
Excavation Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"There's a lot to do here and the real work will begin once these skeletons are lifted and we can then approach the post-exclamation because that's the really clever stuff that's where all the Witchcraft happens."
"Excavators recently found these huge Mammoth bones while digging to install a drain pipe in a village just outside of Mexico City."
"Despite the disappointment, the team remains hopeful for a large-scale dig next year, aided by a massive sheet piling cofferdam, to unravel the mystery of the buried anomaly."
"This is probably the biggest site we've ever attempted on Time Team."
"The tablet's discovery is major not only for its historical value but because it potentially opens up possibilities for further excavations."
"A whole lost Metropolis that was literally buried under the Egyptian sand and had to be dug out."
"The biggest mystery here is where did the builders take all that rock that they carved out."
"The final shipwreck of Vienna coffee is now ready for the next crucial stage of the rescue excavation."
"The best recorded excavation effort we couldn't move anywhere do anything there were television councils it was a tourist site from day one."
"A team of archaeologists excavated at least 30 bodies, including 20 adults and 10 children, who were buried just 1.6 feet (50 cm) in the ground."
"We excavated the pet cemetery that I designated, burial site number one that I designated, burial site number two that I designated."
"Only thanks to the dig has the full scale of this imposing site become clear."
"When there's this much water around, and I can see that there is underground Springs feeding it, then there's no reason not to dig for water."
"This connection is really ancient, um dinosaur, it's making me think of like excavation as well so a lot of stuff from the past is really coming up here."
"The team embarks on a complete excavation, recording each detail for further research."
"This site is an archaeologist's dream."
"We absolutely have an archaeological site."
"With most of our planet's valuable resources being hidden underground, humans have for thousands of years dug into the earth to retrieve as much as possible."
"The Terex Bucyrus RH-400 was for a long time the largest hydraulic excavator on earth."
"The tunnel boring machines are used to excavate through the seabed and create the tunnel."
"The initial phase involved extensive excavation work as heavy machinery and skilled operators worked tirelessly to remove vast quantities of rock and earth."
"The establishing wide shot of the dig site in Jurassic Park 1 was in fact actual footage of an excavation."
"A staggering six thousand objects were excavated at the temple."
"As we cleared away the top layers of soil, we began to see stones in a circular arrangement."
"It's the final breakthrough after 23 months of excavation."
"I cannot conceive anything more interesting for an egyptologist than to make excavations."
"Archaeologists are digging up the past. Sometimes things pop up quite quickly, and you can see what's there."
"We have enormous numbers of pieces of equipment from Royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings."
"It's a very, very exciting site... it's given a real insight into the sort of things that might have been going on there."
"I'm used to having to dig down to get it but here it's at the surface."
"There are a huge variety of styles and sizes, but ultimately they all specialize in digging long holes for pipes and utilities."
"Archaeologists had to do a lot of digging to find it because it was buried a whole 82 ft beneath the surface."
"Daybreak over the Royal Crescent in Bath can be one of the most beautiful sights in Britain. But that was yesterday. This is today, the start of day two of our digging."
"We finally have a result in Phil's trench. That's the Roman wall."
"The implication is we've got to dig at least another five meters. It's a heck of a big mausoleum."
"A massive defensive system was excavated at Umi from 1600 BC SE."
"Here is what was found at the site: teeth, bones, skulls, and other scraps of animals such as mammoths, llamas, giant bison, and much more."
"A swift response followed the portable antiqui scheme finds liaison officer for Wiltshire Katie hins subsequent emergency excavation led by archaeologist Alan Graham span three days."
"Everywhere you looked huge mammoth bones were literally sticking out of the mud."
"If this wall was part of a beaker building, these diggers should be coming up with lots of copper age fines."
"...an amazing archaeological Discovery under a parking lot in England."
"One Christmas morning construction workers in Augsburg, Germany were stunned to unearth a giant device dating all the way back to World War 2."
"The excavation of this remarkable time capsule continues to this day."
"That was the biggest piece found it, which actually still looks pretty good."
"The evidence gathered underscored the urgency of a more in-depth exploration, possibly necessitating excavation to truly grasp the scope and characteristics of these subterranean phenomena."
"The best discoveries are made during post-excavation, the process that takes place after the dig back in the lab."
"Excadrill’s exceptional tunneling skills, they are very popular with construction companies, assisting them with excavation."
"We're back at the bottom dump and this dump ranges from late 19th early 20th century."
"All in all you know fun pit um definitely good variety and definitely had fun digging it wish more stuff came out intact but you can pretty much say that for any pit so I'm certainly happy for the stuff that we did manage to get."
"We just got done digging that one privy and those two horseshoes are paying off."
"Finally Stuart and geophysics both agree that new trench number four should fingers crossed contain the north wall of the chapel."
"I can feel it. They must not have movies in this world because how have these people not seen a movie where you have to dig unearth something? It's always bad."
"We've already found one piece of Saxon pot and know that when Queen Edith was here in the 11th century Oakum was a significant Saxon settlement."
"For more information about this week's dig as well as all the past excavations, visit the website channel4.com/TimeTeam."
"If it's legally protected, how do we work out where we're going to dig?"
"The most grotesque of these death pits was officially titled pg11237 but it was dubbed by Woolley as the great death pit."
"Archaeologists poking through a Neolithic settlement in Western Slovakia recently discovered a horrifying mass grave."
"The ongoing excavations at the site of the Sanxingdui ruins in southwestern China have yielded some of the greatest archaeological discoveries in the country's recent history."
"At trench 5, the archaeology is already beginning to show results."
"In the yard, a police backhoe went to work excavating the filled-in ravine."
"...how minusculely insignificant our own excavation trenches seem."
"The terrace wall was later reinforced with another couple of meters of boulder terraces, and Guzin's careful excavation found evidence of dating that dates these to the late seventh or the first half of the sixth century BC, the period of Sardis' greatest expansion."
"'Here, the wizards used magic to hide an underground chamber and reinforce it so no one could break in,' Drakken explained. 'But they missed a patch of earth. We can dig down into it right here.'"
"It’s likely that the base was buried during 1918’s Second Battle of Somme, when the British Army widened their attack into Arras region."
"That first big rain is the first test of any sort of excavation or Earth moving to see what water does on it because water will do whatever the heck it wants."
"The plan seems to be working, but now they have only two weeks to excavate and clear up 25,000 tons of soil and rubble."
"In order to understand it and verify it, excavations were necessary, to reveal the depth of the construction history in this pyramid and how it came to be there."
"We know a lot about the Syro-Anatolian Culture Complex or SACC because so many of these city-states' capital cities have been excavated in major, long-term excavation projects."
"There's hundreds and hundreds of sites within this box. It's almost completely unknown during the Bronze and Iron Age."
"Wasn't that excavator so cool? I love getting to dig things up and an excavator makes it so easy and fun."
"Nuclear excavation offers the potential for providing the practical economical means."
"How would you even know what it was? How would you dig it up? All right, it could be a huge job. I admit, especially if you're trying to unearth a mastodon."
"How do we know where to dig? Well, just stay with us because not only going to show you how we know where to dig, we're going to do something then we're going to show you what we find. So just stay with us and come along."
"...Alrighty, let's excavate this."
"It's amazing what we can find hidden in the dirt."
"Obtaining a permit to excavate in Los Angeles is even more difficult than finding a buried treasure."
"You lose the context of, you know, potential dating, and yeah, you can't look around there or carry out excavations looking for other bones."
"We were able to work with the Maine Department of Transportation and the Maine Historical Preservation Commission to develop a plan in which we will undertake excavations on a portion of the site to mitigate the potential impact of new construction."
"Everything we know about these sites comes from the excavations that have taken place here which have uncovered a deeply stratified site with clear cultural levels containing many features and artifacts."
"The reason why is that limestone due to the setups like earthquakes where it's very tall walls for the deposits, they don't want to go excavating too far in the hills because you can't bring down the overburden safely."
"We don't like to record these sites completely 100% because once you excavate it and dig it up, you can't ever put it back."
"These are caves they're not digging when you say treasure digging it's not a one-day couple hours thing...this just keep this picture in mind as you hear this because you want to downplay this into being a very small thing it was a very big operation..."
"We uncovered a breccia block with something very special inside of it. What you're seeing in front of you is what I can describe as a skull in the rock."
"I'm going to bust into the floor, try to find some chate."
"We've found the can dump for the miners."
"The tomb of sbai coming out of the sand."
"These discoveries might compel Gary to want to excavate the entire swamp."
"They believe they've reached the roof of the tunnel, with more to come in subsequent grabs."
"The team will now meticulously search the spoils retrieved from the shaft by hand."
"However, the crew may have found the largest concentrations of gold and silver during their whole quest for the Oak Island treasure above the tunnel, which they found at a depth of about 95 feet while digging nearby in the so-called Baby Blob."
"This is some of the oldest stuff we've dug in our area, unbelievable."
"...Atari to quite famously bury a large amount of unsold cartridges and gaming equipment in a landfill in New Mexico."
"Tutankhamun's tomb: a significant discovery in the excavation and research of ancient Egypt."
"Thornton and McCook reservoir were excavated from that 425 million year old Silurian limestone that dates back to when all this was a tropical reef."
"A mini skid steer will help you transport stuff and smooth the dirt and really do the excavation much quicker than if you're only using a hand shovel."
"The site is still being excavated and Vindolanda at its peak is believed to have housed four to five thousand people."
"I have never found a bone bed this dense, this rich."
"A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in one night."
"The walking Menzi Muck M545 is not called a spider excavator for nothing."
"We're pulling out the relics today, aren't we?"
"It took me like two and a half years to get down, it's about 3.6 meters deep."
"I want you to come with me so we can dig it out together."
"The Forty thousand square meters of athlete yam are an archaeological mine."
"The skull of the 66 million year old triceratops was gradually extracted from the ground over a period of two months."
"The Toffit of Carthage was excavated between 1930 and 1970, revealing the bodies of young infants buried in small vaults."
"I hope the excavation works out; I know you're perfect for the job."
"Whatever was buried deep in the earth was definitely worth digging up."
"I feel honored; I have colleagues, I have the famous, finally digging for me."
"The Bagger 293, also known as the monster of lignite, is one of the largest and most impressive bucket wheel excavators in the world."
"After days of hard work, the team comes across a huge skull that astounds everyone."
"Founded on South Hill this afternoon, Horizon 4 infant Velociraptor jaw and complete dentition, so there's no question about identity, and the site looks undisturbed. We might even get a full skeleton."
"He cuts out channels through the rocks, and his eyes see every precious thing."
"If it works, we'll revolutionize the world of excavation."
"We're digging there at the moment, just at that point there."
"That's a deep hole, everybody. At least a few hundred feet. Pretty darn cool."
"Excavating topsoil for preservation, average depth not exceeding 150 mm, commencing from ground level."
"Archaeologists do not decide for themselves where and when to dig unless it's a scientific project."
"The city was literally covered in ash and stone for centuries until it was finally unearthed in the 1700s."
"The entire installation process from excavation to operation takes approximately three weeks to accomplish."
"We got involved in this project which has gone on and on and we've excavated more and more and found more and more, a lot of it unexpectedly."
"I absolutely 110% love excavating and love dirt work, running a machine, and watching how the land changes."
"The fascinating machine I would like to introduce is the Leair 974 excavator, a large excavator manufactured by Leaire, one of the leading manufacturers of mining machinery."
"It's just surprising that there's no carvings or anything, you know, to indicate who dug it or when."
"Please do not try to replicate this or dig any deep hole in the ground by hand; it can be very dangerous, the ground can shift, very bad things can happen, so please do not try this at home."
"An ordinary excavation turned a little bizarre."
"With each shovel of earth excavated, they inch closer to uncovering the secrets that lie buried beneath the ground."
"Fortunately, there were no setbacks in their efforts to excavate the garden shaft."
"The Cullinan diamond, the largest gem-quality rough diamond, was excavated here at over 3,100 carats."
"A naturally grown woman in her element, digging with an RC excavator."
"The mass of material unearthed was extraordinary."
"In fact, we do seem to be getting the sort of finds you'd associate with a Roman villa."
"It's early days yet, but in Phil's trench, we've got lots of Roman walls to puzzle over."
"It has taken archaeologists over six years of non-stop excavation to carefully extract Yenikapi's secrets from the earth."
"Well guys, it's time we got our first big dirt moving job of the season."
"The structure is so big that scientists haven't even been able to uncover it all."
"The underground structures are so immense that excavating them could take up to 50 years."
"The villa was discovered by workers digging wells in 1750, tunnels were dug through it over the next four years."
"Each excavation unearthed artifacts, strengthening the enduring presence of God."
"Really cool, you can see that they're just continuing to excavate as they go out."
"Much of this site hasn't been fully excavated because the authorities don't wish to reveal what is here."
"By 12:40 hours, they had cleared 11 stratums down into the surface, reaching a depth of 440 meters."
"We have our own rock hard fossils that we can excavate and pretend that we are paleontologists."
"They had been excavating for the placement of an oil tank when they came across unusual stonework buried beneath the soil."
"The researchers then excavated deeper into the stone and discovered more mason work within."
"It's absolutely incredible, we've dug this pond probably 12 feet down in the middle."
"The auto dig feature is a remarkable advancement allowing excavator operators to complete their work more accurately and efficiently than ever before."
"They completed the hundred kilometers in about two years of excavation which is very very high in advance rates."