
Interesting Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"It's definitely characterful and unusual and interesting."
"They're a very interesting person to know, with a very interesting story."
"Probably the most interesting conversation that was."
"It feels like the future, it's definitely interesting."
"It's really challenging and really interesting and fun."
"It's like crazy the things they say, it's not relatable at all but it's so interesting."
"That's [ __ ] up, but how interesting would it be?"
"Sometimes the villains are the most interesting and fun characters in the story."
"It's been a really interesting, challenging but certainly a process that we'd recommend."
"I've always really liked sometimes the female equivalents of the male characters x23 whenever she's basically female Wolverine really interesting depiction."
"Toxicroak... this is a really interesting Pokemon."
"This song is really interesting though, like composition-wise."
"Okay, this one's actually kind of cool, like it's this weird sort of lattice, right?"
"That's a really interesting relationship if I was ever gonna do a movie about the making of a movie."
"You want to be interesting, and people will care."
"The fact that his consciousness exists and can be utilized this way is probably one of the most interesting aspects of any superhero world I've ever seen."
"It is very interesting to say the least."
"That’s really interesting then, and also kind of touching."
"Just a solid, interesting thriller."
"It's interesting, it's artistic, it's creative."
"I now know why they are evil and that's an actual interesting way to take it."
"Darby has a very interesting he's an interesting guy and he has an interesting way of talking people react to it."
"It's what they're telling you. We put these on in between the segments with the Stars that do interesting things."
"Nighttime drone stuff is really interesting, really cool."
"I think the best way to be interesting is to be interested."
"This is one of the most interesting healthy hacks I've ever found."
"Looking for anything old and interesting."
"Seeing them sort of pass through each other through the dimensions that they were in, that was rather interesting."
"I'm sharing her with you today. It's very interesting to see all the ladies with their children because you get to see a different side of us."
"Storytelling is always interesting when there is some real to it."
"It's the way nature works, which makes it even more interesting."
"It's quality stuff man, it's funny, I think a lot of it's very interesting."
"For around 55 grand, this is still one of the most interesting luxury sedans you can buy."
"You should make the most interesting videos someone could watch about the subject matter."
"Life's about to get real interesting."
"This one is particularly fun and interesting and really quite rare."
"They feel like you would be able to have amazingly interesting conversation with them."
"It makes me feel confident and interesting."
"Something interesting this recipe says though is to put just a teaspoon of hot sauce in it, which I think sounds really good."
"That was genuinely one of the coolest, most interesting, fascinating, well-created movies I've ever seen."
"It's comparable to Fincher making everyday use of objects look really interesting."
"So this is not me saying anyone should stop watching Soul Sword Art David's content, I actually think a lot of his content is really interesting."
"Your life is so interesting it could be literally a story for real, you could write a Netflix series on your life."
"Fascinating story and really should be a movie incredibly interesting."
"...I thought that was worth highlighting because it's actually pretty interesting."
"People at the edges are so much more interesting to me than people at the center."
"It's very interesting, brilliant."
"They feel like you guys met in a very interesting way, like a story that you could tell your grandchildren."
"The truth is really not so interesting at all."
"That's a great snippet of history."
"What an interesting array of random and useful treasures we found this week."
"Always bound to find something interesting somewhere in London."
"Oh look at this earring, this is interesting."
"It's very interesting, it's like pretty soft, I don't know, I'm a little undecided and on the fence about these."
"I guess I don't want to say so far so good, it's just very interesting."
"These books are jam-packed with tons of interesting knowledge."
"If you haven't watched that video it is this one you should go watch it it was interesting."
"The most interesting area is things that are possible but not yet achieved."
"I hope you found this helpful and interesting."
"That's a very interesting perspective."
"Personally, I found this chat with Eric to be hugely interesting and I hope you will also."
"Step Zero A is be interesting or be more interesting than you are."
"You're very interesting, important person."
"It's just so interesting and so well interwoven."
"That's why I love this plate. It's got a very interesting story to it."
"Interesting point of view is the greatest gift you can give yourself."
"What's the most interesting part that came out of Python? As far as I'm concerned, it's this conference, absolutely."
"So, have a look in case you are interested, because it's super, super interesting."
"I'm just trying to go into every conversation from a position of what is the most interesting and human experience that I can have."
"It definitely is an interesting motorcycle and it really sparks the imagination."
"It's interesting and it has nice packaging so I don't hate it."
"It's pretty interesting when they do butcher."
"What a cool day today had been," she exclaimed happily. "It was my most interesting day in so many years."
"This just keeps getting more and more interesting and this isn't even the tote she warned us about."
"Just an incredibly unique and interesting story."
"This is like a cozy mystery to it all, the tone of it is incredibly interesting."
"I'm just trying to understand what's going on in your head because it's interesting. People don't get to hear what's going on in other people's heads."
"This particular car has an interesting history behind it."
"Why such waste? It's a really interesting little epic."
"Fight choreography fascinates me. It's so much more balletic, so much more interesting than a gun fight or a car chase."
"That's such an interesting perspective to hear."
"It's a fun genuinely interesting story."
"It's light but comforting at the same time. It's kind of interesting."
"The most interesting points of every single interview... were the moments of vulnerability."
"Thought it was a very interesting concept."
"But I'm hoping that at least some things are gonna jump out at you and say gee that's something I can use in the future, that's something I'll take with me, it's really interesting."
"A lot of the SCP stuff is like really cool and interesting."
"It's an interesting time to be alive."
"It does have all that but it does have a little twist to give you maybe a secondary solution interesting thing."
"You have the most interesting perspective and answers about things."
"...thank you for watching today's video had an interesting day this is definitely the most interesting vlogmas day so far..."
"That is super interesting, I like that."
"Everything interesting in software is a matter of these trade-offs."
"Talk about an interesting mysterious journey."
"Coming into this and learning about that, trial by fire, was interesting."
"Things are gonna get interesting guys."
"He was becoming a really, really interesting character."
"I don't enjoy reading him. He's not like Chrono and James Bond is more interesting than Superman because he [ __ ] up and he's not perfect."
"The world of Fairly OddParents is so weirdly interesting to me."
"Mornings with children are never the same, always interesting."
"I definitely recommend it... a really fresh and interesting take."
"We have had quite the interesting chat on the way back to Dallas."
"I think that's a more interesting life."
"It's an interesting washing machine that I have back."
"It's really interesting to see superstar players with shoes that are not superstar as well."
"The Collector is a really interesting character."
"This will be a very interesting night. This is just, this is an interesting video."
"I just think it makes life more interesting than just being, you know, so cold and calculating."
"I hope everyone finds the Super Hero facts as interesting as we did."
"If all the naysayers just shut their mouths, don't do a screeching halt, isn't that interesting?"
"I just wanted to share that because I thought it was so interesting that many of those are still available for people to listen to."
"...it's an interesting car because it has a ton of mechanical grip."
"Normalization, not deterioration, is one that's interesting because what comes before deterioration is normalization."
"This is really interesting and very unprecedented."
"I think that is extremely interesting and after playing the demo also very fun."
"The Batman trailer was very compelling. It made me go, 'Oh, this looks very interesting.'"
"Also here's a little fun fact for you."
"You make things more interesting."
"I feel like you're that person that would make that interesting."
"That's what breakfast is all about. Keeping things fun and interesting."
"The beginning of any kind of live entertainment, the amount of money you're getting paid, it's so interesting."
"This is where the story gets interesting."
"I hope that's been interesting and useful I wouldn't want to do the journey every day but for most people I can see the comments hitting the thread below now."
"It's a really cool story you should look it up."
"I got these obviously because the shape is like really, really interesting."
"One of the most interesting movies of this year."
"When he knows how to write something, like when he feels it like an actor, it's very interesting."
"This fragrance is so unique and so interesting."
"The characters are all really, really fascinating and interesting."
"Overall, this was a good and interesting iceberg."
"This is probably one of the coolest things in that box."
"You're reading what's going on, but you're also reading between the lines of what's going on, and it's just very interesting."
"Interesting people are attractive people. Someone who is involved in things, someone who has hobbies and interests and who is pursuing things in life. Those people are interesting, they're attractive, they're fun."
"I hope some of that has been useful and interesting."
"I thought it would be a place... It's interesting."
"Humans are such interesting creatures."
"I wouldn't want to meet any of them. It would be interesting to be at a family reunion."
"I really like it. It's unique, it's like a grayish, whitish, creamyish color. It's really interesting."
"And here's something interesting."
"...it's more spacious than a cask why it's better value I think it's more interesting and it is a better car to drive..."
"So that's kind of interesting, you know?"
"If things are fun, then they stand a chance of also being interesting."
"You're kind of like adventurous, very interesting. You kind of like bring people in with your vibe."
"This movie is so interesting because it's two days than a life of a very transitional period in Rick's life."
"The complications are the story, and it's much more interesting when you have the complications included."
"You can tell your friends afterwards, it's quite interesting!"
"This will be a review for some of you, but some of you are new listeners, so you might find this interesting."
"There's a lot of cool stuff going on."
"It was so interesting, so beautifully written."
"It really made an interesting read."
"I thought this was like really cool."
"Your future spouse is somebody who likes to do a lot of activities. They're always doing something interesting."
You get so much more variety, so much more dynamics going on through the songs and from song to song. It's just a far more interesting listen from start to finish than "X and Y" is.
"What is really interesting with the DNA analysis..."
"What a fun, interesting experience."
"It's a very interesting thought-provoking story."
"Thank you so much for your time, and we believe y'all will find this video very interesting and educational, things about the Cove that you never knew before."
"Superman is not a boring character."
"That's pretty wild, very very interesting."
"I thought it'd be kind of a cool story to cover here, I thought it'd be pretty interesting for you guys."
"It's been an extraordinary interesting conversation."
"But, I can say that at the very least, the experience, was one of the more interesting ones that I've ever dealt with."
"Every life is interesting and important."
"From a universal perspective, every past life is very interesting and very important."
"Life was a giant party and everyone invited was very interesting to Eve."
"He's really good at starting the answer in a place where you think, 'Oh, that's where the beginning of the answer belongs,' and then making a little jump into things that are actually interesting to know about."
"I found him to be the most interesting person in the house."
"We're opening up 2024 with some interesting conversations indeed."
"These two Beanie Babies are some of the most unique, interesting Beanie Babies in this set."
"He was one of the most interesting characters to ever come to Arizona."
"There's been some really interesting things that have happened over the past week."
"I think probably the most interesting thing that ever happened to me is being born."
"This is probably one of the coolest items."
"It's so captivating and interesting."
"I've never met an interesting person that thinks everything's boring."
"I think the story of you becoming friends with us is incredibly interesting."
"It is remarkably well written and interesting, and it's got amazing characters, amazing stories."
"ENFPs are some of the most interesting people out there."
"Just finished the guided tour... it was a lot more interesting than I expected."
"You're really cool, interesting, and I would say quite a fun person."
"I think he's very knowledgeable, very interesting."
"I've had an extraordinarily interesting life."
"In retrospect, I've had a very interesting life."
"It's really interesting, I mean it was also kind of like very therapeutic in a sense."
"I always wished I could meet someone... interesting."
"You turned out to be quite the interesting customer."
"Really cool by the way, like lots of interesting stuff happening."
"It's so such a safe option but it's not boring at all."
"It was definitely an interesting year, it really was."
"It's a very interesting time for me."
"If you want to learn how to be more interesting, you need to do more interesting things."
"I hope this was interesting, informative, and I hope it has some value to you."
"It's definitely doing formal but it's not doing boring and I think that's important."
"I hope you found this informative, interesting, and above all, relaxing."
"I hope you found this video interesting at least, helpful, something like that."
"It's so good, such an interesting game."
"What an interesting and thought-provoking idea."
"It's interesting to have a whole family together again after all these years."
"It's like one of those educational shows that it's like, it's not too educational to where it's like, oh my gosh, it's really interesting."
"You are possibly the most interesting man in the world."