
Dramatic Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"For once, Avilio finally has no choice, and he pulls the trigger."
"Jesus Christ Superstar it's just so compelling just the music is so great it just feels as dramatic and impactful as it should it's just so good in every way."
"He's arrived to the play, knock knock, doors, he's arrived."
"He opens the suitcase up, tips Jaden's body into the hole on top of the uncle's coffin."
"I’m going to blow you motherf*ckers away." - Samuel L. Jackson
"Prepare to embrace your creators in the Stygian haunts of hell." - A dramatic declaration of defiance.
"This Queen of Scotland got the axe, literally."
"They've lost their mandate from heaven and the imperial family must be DESTROYED with an UNRELENTING, FURIOUS WRATH!!!"
"Welcome to the nightmare, you sons of... Welcome to Reach."
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"Look upon my works and frown because only oblivion waits those who are so foolish."
"An unwavering heart or absolute power? I choose death."
"And then I remember walking up the stairs into my mom's room. She's sleeping sound. Did you lean on the bed or what? What? I just... I walked up, shot twice."
"She's there tied up she's dead there's blood around her head that's fine she's dead."
"That entrance, all the flags get chopped and they play his theme song, dude, and oh my god, he's so cool."
"This burn down the house is going to get literally everything."
"Both of these scream, 'Oh you're gonna hear, you ready? Civil war.'"
"She turned into a complete monster in just a matter of minutes."
"The darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't keep the devil waiting for a friend."
"As the last rays of sun fell upon the blood-soaked decks."
"Say I'm the kind of man who'd gun down his own best friend. What do you think I'd do to some guy that I don't even like?"
"At least I went out with a bang, not a whimper."
"The roaring intensity he brings to such sequences as the climax at the gates of hell."
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury."
"Its impact with the sea floor was like a gigantic 31,000-ton truck slamming into a snowdrift."
"Seeing the clock drift towards zero with his newfound fan base slowly lifting from their seats, Jeremy rose up and splashed a shot straight out of a cinematic masterpiece."
"She decides it’s worth it. I mean… it wouldn’t be the first family she’s murdered."
"We've been hiding for centuries. We have arrived."
"A countdown to despair will begin at the time the clock points to zero. Peace will be in the past. Ordinary life will not return to all the detectives. Let's begin the game, the families."
"One Piece fights are intense characters fight tooth and nail breaking bones, coughing up blood, panting, struggling to stay standing on their feet, their eyes covered with heavy shading as they verge on passing out."
"This kill again sees Bond at his coldest as he kills an unarmed woman at point-blank range. 'You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.' 'Yes.'"
"The fear-tinted eruption was closer to the manic cackle of lunacy than anything else."
"His line 'I have been awake since before the breaking of the first silence.'"
"What a way to get to the Titans. Talk about a death in the family."
"Wear black, because you're going to your own funeral."
"Their slow-burn romance is as in-your-face as Inosuke's love confessions."
"Even that was still not enough. I was tired of paying for goods so I stabbed a merchant with a love injector and robbed them blind."
"This singular person is lit like the clouds have parted and God herself is calling her home."
"What's going on inside the Fed right now is absolutely biblical."
"I have had an epiphany, I know that sounds dramatic, but I really do believe that I've had an epiphany."
"Daenerys and Drogon burn the Lannister line."
"I want to see that breath, that life escaping from them when they exhale."
"Melissa Hastings is the one that buried Bethany alive."
"I will show signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth blood and fire and Columns of smoke."
"Gun to your head, what are your last words? Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, yes, finally, [ __ ]."
"I love how they have a romantic moment after brutally fatality."
"And now MJ have Maxwell Jacob Freedman city Cutler to the roast Cutler come fly elbow shot to the jaw finally shutting the mouth of MJF indeed."
"Heavenly lunar, please come and save me!" cried Sue.
"Welcome to the end of the world as we know it."
"Oh my fucking god, all the stars in the night sky are exploding."
"When dokkan ends I'm going to just walk right into the ocean and never come back that's what I'm doing we're walking right into the sea the sea can have me once dokan is done."
"Harry is the master of the Elder Wand. Oh my God! Expelliarmus! Bang! Whiz! Kapow!"
"Perhaps the most beautiful and dramatic moment in the history of sports."
"Miley, you just gotta love each other, man. You know, Mama, you got your ass chopped up. But, Nikki, you didn't have to chop that girl up like that."
"That's right... everything is destroyed... literally leads to the end of a world."
"Chainsaw to the chest and I've got a matching scar that will remind me of this one."
"The visual of Jeff being handcuffed by his ear to the ladder, what the hell?"
"She loudly confesses her love for him, looks past his bloody history, and urges him to stay with her."
"It's the stuff of nightmares, particularly with Princess Isabella clutching a doll and doing her best demon face."
"It hurts to live in this series, totally insane."
"I could have saved this planet let's see I I could have actually restored order and I wasn't supposed to die by the hands of a child killing psychopath you're a Savage you're a maniac you are a bandit and I am the goddamn hero."
"You're the person you know how they all show the scene or the person's walking away and they may throw their cigarette back or the lighters catches emit this huge explosion happens and then they just so softly walk away from it."
"It's a bit like an end-of-world disaster movie that we're all currently living through."
"What just happened there? That's like a man going into Buckingham Palace holding the Queen by the throat."
"When I make you want to understand, I bring the thunder, lightning strike, and with the pin, it's so frightening, it's like a perfect 10 when I strike in."
"The sea lion rushes to the rescue using his flipper to perform CPR and save his friend, then he finishes off with the kiss of life!"
"It's time to pay the piper, boys. Dress up all you want because you're going to your own funeral, so wear black."
"And she goes on to go on Facebook and she starts messaging her ex-boyfriend and was like hey so like I think I killed people it was like a whole thing like she's essentially like confessing."
"His was a fall from grace of epic proportion."
"It was the most epic brawl in all of Game of Thrones history."
"Am I clear? I thought he was gonna do that. I thought he was gonna start getting all Jack Nicholson on him over here."
"Attack on Titan season 4 drops so hard my grandma thought the Germans had come back."
"Suddenly there was an explosion and Superman arrived, talk about a dramatic entrance!"
"2020 is the last year, the aliens are going to shut this whole project down very soon."
"It creates a sinking feeling of dread because this is too much for the Doctor to handle."
"It's a good emotional moment between the Doctor and Amy."
"We're gonna have to burn the whole place down."
"In the end, he longed for that flaming doom whose brief instant was better than eons of mortal life."
"It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics."
"My world around me is crumbling, I want the pizzazz, I want the wow out of life."
"Pereira faint fade back right hand passes in front of him left hook bang Jamal Hill goes wobbling all over the place."
"Even after all the crazy they just went through, Uzi chooses to save N and her last words being 'die mad'."
"This may be our darkest hour, but it will be your greatest moment." - Unidentified character
"The character building in the show is insane."
"Absolutely dastardly, ladies and gentlemen, absolutely dastardly."
"The Lion's reaction to finding out Gilman had disbanded his Legion said everything."
"Somebody just said in the live chat, 'Wanda is killing younglings.' Yep, it's like Vader all over again, man."
"Prepare yourself, Queen Lene, it's time for you to bid farewell to this world."
"Thank you for watching Lyric Ecology 101, please subscribe if you guys are liking what we're doing here."
"The theatrics on 18, it's going to be hard to write the script of that ever again."
"The looks are stunning, and there's couture, there's custom, there's archival moments. It's really gaggy."
"Princess Olga of Kiev, let me tell you, hell has no fury like a woman scorned."
"She unleashes a powerful force that blows up the entire room!"
"I was called the drama guy for a reason, because I have the balls to say what nobody else had the balls to say."
"That's it, we're starting an Extinction event."
"We're watching somebody burn his own soul to save the person he loves."
"We're in the end times guys, we're in the last dates."
"Remember the scene where Kano ends his battle with Reptile by emphatically deporting Reptile's internal valentine with his bare hands?"
"The man flung the trench coat open to reveal that it was not a coat at all but a large pair of wings."
"This scene of Michonne discovering the governor's daughter is amazing."
"She's evading the cops and you know and then even the cops are like hey you gotta pull over."
"Churchill pulled out his bagpipes and prepared to meet his end, playing 'Will ye no come back again' until a German grenade knocked him unconscious."
"After Jack kills Eel, they find Evil's will. That shit's sick."
"It began in blood right here on this street in Prague." - Narrator
"Marshall officially burns in the fiery pits of hell as of right now. Farewell sweet prince, farewell."
"A stunning and dramatic feat: the Minotaur crumbles to the ground, lifeless."
"The VS going for those dramatic plays, it was exciting to watch."
"Tyrion shot his father with a crossbow, killing Lord Tywin."
"There are definitely some great [__] characters on this show. No, really, there are. You hate them so much you wish you could reach through the screen and slap that level of annoying." - Noemularlive.com
"Cody hits the crossroads on Ibushi off the apron onto the floor, and Jesus, that looked ridiculous."
"Hope you're insured, JN says as he blows up his own place of work."
"That whole scene played out like an anime. Everyone was in character, except for Rocco."
"I don't know what else to say except the end is here."
"This book is crazy, like Colleen Hoover is crazy for writing this book."
"But what people are really gonna talk about is that cliffhanger kiss between Bean and Mora, reunited for real at last."
"I hope you die before me... but I pray to God you have a massive stroking and choke on your tongue."
"The anime really does an amazing job of capturing the scale of rookia's attack which engulfs the surroundings instantly freezing as not during the credits."
"What's my finale look like? It probably looks like murder."
"Be careful what you wish for, you and everything you love might just die."
"Venus square Uranus: abrupt, breaking through, lightning striking."
"It was so incredible because a I was watching a real life TV like moment this is a moment and like people are gonna gag."
"Dark with the perfect setup, the perfect fight, and the perfect follow-through."
"The show that completely flips everything on its head."
"The Entity then bites deep into his neck flinging him around like a wild animal moments later he is plopped on the ground dead and Sam screams her head off."
"Oh, he's paralyzed, I'm gonna die now. Don't do it!"
"There is a major turn of events here that is going to change your life forever."
"Literally just goes fuck you, cuts his head off."
"Listen, it sounds like I'm unsheathing Excalibur."
"I'm sorry mate. That's gotta be one of the best emerging from a coffin moments."
"And slowly, as the tumultuous waves of destiny recede, leaving our intrepid crew standing amid the ruins of dreams and dread, the camera pans upwards to the first light of dawn breaking over Des."
"We just like to put on a show, man. Alright, we get a little over-dramatic."
"The more dramatic you look, the better."
"He puts up a three at the buzzer and hits it, what an ending!"
"Cliché portals that know exactly how long to stay open depending on the drama of the moment."
"This is the princess coat and it is so dramatic, I actually cannot cope."
"It looked like something from a Hollywood horror flick."
"Felix threatens to stab himself with the Holy sword and kill them both."
"It is officially lunch and I'm like about to die I'm so hungry like not to be dramatic but I'm about to die."
"It's not the end of the planet, it's the end of the universe."
"Villain Tony Liang Chui is fantastic in the role not only in his action sequences but in dramatic moments too."
"I just remember watching it stack up and not saying anything, then people started yelling. They're like, 'What? We need this! We need this!' It's like out of a movie. It is a movie."
"It's like something straight out of a movie."
"Edge spears Jack off the apron through the flaming table. That's the three."
"I need to really cheer myself up, so I'm gonna hit Pete in the face with a Croc, make this dramatic."
"Jamie, no need to tilt your head backwards so dramatic."
"Do I have everyone's attention now?"
"Touchdown, just when you think you have seen every heartbreaking way a team can lose a football game, you see this."
"We wanted to create like a super cozy dramatic space where we could sit by the fire."
"It is so dramatic, you put a gold frame on one of these, put it in your living room and people, they won't walk past your painting without commenting on it, believe me."
"Just as she finished speaking, a bolt of lightning struck the ground where they stood."
"Quite a satisfying moment carmichel gets fried from the inside and burns to a crisp."
"This is like something out of Game of Thrones."
"Valley of the Moon: a dramatic and otherworldly vista, home to nomadic communities for centuries."
"It's okay to feel something. This is dramatic as F."
"It's like something out of a movie set."
"You can't get much more theatrical than stage blood."
"Deliverance isn't always quiet. Sometimes it's loud and dramatic."
"It is a dramatic pause that heightens the sense of expectation and solemnity."
"Matchbook Romance's 'Voices' represented the best parts of emo with its strength and dramatic style."
"I'm not even a child. They interrupted the birth of my child, and now they want to wipe out the entire universe."
"Now this is feeling like something out of a Hollywood thriller movie."
"It was like a scene out of a movie."
"Just the styling of the car is so dramatic."
"Yo, it's like a Thanos snap man, yeah. Oh my God, he's just dusting them."
"The storms they'll never forget: Wham, crack, bang, bang, bang, holy, we're going to die."
"'My parents are dead.' 'She's dead. My mom's dead. I've been waiting years to say this: my parents are dead.'"
"This is called a maroon. It's called a stage maroon, and its sole purpose is to make a bang."
"...if you're gonna die overseas at least make it dramatic but hopefully I haven't and we'll see you all again in another video soon bye."
"Gray is this wonderful dramatic, 'I'm here, it's a posing moment'."
"This is like a scene out of a [ __ ] movie."
"This song almost sounds like it's a riot, like you're walking down the street with a marching band and everything's really dramatic."
"Those boats were literally sinking as we kind of came up to."
"What a chest-pounding, intriguing, and spine-tingling tale!"
"It was incredible. Not long after, I saw Moses fall to the floor by my side."
"Not everyone loves super dramatic makeup."
"I mean, if you're going to go out with a bang, go out with a bang."
"The race to the chase, very dramatic."
"If you're looking for something that's dramatic this is a great piece to create because it was really affordable but gosh we are getting a huge bang for our buck with this it looks like a candy explosion."
"...and he pulled a knife out of the knife drawer and just went be my guest."
"Karen rolls up behind the paramedics truck and starts screaming."
"Why not kill off two main characters?"
"The ending of this Bills game would have been thrown out because it was too on the nose."
"The man's sweat-drenched brow and trembling voice amplified the tension in the room."
"What you're about to hear is going to seem like it's straight out of a wild west novel."
"I enjoyed that, and I really enjoyed Busta Rhymes' vocals on here. That was just like, it was made it so dramatic and, and, and heartfelt actually."
"Everyone literally goes out with a bang."
"This is crazy, this is starting to feel cinematic."
"I don't know what the craziest part was them threatening to kill themselves the holocausting being an option the dogs [ __ ] the pet it was just like one thing after another and I'll tell you what I mean the Dave text is the craziest thing yeah."
"He's gonna have a dramatic entrance, of course. It's one guy, but not any guy. It's Blade."
"Oh, man, that was an awesome scene. I mean, all this killing is senseless at all, but I like how dramatic Ridley Scott made everything."
"Ron Howard further demonstrated his grasp on the dramatic and family dynamics."
"The Rapture will occur in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. It will be sudden and dramatic."
"The darksaber moment was crazy and unexpected."
"Wow, look at the shock on my face. I hope you're sitting down because I have some news so stunning you might not be able to move or take any actions this turn."
"We just saw a bunch of cat people turn to dust, bro, like that."
"I think this guy is like living a season finale moment."
"They just made that seem so epic."
"One Friday night, we're all cleaning up after everything has died down and one of the bartenders starts having a huge fit."
"It's not gonna change overnight, but we need to start something really dramatic."
"As the great ship went down at the bow, her massive stern rose into the night sky, lifting the propellers high into the air."