
Direct Approach Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Sometimes the best way to fix a problem is to face it head-on."
"I want Trump to go in and just rampage through the ivory tower."
"If you want to get attention, you got to take it to people's homes."
"If there's a conflict coming, let's have that conflict, let's get it over with, rip that band-aid off and on to the next thing."
"He had a remarkable capacity to take a complex problem and take the most direct and sensible approach to its solution."
"The only way we're going to fix a problem is to go into the problem."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"Nope, not me, I know about his little challenges so I'm gonna skip his little challenge and we're gonna get right to it, fine."
"It's your best 11. We won't play about. We're not Southgate."
"Let's get to making babies. Like, that's it."
"We don't need isms, I just want to know what you can do about the housing crisis, climate change, inequality..."
"Street homelessness is actually quite easy to end... What do you do to solve street homelessness? You give people houses."
"Facts, not discussion, are what motivate General Budanov."
"I don't want to wait to try to go through the friend zone to get in your pants."
"We've got to go and win this game. Simple as."
"We all want to be happy, but those who seek out happiness directly often don't find it."
"He's just gonna go straight, he hasn't even added a bailing Nest, it's just Mass Roach."
"Do not rely on the HR department. Get in front of one person in that organization, the owner, the executive, the top decision-maker."
"If you're telling me that person's a problem, I'm going to be speaking to them anyway."
"Full Metal Alchemist: tackling real-world issues head-on."
"If doing little videos about it helps make it, you know, shove it in your face."
"I want to talk to you... it's important that I talk to you."
"The best thing that we can do is deal and like, deal with it head-on. Don't continue to suppress."
"It's one of those song titles that does exactly what it says it's going to do."
"Be part of the solution, or you'd be part of the [expletive] problem."
"The real answer is he said hey, it's Josh. We're doing Josh."
"If you take a line, go straight all the way across, then it's probably good."
"So what's cool is unlike other politicians or spineless Republicans that we've had in the past president Trump has no problem getting to the heart of the matter."
"We're going to keep this livestream straightforward on the tough questions that we want answered."
"If you wanna ask someone out, ask them out Kyle."
"Directly face and resolve any unresolved issues."
"Would you prefer to rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with?"
"When you have a problem, just take care of it and hit it head on."
"No introduction needed, just bring them out, bring them out!"
"This ain't no [ __ ] option. This is what was encoded in your [ __ ] DNA."
"Get mad and that will solve your [expletive] problems."
"Let's go ahead and get to the elephant in the cabin."
"Shame and dignity are first casualties, let's talk turkey."
"It's actually a pretty aggressive, direct confrontational conclusion."
"Succeeding in winning seems difficult but it is really as simple as that if you find whatever it is that is causing the resistance to the thing you want and you deal with that directly."
"Cold approach is going and talking to somebody that you've never met before."
"Attack the problem head on, don't shift all of the blame."
"Enough talking, let's jump straight into the video."
"Let's cut all the promotion, let's get into it."
"They needed to find a way to bypass the mobs and deal direct damage to this Blackfin wizard."
"Instead of aiming at the two people directly."
"Go straight to the source in our imagination."
"What's the best fan interaction with you? Run up, state your intentions."
"I'm gonna get right to it, it ain't gonna be no whole lot of delays and all this and that, man listen."
"I've discovered the best way you'll actually find work is to go to the company and speak to them yourself."
"All right folks, let's get straight to the point."
"Your path to getting good is so straight."
"It's pretty cool that he gets straight into it and it's right on point."
"The engineering discipline developed at China Lake through in-house development programs allowed the station to take a direct approach."
"Directly approaching supervisors is probably the hardest way, but it does work."
"When there's an issue, it needs to be brought up directly with one's spouse."
"The shortest distance between those two points is your answer."
"I made it easy for him; I told him that I liked him and that I wanted him to go on a date."
"I've been doing reconnaissance for a while now, I think I want to go through the front door."
"Let's actually just get right into it."
"Now jumping right into the tutorial."
"If you're feeling suicidal, you could ask her yourself."