
Gameplay Depth Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Combining dodges with anticipation adds realism and depth to defensive gameplay."
"Ultimate as well as Brawl and Smash 4 have undeniable restrictions on gameplay that hinder the depth of play that Melee has."
"Bayonetta perfectly encapsulates enjoyable impact in its combat, with almost infinite depth once you get into it."
"The quantity and quality of these side quests is so high that it’s easy to spend hours between story chapters to complete these things."
"There's a lot more to these Tron games than you would assume on surface level."
"There were so many layers to the gameplay that made Snake Eater the best game in the franchise and a treasure of the PS2 catalog."
"I really had troubles to wrap my head around this because if we compare these gameplay features to most modern AR RPGs depths of peril will totally blow them away."
"The crux of the game is constants and variables."
"This system is wild; you can drill so deep on what you want to play."
"These games are so good... They can be quite challenging but they're the kind of games that are so conducive to an experience."
"The pinnacle challenge this game throws at you are the dungeons."
"Overall, I felt like I could spend hours just theory crafting builds."
"How long Cyberpunk 2077 will take you based on what we heard? We've already heard numbers in the 165 to 170 hours range if you play slow."
"The crafting does seem to be pretty deep and it seems like there's a lot of options there."
"The side quests turn into a huge component and portion of play time overall."
"Trap monsters like core in the Shadow archetype provided strong follow-up plays with their graveyard effects, adding depth to the deck's strategy."
"Gran Turismo 7 straddles a line between accessibility and physics depth."
"The deck feels like it can do almost anything and your decisions really matter."
"I expressed myself honestly. I'm allowed to do that. I'm a person. Thank you. I hope it goes well."
"Deep, not wide, is the most broken cheat code you can have in the game."
"I'm absolutely blown away by all the things you can do in this game, massive construction projects."
"When you factor in all the time it's going to take to complete everything else this game has to offer, you're easily looking at well over 100 hours of gameplay."
"Simple control schemes don't necessarily mean less nuanced gameplay."
"Adding a good deal of replayability and layer strategy to the mix."
"The progression system with vampires and the skill unlocking is really really cool."
"The combat is very complex... more complex than [previous games]."
"All of them pale in comparison to the mighty beat em up in terms of gameplay depth narrative like we're this is a league of its own."
"Olimar's style is less about his moves but more about the constant mechanic of managing the pikmin."
"There's kind of like infinite or nearly infinite weapon combinations in liip."
"The depth of gameplay in Distant Worlds is very impressive."
"The diversity and depth of the errands make it hard to set the controller down."
"This game demands that you take your time with it. It wants you to explore, it wants you to check out all the side quests."
"If you just run through and try to focus on completing goals, you're missing so much."
"It rewards planning, resource management, and micromanagement all in the right ways."
"There's so much depth in terms of choosing how you want to play and choosing how you want to live in the world."
"Even in the restricted rule set, there are tons of cool skips and tech combat techniques."
"Just because it looks cartoony, don't think that it's not a complex game. It does have depth."
"The whole thing has like just enough depth and strategy."
"More late-game quests and challenges that incentivize you to reach higher levels."
"Having factions that you couldn't do with another faction in one playthrough will compound the replayability."
"Persona 5 adds a lot to the already established formula."
"It's a game about survival... maybe they could have limited it, but then I think you'd have people complaining." - "Breath of the Wild's survival aspect adds depth to gameplay."
"Lifestyles and sentiments are core gameplay experiences and will add depth to the game together."
"The real soft caramel center of the new expansion is a complete reimagining of how vassalization and subjugation mechanics work."
"The dedication to long-term cause and effect is the primary selling point of this game."
"There's got to be more to combat in Dungeons and Dragons than just tank and spank."
"The trait system is not just a basic skill system... it presents an actual consequential difference for the player."
"One game round can take weeks to complete, so if you like intricate games that you can really get invested in, I think this one will be perfect for you."
"If you take the time to go into the blacksmith and kind of really craft that gear that is going to meet your needs, you can come up with some pretty crazy stuff."
"Benefit from having mounts that level with you and that you really have to take care of them. It really adds to the immersion of the game."