
Blasphemy Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"You cannot have a society where you have death for blasphemy and freedom of religion; it's one or the other."
"Embracing blasphemy can be very individually liberating."
"You've taken the name of the Lord your God in vain when you create a God of your own making."
"It is much more difficult to explain away the testimony of Jim Peniston and John Burroughs... they retired from the Air Force."
"It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you but for blasphemy because you are being a man make yourself God."
"The ultimate sin is to take the physicalness of gold which is not God and say you're God. Do not do that."
"You're standing in the face of God and calling them a liar, and that's quite sad."
"If your God is real, he isn't just dumb, he's dumb and evil as fuck."
"Apostasy is basically giving God the finger, saying we know you exist."
"The chaos insurgency stands in opposition to this blasphemy against nature."
"Blasphemy is a sin only if you are unable to profit by it."
"Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."
"It is open season on abusing the Holy Spirit, outrageous dishonor of the Holy Spirit, claiming He is saying things and doing things and generating things that have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit at all."
"Attributing to the Holy Spirit the work of Satan is a serious blasphemy."
"When you are a big, big actor, you call Jesus an adulterer. You are a son of a prostitute, you call Jesus son of a prostitute."
"To kill God is the supreme act of hatred of God."
"This place which thou seest here are cast the spirits of Sinners and blasphemers and of those who work wickedness and of those who pervert everything that the Lord hath spoken through the mouth of the prophets."
"For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God."
"He would speak blasphemy, which... means he would claim to be God on earth."
"something that's taking a Blasphemous form to attack my faith there's a demonic"
"I hate you, Jesus. You rotten little fake."
"I think blasphemy is very bad taste toward any religion. It's bad taste, but the fact that I deem it bad taste doesn't make it inappropriate, and inappropriate exercise of freedom for those who take a different view. That's the whole idea of freedom."
All manner of blasphemy can be forgiven except that final blasphemy that says with full revelation, "I reject Christ."
"Any and all attempts to define morality differently than God has is a form of rebellion and blasphemy--blasphemy against God, against His holy nature, and His holy law, and His holy people."
"I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree."
"I think when we're told to not take the Lord's name in vain, that means we're not supposed to attribute things to God that are not God."
"He's just made himself equal to God."
"Blasphemy is a victimless crime since there's no God you can blaspheme. Blasphemy is a positive moral impulse because you have the freedom to say, 'Hey, you did wrong.'"
"Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail."
"Blasphemy is believing that we are God."
"They blaspheme holy angels, who are the guardians of the sacred word of God."
"Be not afraid of the words which thou hast heard with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me."
"...anyone who says that Jesus Christ son of Mary's God is making kufr is an act of blasphemy against Allah."
"The legend itself is a blasphemy."
"I just listened to 19 Black Sabbath records, and that was the most blasphemy I've heard all day, all week."
"That's he hid behind her faith and her Christianity. That's blasphemy of the highest order against the Holy Spirit."
"The impardonable sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is rejecting the leading power of the Holy Spirit in your life so that you never truly surrender to Christ."
"The Antichrist will commit blasphemies."
"He'll blaspheme God, and blaspheme the people in heaven."
"F you god I cursed God I cursed Jesus I cursed Jonah and that whale."
"For people who insult the Holy Spirit, there is a warning of severe judgment."
"Their attitude toward Jesus was blasphemous, still is today to hate Him."
"Jesus was, as I said earlier, at best, he was a first-century faith healer and a fraud, an ignorant fraud who didn't know any better than any other first-century ignorant fraud."
"It is a capital crime to blaspheme the name of God."
"But to pick the sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who are directly disrespectful I mean you can only call this stuff blasphemy and utter rejection."
"It's blasphemy to say that Noah's flood was a local flood."
"If you could get a hold of God, you’d like to choke him."
"To say that I stand in the place of Jesus...is outrageously blasphemous."
"There is no greater blasphemy than this."
"He replied, 'Don't swear to God, swear to Satan.'"
"You say you love Allah more than anything else and they're swearing and abusing Him and it's nothing, a big joke."
"This evil world only uses one human being's name as a cuss word, and that name is the English name of Jesus."
"When you buy a DVD and you know what's on there, you contribute to blasphemy."
"Only the name of Jesus is a curse word because the enemy wants to dishonor God."
"Pride, arrogance, and blasphemy are egregious to God, regardless of skin color or ancestry."
"He basically took the lord's name in vain by saying that there was something wrong with someone using that word that wasn't right."
"Calling Catholicism a false religion that falls under the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit."
"To hell with Christianity. I will build a new heaven and earth. I want blasphemy, murder, rape, and revolution."
"...some of the stuff that they were like playing back of him saying I was just like the most blasphemy [__] you heard that you were like [__] not."
"Peter's words confront the true blasphemy. Jesus wasn't the blasphemer. They were. Jesus the Nazarene."
"It opens its mouth in blasphemy against God."
"Stop using God's name, holy Buddha, that's an oxymoron right there!"
"The rejection of the Gospel is a blasphemy of God because essentially you're saying you lied."
"Enzo over Eleven? That's blasphemy."
"Relativism is the natural in the natural order a perverse error. When it is applied to God and the things of God, such as ecumenism and religious liberty, it is a blasphemy against the truth and the holiness of Almighty God."
"What's made you so righteous, so sure you're fit to throw the first stone? It's dangerous to play God, Jess. Don't blaspheme."
"It really upsets my spirit, it grieves my heart when people insult Jesus and blaspheme Jesus, even unwittingly, unknowingly. It just really upsets me."
"You cuss God, you deny His existence."
"You got to choose: we're going to decide that he is an impudent blasphemer or it's God incarnate."
"Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed."
"To say that Chief Keef doesn't have the influence or impact on the world that he clearly does is blasphemy."
"Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? And against whom have you raised your voice, and haughtily lifted your eyes? Against the Holy One of Israel!"
"If he was no Herald, then he had perpetuated lies of the most blasphemous degree," he realized.
"What need we any further witnesses? Ye have heard the blasphemy. What think ye?"
"There's nothing in the Quran that says that one who commits the act of blasphemy should be punished in this life."
"The 'blaspheme' is at the heart of a language, but even more, is at the heart of a society."
"You might be against me or think that you're against me, but the God you blaspheme is for me."