
Strategic Alliances Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Perseus did what new Antigonid kings always had to, immediately reaffirming old friendships and building new ones."
"I think that they played two of these strongest games as far as a duo goes in all big brother history always main you since the very beginning me and Tyler have had a final to deal and I definitely plan on staying loyal to it."
"China, Russia, and Iran are collaborating to undermine the United States."
"Season 5 is all about building alliances, leaving a mark on Middle Earth that will last for ages."
"What is this Alliance directed against? What is it that you are doing?" - 2007 speech in Munich
"We need to start finding strategic coalitions and alliances. It needs to be black and brown and Asian and Native Americans, the folks in Indian country. We need to be standing together."
"There's like this clear understanding forming your alliance here."
"Fury makes the Skrulls a deal: he'll find them a home, but they rent by working for S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Access to light information, access to strategic alliances and relationships, that will provide both spiritual and physical leverage."
"Both of these things can be true: Saudi Arabia violates human rights and Saudi Arabia is an important strategic ally against Iran."
"The United States must use its values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law to gather a coalition of other democracies to stop CCP's aggression."
"Saladin surrounded himself with the right people."
"I think the sad thing was is that I think largely we're going, if like we want to keep having what I would consider like democratic wins, like leftists and liberals have to work together."
"Australia and South Korea are two strategic allies of the United States, two key alliances for Washington, two essential allies for the influence of the American giant in the Asia Pacific region."
"The ideal position for India is to be closer to both China and the US than they are to each other."
"Through this transition, the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere took a neutral tag."
"One thing that you can always count on with Loki is that he'll always look out for Loki. If in the moment you find that you and Loki have the same threat, Loki might actually come through for you."
"Smart people don't need to be strong and if they join hands they can rule the kingdom."
"Marry strategically to strengthen your bloodline, ensuring a powerful next generation."
"Host a modest wedding or spare no expense, but always focus on securing alliances and heirs."
"The battle is not yours; the battle is the Lord's. However, he has placed a great expectation on us to fight."
"I feel like girls are going to be the ones voting, and Derek, but girls, I think that we should have a girls alliance."
"The irony of the situation is amazing: three enemies choosing to work together solely to continue their desire to not work together."
"Both Russia and China will have an interest in ensuring that their ties with Iran flourish."
"Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is actually a friend."
"DMK has always profited by hobnobbing with secessionist forces."
"I feel like it links up so perfectly with Survivor because this story is all about people not really knowing who to trust, they're shaky alliances but at the end of the day people are suspicious of each other."
"Greater things are done by having other life with a member of another power."
"Europe finds itself torn between... close relations with Russia and China on the other hand the United States."
"Empire of man: allies with other factions can bring high elf units into your roster, adding versatility to your forces."
"We build alliances upon the Quran, that's how we unite."
"So it's Bran thinks that Jaime can help fight the White Walkers. Jaime won't die, Jaime will help fight the White Walkers."
"There's no permanent friends or enemies, just permanent interests."
"Big Mom and Beast Pirates in the Grand Fleet"
"Once more the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership in operation."
"Sometimes we've got to make enemies and we've got to make friends even with our enemies for the greater good."
"To truly rebuild the ancients' vision, we need to find every kingdom upon the lands and befriend them as common allies."
"We need to take our closest closest ally seriously."
"It makes more sense to have Russia as a strong Ally rather than a weak one."
"There's a real benefit to making allies in Total War and having someone that can back you up in your time of need."
"In a game where trust is fleeting, to have a partnership with someone, an alliance with someone that you can trust, that's huge."
"Business and government need to work together."
"Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"If they don't find a way to work together somehow and come up with a way to defeat Lord fck in battle then I fear that what Lord F will do is tear them down and rip them apart one by one until there is nothing left."
"Strategic partnerships and alliances: Japan's path towards regional stability."
"Partnerships with Kotak Mahindra Bank, Federal Bank of India, and Indusland Bank."
"You're going to see a lot of new partnerships popping up in unexpected places."
"I gave their leader my rejects for her army."
"Levitation rewards curiosity and exploration, offering a sense of wonder and discovery."
"Saudi Arabia's decision to join the Shanghai cooperation organization shows that the kingdom is moving forward with long-term relationships with China."
"Unexpected alliances bridge old rivalries."
"The fit and finish are substantial when you take it out of the box."
"If it wasn't for Vol'jin, the trolls and the blood elves would have probably left the Horde and then it would have just been a matter of time until the Alliance would destroy the bloodthirsty Garrosh and his orc."
"Concentrate your forces. Find the one key patron."
"You're only a contender on the world stage when you know how to use Mammon to make friends."
"By forming alliances with countries considered adversaries by Western Powers, this bold approach has cast TRW as a daring and fearless leader in Africa."
"Getting in with someone's friends can help them ship you."
"Portugal made themselves useful to all sides - and it paid off."
"The purpose of having allies is to help surprise your enemies, not to surprise them."
"We rallied the world to support Ukraine and united NATO."
"In order to defeat your enemy, you must work with your enemy."
"Accepts all the help he can get, discards factions when served their purpose."
"Partnerships and alliances, movement towards success."
"China backs Russia over Ukraine, Russia backs China over Taiwan."
"One of the theatres in the conflict set the Starks of Winterfell and their allies in the Riverlands against the Lannisters of Casterly Rock."
"Pompous remarks made for political effect like sudden alliances and needless slumps have consequences."
"This is not about America using Taiwan; this is about America and the world benefiting from Taiwan's freedom."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? That's what CNN has all of a sudden adopted him. I wish these people would follow the model of General Mattis." - Colonel Allen West
"He may also join up with the straw hats in their Grand Fleet because they need to not only defeat another yonko."
"He reveals Littlefinger's plan, which prompts Olenna to try to marry Sansa to her grandson Loras."
"We need friends in Westeros, and we need ships, most of all, we need our Queen."
"We need to forge the right alliances to work with like-minded friends, organization stakeholders and States."
"The world was changing, and alliances were becoming more vital than ever."
"The alliance of convenience, and I'm a huge fan of alliances of conveniences in screenplays."
"I was a person who's able to bring like Debbie together with the Sydney and cobble these weird ragtag groups of people together to make things happen."
"I like the idea of having sub-alliances within a giant alliance."