
Biblical Accuracy Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"It appears that the Bible is actually enriched with facts and may very well be historically accurate."
"Michael Todd's preaching doesn't come close to what the Bible actually says on these topics."
"The Bible has never been wrong. It's provable through science, through biblical archaeology, through manuscript evidence."
"The Bible is correct, whether it's speaking to history or to science."
"The Bible is mathematically accurate. Christ was crucified exactly on time."
"A remarkable consistency exists between the Gospel accounts and the forensic pathological findings depicted on the Shroud of Turin."
"The pollen grains found on the Shroud of Turin match Jerusalem."
"We have Jesus in the Bible in the New Testament that's where we need to see him not get all these silly relics."
"The Bible in the original texts is free of error."
"You know you can be the smartest analyst of Middle East affairs and you will still be wrong if you go against what the Bible says because eventually the Bible is found more accurate than all of those predictions."
"The biblical texts that they found in this cave... did not really expect the scrolls to be so close to the text that we are presently using today."
"Archeology is now proving that the first couple of pages of the Bible are history. I didn't expect to see that in my lifetime."
"The foundation of the church is not men but it's the word of God."
"It's certainly within the realm of possibility that Gospel writers 2,000 years ago would have exaggerated or invented stories."
"The staggering accuracy of biblical prophecies is evidence of its divine inspiration."
"God's word has never been wrong, he's never been inaccurate."
"If you just read the book of Acts you'll see exactly what the church believed... it all happened exactly as promised."
"The players are all being set up in the Middle East exactly as the Bible says they're going to be."
"The Bible never gets it wrong, it's so unbelievably accurate."
"Every part of the Bible is true, properly understood."
"The Bible is authenticated through the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which mirror its content."
"All the evidence of these events reveals that God's word is true and trustworthy."
"The Bible got it right all along because the Bible has always taught that there's only one race."
"This is how God ensured that only the writings of the true prophets were included in the Bible."
"The Bible in its prophecies not one of them have ever been wrong."
"How could a literary work composed by 40 different authors over the course of 1,500 years accurately predict the conditions in our present world?"
"Archaeological support for the historical veracity of the scriptures."
"The Bible is giving us an accurate historic record."
"The Bible speaks to the human condition accurately; it can be trusted and believed."
"The Genesis narratives of Abraham and his descendants are historically accurate accounts."
"It's prophecy, not coincidence. Everything Jesus prophesized was written thousands of years before he was born."
"Whether you like it or whether you don't like it, Bible prophecy is fulfilling and the Word of God is standing the test of time."
"We know what the original writers wrote...we know it's true history...and we know it's the word of God." - Rick
"It's not 100% biblically accurate, but it is biblically accurate in the sense that it doesn't go against the harmony of scripture."
"The text of the Bible, especially the text of the New Testament, has been very accurately transmitted from the first century to now."
"The Bible gets it right 100% of the time. That's what you get when you preach prophecy."
"Everything about the location, everything about the description of the city, everything about everything about it... lines up with scripture."
"How do I know Adam sinned on aul 29 in 3971 BC? The Bible tells me so."
"Every single prophecy about Christ in the Old Testament was fulfilled."
"I put my faith in the fact the Bible is God's inspired word. It's historically accurate and the historical Jesus claimed to be God and proved it by rising from the dead."
"The testimony of archeology and discovered history time and again confirms the Bible's truth."
"This suggests a remarkable accuracy in the transmission of the Bible across the centuries."
"Research it, study it, and make sure that my interpretation of what scripture is saying is biblically sound."
"The Bible is accurate historically, and archaeology, when properly understood, affirms that."
"Some things in the Bible are correct; I'm not denying that."
"This is the right target to shoot for as far as church is concerned, using only God's word to produce God's church."
"Archaeology... keeps revealing new information from the pages of the Bible to demonstrate the reliability and the accuracy of scripture."
"You find full jars of grain and storage units indicating that there was no siege, just exactly as the Bible described."
"The study notes in this Study Bible are very, very accurate."
"The Church Fathers would say the Bible is correct and what it says, the Messiah was born of a virgin as the prophecy of Isaiah said."
"The Bible got it right, they got the order right."
"You have to know that the Bible is the accurate, inspired word of God, accurate in all of its details."
"All of these layers are speaking volumes to the accuracy of the Bible."
"I mean, the stones are crying out that Jesus was true, the Bible is right."
"The documents found here at Elephantine enable us to be so confident in the historical accuracy of the Bible."
"Whether he's six nine or nine feet, there are differences in the Old Testament, but they're not substantial to take away our confidence in the text as a whole."
"All the historical evidence agrees with my Bible."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls, an ancient text that proves the truth of the Bible."