
Personal Vlog Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Those fridges are really helping me out big time."
"I casually just told Katy Perry I was like, 'Oh we are also filming something for my channel, nice to see you.'"
"I lost like 15 pounds... what's up guys derek from placements.com today we are going to be talking about chlorophyll."
"Thank you so much for tuning in for this vlog. I had a great day today because I made it a great day."
"I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me to the different areas of my house where I did some re-decluttering and reorganizing."
"I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and shopping around with me. I hope you saw some back to school stuff that you were maybe eyeing or looking for. It's time for me to go home and eat some lunch. I'll see you next time, bye."
"Thank you guys so much for watching... I hope you have an amazing Imbolc, Candlemas, Brigid's Day, no matter how you spend it. Thank you so much guys and I'll see you in my next video."
"Sorry if this Vlog felt a bit chaotic it's life's been chaotic but I love you guys thanks for watching see you in my next video."
"Good morning guys, welcome to my morning routine!"
"We're gonna have a very magical day, and take you along with us."
"I pretty much have the entire Viv makeup collection, so let's do a get ready with me."
"I do like to use the Lumiere and PS I'm almost done with my itty bitty jar of lemare that I bought for a different video"
"Prepare yourself cuz we're gonna get juicy today."
"That's all I have for you today. I hope you liked this special video where you stepped right into the headquarters."
"I love taking you guys along with me in these Vlogs."
"I've just been catching up on Ides's video on her chemical peel... it just looks incredible."
"I had a lot of fun at Coachella this year, and I really hope that you guys enjoyed coming along with me."
"Okay, vlog, that was absolutely insane. One of the coolest car experiences I've ever had in my life."
"I hope you enjoyed today's video getting to see my clean and decorate for fall of 2020 hopefully it gave you some ideas on how you can decorate in your own house."
"I literally just woke up and I'm going to show you how I do it, man."
"Welcome back to you Tesla driver, everybody. I hope you're doing very well."
"I hope that you enjoyed getting ready with me and I will see you all in my next video."
"I've had an overwhelmingly good experience living here and the videos kind of reflect that."
"So here we are. This is a very, very raw, very impromptu apartment tour of the new apartment. What I'm gonna show you guys..."
"This is just me high-energy caffeinated. I haven't made any videos today but I do have videos for today."
"I need a night I always regret starting my videos off looking like this."
"Hey guys, are you ready for this video? I'm not. I'm functioning on four hours of sleep because I've been staying up till five."
"This is Gina, and this is my shopping life."
"So when I come back, it's probably gonna be tomorrow or the next day or whatever. So y'all know today's Monday, let's see what day it is when I come back."
"I'm starting with a new trainer today and I thought it would be a little bit more interesting to Vlog that separately."
"...I just wanted to kind of show y'all an updated video of how we do things now."
"I know I've talked about this before here on my channel but I've started doing one load of laundry a day."
"...now it's time for me to hit the roads and take the spider out for a little bit of a Saturday drive. Until I see you next time, take care, be safe, and have a good one. Bye!"
"I thought I would make a video about it because so many of you are always asking me what I would recommend."
"Hey guys, very windy day, but it's like 20 degrees Celsius in Kuwait right now. It's very sunny though, so it still feels pretty warm. But just, I'm going to show you guys the beach."
"Thank you so much for watching me spend my life savings on the tank, I hope you enjoyed it, until next time, stay safe, keep reefing, bye."
"What's going on everybody? Today's video is not going to be about work; it's going to be about... I'm going camping."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing an evening in my life and how I kind of prep when I get back from a trip and just how I'm getting back into routine."
"Hey guys, this is Steve from Cookout Coach live on location in a very hot and humid Georgia today."
"I am literally so excited about this video."
"It's Thanksgiving today. I'm filming this on Thanksgiving. I didn't go home because I'm from California and I have a game."
"Welcome back to my channel, today is a very exciting video because I will be trying on wedding dresses."
"I couldn't be more excited to get into today's video because this is a very exciting day for the GX's life."
"Welcome to the birthday vlog, I'm really, really excited for this vlog."
"Hello my loves, so this week I thought I would do a little video dedicated to pretty much all my favorite things."
"It's going to be a full day in my life."
"Good morning, guys. Today is Sunday, and I'm going to have a pretty active Sunday than I usually do."
"Good morning, um, day 56 in Tokyo."
"I'm gonna take you guys along for the ride, and it's just gonna be like a day in my life."
"I love doing vlogs and weeks of my life, so let me know if you want more of that."
"Hello my beautiful wife, so we moved everything as you guys saw in the last video."
"I can't believe tomorrow, as I'm filming this because it's Monday, is the first of December."
"Hey everyone, this is Phil coming to you from one of those weird remote working booths in Omia Station."
"What's up tech, it's Josh here, and this is my annual case lineup for the iPhone."
"Welcome to a vlog of me going to the People's Choice Awards and walking my first red carpet ever."
"I'm gonna be taking you guys through a day with me."
"Living the life of Tom, it's another venture, can you tell?"
"This is not a diet video, this is not a weight loss video, this is just a way honestly for me to have an excuse to try different dishes."
"Hey guys, it's Steph, and today is the day."
"Hey listen, if y'all watching this video right now, that means I uploaded it on my birthday."
"Happy New Year! We are going into 2022, and this is the first video on my channel of this new year."
"I just thought it would be really nice and cozy to do one of these in the month of December."
"Hello, I'm Keaton and I am currently in Portland, Oregon."
"I'm not like super stressed about all this, I just think it's fun to bring you guys along."
"I love you guys, I hope you enjoyed my favorites video for the monthly favorites."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a day in the life of me, and that's just my off day."
"I know you're not used to seeing me on my floor, but today I am filming a really exciting video."
"It is the sunset safari, hello everyone, it is me Trishala on the Mahindra, own new edition, cold edition."
"I'm Sandra and once again we are gracing my dining room with this project."
"I'm actually going to deliver tomorrow, so I'm filming this the day before my baby's born."
"It's kind of like a solo mom day in the life."
"At the end of the day, YouTube for me is not only something I do for fun, it's also my career."
"Happy Valentine's Day from me to you, I hope you enjoyed spending the day with me getting ready with me."