
Playful Interaction Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Come on, give me a hug. It don't count if you don't hug back, buddy."
"Travis Reader booping the snoot there on the end of that final run." - Commentary on an incident
"Rub my belly for good luck, and we're like, okay, it's literally like a Gerber baby, absolute cutest."
"But let me just say- Nuski. Nuski. Gesundheit."
"But you have to fly us home," she says with a giggle.
"Wow, it's like he's playing hide and seek with you, see him from this side, you can see him. That's so crazy, yes, yes sir."
"The response is very clear and very close, and they believe it said 'Hugo' or 'Mose', meaning 'let's play'."
"Come on clicker, make me proud! Oh my god, okay so buddy, click, I think we may be 10 this time. Come on auto clicker, I believe!"
"It's googly eyes! Did you put that on your head? Yo, this is so cool!"
"I'm Wrangler, and you've been wrangled, pal."
"The variant we're hunting is you. I think you're fun."
"Mother, why? I mean you can't appreciate good hair and fur until you've had a bad cut."
"My, my, my... You look like you could use some ice."
"The birds are happy, they took the cake, the pigs are breaking us down because I don't think that was next and I think that was a pig planned purposeful action."
"Keep it playful and sound like a positive constructive boundary."
"Guess Gary's real age, you can guess." - Hirsch
"Little romantic games where it's like they're vampires and I have to woo them like dating Sims."
"This is a very uplifting energy they feel, like that safety to be vulnerable where you can be really playful with someone."
"I love you guys, eat the mic right now, please don't. If your mom was in the room and I did that, I'm really sorry, don't ground them, it's me, ground me."
"Welcome to this live stream, titled Andy and Carl drink beer and play with toy guns."
"That would never happen, come here, come here big daddy."
"Big boo, yes! See you later, buddy, see you later!"
"I thought you were a sexy banana, come back here!"
"They only jump scare you because they love you."
"If I do it, you really have to give me a smooch."
"You remind me of an older version of L from stranger things like okay but the put the blindfold on get some music and now let's go see what they're doing and you're like mmm you're opening the door you can see where they're at you can."
"How are you spinning around like that? That's beautiful. That's a skill, thank you, Doodle."
"I'll bring it right back. You stay right here like a tough guy. Oh my god, you have a lot of coffee cups, buddy!"
"That'd improve my mood like crazy, you're funny, she's gonna scrap like a little bone, yeah, that's very cute."
"My only role here is to go ooh when somebody gets a dig, you know? Like that's my role."
"Because if you don't, I'm gonna steal all the marshmallows out of your Lucky Charms and leave you with nothing but the dry cat food looking stuff."
"When somebody meets Darius for the first time what do you hope they think? - That he's awesome (laughs)."
"Be there or be fricking squared you guys are doped up I will see you guys all in Tamayo stream peace later."
"Rocket is a rabbit guys guys look! Rocket is a rabbit guys guys look, there's a cute little rabbit in the sink!"
"Okay, they're all playing together. This is so cute."
"He would just get down on our level and play with us."
"Let's just swap these two numbers around, are you kidding me?"
"Compliment my gameplay skills after securing those walnuts."
"I gotta go play fetch with my daughter. She's been really patient, she hasn't barked at me too much."
"Congratulations, Akinator, you got me! You got me!"
"Did you know you can roll even faster? Shake!"
"Released in 2008, it appears to show an alien engaging in a quick game of peek-a-boo and although it isn't completely clear in the video, the image does appear to be that of a previously mentioned gray alien."
"Any time I feel like cool or she'll be like wait today you know we got free to fly by doing that you're gonna use that 50 flag mouth yes."
"She said tonight, baby, okay, she said the night now what you TR you want to do that? Alright, she said she don't gave the thumbs up 42 times, I think you going to like this one."
"I'm sorry to think that this is not going to work, have you seen two boys, they're like smiling critters."
"Faith and Caden are in a flirty mood; let's do some cuteness together by the falls."
"Welcome back! Matt is currently throwing water balloons at me for no reason."
"I miss summers when I swing and they duck. That's the only time I miss some [ __ ]."
"Hello children, are you ready for some cutting up and Kiki? Are you ready for a gay old time? Well, I hope you are 'cause now it's time for High Queen with your host."
"Yo, honestly, I'm not gonna lie. Since I pranked you, I was thinking about getting you a Birkin. But I was like, 'Nah, Chris is really gonna be mad at me.'"
"He's actually ignoring me, that puppy. Come here, ignore me, come here, come here handsome."
"I brought something for them, all right? I'd like you to have a Naughty Mint."
"Good flirting is fun, exciting, and light-hearted."
"No way what do you think the answer to this riddle might be okay dude no way."
"Gotta love the classic, 'Trade me for free food.' I know, I was thinking the same thing!"
"Enjoy the Bliss of time together, have that flirty playful attitude about the situation."
"Oh, Luca, you little sneak! You got him so good! How did you do that?"
"Sometimes you may just want to grapple straight upward for no other reason than to see if you can."
"Didn't need it though, you're GG, Reuben, wherever you may be."
"using your significant other as a heater by warming up your cold feet on their back literally every time we get into bed my feet are cold"
"May not, you do Rex tree Rex right now, I think you do."
"I got a few remarks on there about not crossing me chains, so I'm going to cross my chains for all the people out there that really like the change to be crossed."
"Spongebob me boy, today we're going to be playing a game."
"You're PE yellow now. Okay sure, whatever you want to go with, Roxy."
"Alright guys thanks for joining us doodle station I have some kernel in my gum oh so why are you gonna clean all this up your office I'll clean you up later."
"Aren't you, like, biologically a pervert? Just kidding, Spidey bro."
"It's like oh you gave me a laser pointer I can make my cat attack anything."
"Swiper no swiping, every with Shawnee purple penguin and direwolf."
"Mine is gonna be so secret you're never gonna see it. Oh well, I'm gonna let you see mine. Yeah, okay, either way, are you ready to start building? Yes, okay, that is the point where we move forward and go whoo."
"Like come on shoot your shot going right [Laughter] how are you queen put get on this microphone right here queen yo get a shot of her what's your name queen my name is priscilla but they referenced me as effia and you."
"Delightful! Don't get greedy, recover. Oh, you're fine, no, he barely did you any damage there."
"I even Bridal carried you at one point. Oh, how romantic Damon, come on, that's everybody's dream."
"They were playing and making faces at each other through windows."
"I love randomness, boy the squirrels that make you reroll."
"Yo, Jim, let's go, tag, you're it, got him, no tag backs!"
"Miss Rabbit is saying hello. It is difficult to talk underwater."
"Thanks for all you do for this planet, little bee. Do you want to go for a hunt with me today? It was your first day, so I'll treat you seriously."
"Mrs. Chicken, come and have some lunch with us."
"Did you just hit me? I thought you were the like button. No domestic abuse."
"My name is Marlin? You silly, silly Spy Ninja."
"Finger guns are locked and loaded with love bullets, let's go!"
"You're making me blush! Stop! Anyway, don't forget to subscribe and click that notification bell to stay notified."
"I'm a hairy chubby little elf, they call me Bear. Let me pinch two cheeks of yours."
"Nothing says best friends like spikes in the butt."
"Why don't you open that up for me and feed me one of my favorite chocolates?"
"Oh, hello. What color of dog do you want, Chad? Green dog, red dog, blue dog?"
"Good job, everyone. I did, I did, I did. Sand fight! It's a big castle."
"Let me know what you guys think about this: Poison Ivy, literally just friends."
"Stop it, get that stalk away from me you cheeky boy."
"Let's run. If you can run faster than me, I'll answer that question." - Jin Wu
"I hope you guys got new phones because we're playing texting simulator."
"Just pretend you're chilling down there, so I'm gonna squeeze your butt, you're like 'what?' and then you look and you're like 'oh, that's the one I gave consent to, I remember that.'"
"It takes some playfulness, keep flirting with your wife, keep flirting with your woman. Game is forever and game should be fun. Game shouldn't be manipulative, it should be a fun thing."
"No," Bryn teased, "I'm going to kiss you."
"A lovely bit of fun between the pair."
"It's very exciting. I think people are going to love seeing them sort of bounce and banter and tease each other."
"It's fun flirting, it's fun texting; we had that just like good banter."
"Two truths and a lie... two of them are true, and that means one of them is a lie."
"Give me some kisses. No? Oh, give me, I want kisses. Love you."
"Love ya, don't look at me like that."
"Do that thing you know I like, and he went downstairs and restacked the dishwasher properly."
"You guys have brought all the sparkle to our lives."
"Dear Sergeant, I shot a snowball at your head and it landed perfectly. Haha, sincerely, recruit."
"I'm Kayla, but everyone calls me Rocket," she finished her last statement with a saucy wink that Jason found himself smiling at.
"Did you think I wasn't going to come over there and pet you? Oh, you always have the best reactions when I do this!"
"It's working real, oh that's that works honey, that works, yes stop playing with them."
"You're under arrest for being the cutest baby ever."