detected from my end, zero. I don't understand what all the fuss is about."
"You kind of have to beg the question: Is the controversy big enough to wreck someone's career?"
"Eventually, Virginia Giuffre dismissed her suit. One of the allegations that Alan Dershowitz made was that Virginia and her lawyers were actually aiming at a billionaire by the name of Wexner."
"What do you make of the ongoing and crazy information coming out about Amber Heard and her actions?"
"It's a crime what happened to Sha'Carri Richardson."
"She wasn't always perfect and had her fair share of controversy, but she was an exceptional leader."
"What the [ __ ] happened to Michael Richards?"
"People say well he paid off one of the accusers but that was what he was advised to do because they thought it would make it go away and then it ended up making it worse." - On Michael Jackson's controversies
"The only crime they have now is al Green's accusation that Trump is a bigot."