
Moral Dilemmas Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The C ation of humanity is definitely worth the life of one girl."
"We always feel like we're doing wrong no matter what we choose, but really, we're doing good."
"Do the ends justify the means? I don't think so."
"Another morality question stirs up in this game."
"It's so much harder to be an Avatar when your villains make sense."
"The main story of Grand Theft Auto 4 is made compelling through the moral dilemmas that Niko Bellic faces."
"Either loosen your moral code, or stop hinging the fate of the world on death matches!"
"For me, the technology is super impressive, but the ethics of it is really [__] up."
"There's no other game that allows you to harvest organs from prisoners and also create tea."
"Great action with believable characters, understandable moral dilemmas, powerful aliens, and a happy ending."
"You can't fight monsters by becoming monsters."
"When horrible things happen, not just because someone wants to be evil, but because they have their own goals or their own philosophy that they believe in."
"Money is the root of all evil, but sometimes we can overcome a lot."
"Some of the best character arcs in the entire series involve marines who genuinely believe in justice trying to reconcile their values with the reality of their job."
"Do you see how it's better to not do something bad if you happen to want to do the bad thing?"
"How do we balance strength, power, and self-interest with tolerance, virtue, and magnanimity?"
"Did Rani know that Blythe would die? Is she so callous to carry her plans even knowing the fate of her childhood friend?"
"I love movies that give you great moral dilemmas."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and two war crimes definitely don't make a right."
"How far would you go to have your greatest wish granted? How much would you destroy to get your way?"
"Would you cut your finger off for a million pounds?"
"Would you want to have principles or do you want to win?"
"Superman proves that you never need to graduate to fighting supervillains. You can still have a compelling character whose main thing is saving people."
"If we ever started to act like our enemies, we'd be better villains than they ever were."
"I probably did a good thing for him, but I feel like that's painful."
"Scott really created the archetype of the solitary anti-hero facing daunting challenges and tough moral dilemmas."
"Yakuza 2 explores the faults of an absolutely honorable person when they have to face ruthless pragmatism."
"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions."
"Franklin battles between morally questionable actions and desire for his daughter."
"Life has tragedy and sometimes there's no good choice."
"Maybe I shouldn't have put it in a museum. Maybe I should have destroyed it or kept it, but that shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me."
"But it's clearest in the finale: Hoshi even uses the saving the world excuse to justify his cheating."
"Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still better than doing the wrong thing."
"The movie did a fantastic job of laying out that central dilemma... there is a compelling argument for both sides."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"The show wants us to be perplexed and to struggle with this, we're supposed to have as many different interpretations as we do about the trolley problem."
"The fact that he waited until after he was a legal adult to destroy it is enough of a problem."
"Having a conversation with somebody about geopolitics... do you do some what look like kind of evil things because you are feel obligated that you have to do that in order to protect the people."
"You either die a hero, you see yourself become the villain, I guess. So, outside of YouTube, I don't know, maybe a normal job."
"If you learn to compromise your values, when will you stop?"
"If you don't have an answer, you can err on the side of not ending a life."
"Just because it's wrong doesn't mean it doesn't happen."
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same things."
"Sometimes you've got to do something wrong to make it right."
"If she killed him, she must have had a good reason."
"That hatred he felt saved another child from being killed by that rabid dog, that's the point."
"This was a tough decision Fable presented me because I wasn't really sure what the right choice was here."
"How could something be unethical and not be cheating?"
"Sure, cheating is bad, but if it didn't happen, I wouldn't have my best friend."
"It is a bitter pill about the small compromises that we all have to make in life and how even doing the right thing can have negative consequences..."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"What's better: being true and reaching an audience of a couple thousand people or making a few compromises and reaching millions and millions of people?"
"Politics actually has the responsibility, it sees the moral dilemma and can do something about it."
"They will literally violate almost every moral principle they have otherwise it's insane."
"Wars are uncertain... doing the right thing can make you lose and doing the wrong thing can make you win."
"If you want a good person to do a bad thing, that requires religion."
"Consent is an important moral consideration, but there are other moral considerations too."
"There's a difference between being a murderer and doing what's right."
"Any half-decent protagonist would challenge such extreme ideas."
"When you got to make a decision that'll hurt somebody, it's best to think on the right and wrong of it."
"The walkers are people, human people. They make a deal with the devil for some power, be it long life or what have you, by killing a person they love like a child. That's horrible."
"He was unquestionably the bad guy, damned if he did and damned if he didn't on just about everything."
"If being fair and having morals is not benefiting you why would you want to keep doing it?"
"His self-preservation instinct takes over and prompts him to find the woman at all costs because he would have a hard time explaining the things that he did."
"It's not enough to say is what I did the right thing you also have to ask is it the right thing that the United States is giving aerial support to a genocidal war."
"Aaron is prepared to sacrifice the rest of the world for the benefit of Paradis and its people."
"Sometimes good business means bending some of your own morals."
"People doing as much as they can to respond, the human spirit coming through in a terrible, terrible time."
"Both sides of the coin are unproductive, even though one may be more morally correct than the other."
"I was deciding, do I want to kill this Sage or not?"
"What is legal is not always right and what is right is not always legal."
"People are often forced by their circumstances to do things they don't want to and choose between the lesser of two evils."
"While it seems paradoxical to say this, when it comes to mass murder during wars, there are always ethical concerns regarding how you can kill someone."
"It brings to light all sides of a certain point and really shows how every action, no matter how noble or how dark, could have a negative reaction despite the intentions."
"Galactus creates an impossible dilemma for the heroes who try to stop him because of his Cosmic role."
"The temptation towards any person no matter how noble there is going to be considerable power tempts people even if they mean well."
"We can never compromise the truth but we can never compromise love either. We can't compromise either one."
"If you think people should die rather than steal a loaf of bread, what are your moral priorities?"
"Bounty hunting: Making a living, maintaining a moral code."
"Theme is not about preaching a certain political or ideological message but about presenting a complex moral dilemma."
"Society demands justice, but heaven demands mercy."
"Can a Christian stand for the murder of an innocent child?"
"Feeling that he can change the future in which she will never become evil, he even reminisces, thinking 'what if Miriam wasn't evil from the beginning?'"
"If at any point in time you find yourself doing things that question your own morals and question your character then you shouldn't be doing them."
"So what sort of autonomy is the kind of autonomy where you're forced to provide for folks on welfare... but you can still murder them in the womb? What is that? I mean, that ain't complete autonomy."
"At some point, they might see him and say, 'Man, that's the [__] right there, what am I gonna do? Am I gonna kill him?'"
"This movie had such a good story. It makes you question humanity."
"What is an X-Men or Avenger story without a moral quandry?"
"We were talking about having grand babies and he said, 'This sounds terrible but if my grandson came to me and asked me to hide a body, I think I'd help him,' and I go, 'I get it.'"
"The trolley problem is interesting because from an individualistic perspective it seems wrong to kill, but from a utilitarian perspective it seems wrong to let more people die."
"The Struggle of what the characters were gonna do to them while maintaining their Humanity was one of the best aspects."
"The Fall of the Mutants highlights the exploration of the moral dilemmas faced by the X-Men and their allies."
"It’s not a black and white answer. It’s a tough ethical question."
"How do you deal with moral failures when people come and tell you about something they've done where they've really failed?"
"...it gives its characters real moral dilemmas."
"Arcane proposes that there are two types of connections to these choices: those personal to the one making them and then the effects of those choices on others."
"Sometimes good people work for bad companies."
"In a fallen world, tensions and conflicts arise, and we need to weigh righteous principles and balance."
"How do you balance loving your enemy and engaging in righteous acts of justified war against your enemies? Principles and balance."
"The ethical waters get dark and deep here pretty quickly."
"Such situations can create moral conflict not just for the character but also for the player."
"Lying may typically be wrong to the consequentialist, but the ends justify the means."
"Is it more important to make good easier or to make bad harder?"
"There have been terrible times in human history where doing good deeds demanded a heavy cost."
"We'll all face ethical dilemmas, so we just have to do the best we can to face those and deal with them when we come in contact."
"You must do vile things for the good of the realm when you presume to rule."
"Practical ethics... is concerned with really practical, applicable moral dilemmas that are actually faced by people."
"It feels very good writing honestly to then see this character have to grapple with the consequences."