
High Cost Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Renting out Disney parks Michael Jackson style: a rough starting cost of around $180,000."
"79 fucking dollars for a low as JPEG footage like that are you fucking kidding me."
"I think what we're ready to space can I but another, let's have a look over here, $60,000, oh it's got a lot of money over here, forty thousand dollars."
"You're basically paying 30 40 50 60 percent interest rate to borrow GameStop shares."
"Real Barbie Doll... paid more than 1 million dollars to look like Barbie."
"These optics are top quality and they're pricey for a reason. There's a lot that goes into them. If I could say anything, it's they're worth every penny."
"So it’s possible at a high cost, but if the project can stop climate change, maybe it’s worth it."
"That's probably all you really need to know: horrible pricing aside, I am in awe of the performance these new GPUs can achieve."
"Luxury items have outrageous price tags only some people can afford."
"One person spent over two hundred thousand dollars for the worn Birkenstocks of Steve Jobs."
"The iPad Pro: where power, cameras, and design meet. It's the one to get if you don't mind paying for it."
"Nadav is about a lifestyle change. What is it, a million dollars? That's insane. Not a million. It's going to be a healthy life. That's like the greatest gift of all time."
"So it is going to be expensive, for sure, but it definitely seems really high quality."
"The world's most expensive bag is an Hermes Himalaya Birkin bag that sold for $500,000."
"This Supercharged V8 powered building that costs over a hundred fifty thousand dollars can get single digits for fuel economy."
"This incredible vessel has been through a complete rebuild that cost over 35 million euros."
"Over a thousand dollars very easily... a combo for five hundred and fifty dollars."
"You have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get something in the Ferrari or Lamborghini range to stop traffic the way this Karma does."
"We also have two $115,000 seats and one $25,000 seat but we both need to complete three challenges at each seat."
"There's no fucking price that you'll not pay to drink from the Fountain of Youth."
"Let's get this out of the way right off the bat: the Pixelbook is expensive."
"I'll pay 250 thousand dollars just for this experience."
"Why doesn't it do the one thing that the much cheaper headsets do?"
"It behaves exactly like you would hope it does given the price point you give it everything you've ever heard."
"Rek'Sai is a god tier level jungler... I do recommend you play her but she's right now pretty expensive."
"Once again I'm very impressed with the Wicked Edge, it did a terrific job but it also is very expensive."
"Ruth Chris is the classic high-end Steakhouse that charges top dollar."
"The Cayenne Turbo is the best, though it's also the most expensive."
"If somebody has to stop being all of who they are to be half of a couple, the price is too high."
"10 Mana 10/10 the Jailer Battle Cry destroy your deck for the rest of the game your minions are immune."
"I know something I gonna say the price is kinda high, quality over quantity, when you buy this case, six months later, it's still gonna look like this."
"This is official tissue, I know something I gonna say the price is kinda high, quality over quantity, when you buy this case, six months later, it's still gonna look like this."
"It's incredible how common it is actually to have really high dollar sets released just all the time from LEGO these days."
"Honestly, have a separate customer support program... for people who bought a $5,000 MacBook Pro."
"Here we go, baby! She's forty thousand, you so expensive!"
"This beautiful work of art is for sale with a price tag starting from 3.4 million dollars."
"This hypercar will easily cost you upwards of two million dollars, but you probably won't mind when you first lay eyes on it."
"All of this indicates clearly that this is a high-quality, costly product..."
"It's worth every penny of that 28 thousand dollar price tag."
"It almost felt immoral to let someone spend that much hard-earned money on one piece of plastic."
"The Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is estimated to be worth a shipwrecking $28 million."
"It's silver from what I remember. Yeah, and it's got Tiffany and Company tag on it. So, is that Tiffany good? Tiffany's good."
"It should always be perfect when you're spending this kind of money."
"My god, if this was all in a studio in Manhattan, you'd be the first in line paying a hundred bucks. What is that? How's that already leading?"
"They walk away but they pay a big price for it. They pay a big price for it."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"This is like at least a thousand dollars a pop. CP really perplexes me."
"So what we need is, oh here we go, finally, look at that, it took 10 minutes to restart a 15,000 dollar computer folks, welcome to Apple, that's pathetic."
"As tested, it's a little under fifty-four thousand dollars, which is definitely an eye-watering amount of money."
"If you spend a thousand bucks on this phone, flip that [__] it's not gonna break."
"80 grand for a truck today I'm gonna show you around this thing and show you what you get when you spend 80 thousand dollars on a pickup."
"Even when it cost eight blocks of gold, people were still making it."
"This is a first edition base set booster box that I bought for two hundred seventeen thousand dollars including taxes."
"The bloodthirsters with the great axe, shalaxy, hellbane is very expensive but kills most Monster and vehicles Dead"
"The platinum badging for this car is an $84,000 option."
"1200 bucks that price is tgh and if you don't know what that means that's too goddamn High"
"This is just amazing I can't say enough good things about this candle or this brand it's a really good brand they're pricey but so worth it."
"The Soul tournament gave me my life back, but the cost... the cost was more than I could have ever imagined."
"Does that make sense to you that a movie like Avatar would be one of the most expensive films of all time?"
"It's just like wow glow, and the only thing is it is very pricey but so worth it if you can afford it."
"This is modern flagship, it should be because, well, it's 1500 bloody dollars right?"
"Oh this is definitely one of the more expensive vehicles I've reviewed this SRT Grand Cherokee fully loaded with all the features it has this literally over $80,000..."
"This is 75 for 1.7 ounces of product, so the frugal in me started sweating a little bit."
"Picture quality absolutely deserves the Master name, some of the other things... because of how expensive it is, I expect those things to work right."
"192 dollars for you to [ __ ] up your skin I think not."
"This car is gonna retail for 1.8 million dollars...but you do get what you pay for."
"The Whittlesbach-Graff Diamond boasts flawless clarity, a stunning color, and a price tag to match."
"Despite its high price tag, this bike sold out really quick."
"It must be just like in absolute pristine condition to ask for that much money for the McLaren P1."
"One cannot discuss the universe's most expensive things without mentioning Elizabeth Taylor's necklace."
"Beluga caviar: Once offered for free, now sold for up to $35,000 per kilogram, sourced from rare albino sturgeon in the Caspian Sea."
"It's incredibly expensive here in the United States."
"You know, we paid a ridiculously high price for that, but they're immune."
"You can really go crazy equipping it well beyond that $383,000 sticker price."
"Yeah, it's actually like at the end of their life span, they spit up blood and that's the most expensive one."
"Holy cow, 1.1 million dollars first of all, that's absolutely nuts."
"This guy is going to be around the 270 thousand dollars, sick bro."
"Rare premium giant size seafood like this comes at a price."
"It really is a super versatile, legible, all-round, do everything go anywhere watch and so it should be given the price tag that they're charging for it."
"It's like seven thousand dollars are you [ __ ] serious?"
"I knew that these are over a thousand dollars but still it just didn't register."
"Do I think this set is worth $700? Yes. Do I think you should pay $700 for it? Yeah, probably."
"The brutally selective, hugely expensive, life-saving trials of immunotherapy."
"Mouth-watering ingredients, eye-watering prices."
"It's bulletproof, sealed against biochemical attacks, and it costs $1.5 million."
"This is literally as far as I'm concerned, motherboard perfection, except for the price."
"Sometimes this protection has been paid for at the highest price: human life."
"War never did anybody any good; in fact, it costs more so high, and the lives that are lost are even higher."
"I was living in Manhattan at the time, so I actually wasn't able to decrease my spending much because the largest expense was Manhattan rent."
"It's definitely expensive, but it's built to displace a lot of other gear in your carry bag."
"This really is luxury living, the average price of a home here is just over eight hundred thousand dollars."
"I would 100% recommend it if you can swing the high price tag on it."
"It's still very, very expensive but it has that very niche, colorful market appeal."
"It's very expensive, but worth it."
"We went to a concert last night; the tickets were really expensive."
"It's like a high maintenance piece of art."
"They're both phenomenal and they are expensive, but again, in my opinion, they're worth the extra money."
"No regrets at fourteen million seven hundred thousand dollars."
"Hard engineering does what it says on the tin, but it's expensive, it's often ugly, and you limit access to the beach as well."
"It's like a quarter million dollars, the helmet is crafted to fit you."
"It is expensive but seriously it's worth it."
"I really love this stuff, even though it's very pricey."