
Content Creator Quotes

There are 828 quotes

"As always, this is AJ for Disney Food Vlog and we'll see real soon."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, I appreciate each and every one of you."
"Thanks to you, my viewers, for supporting me."
"He makes such fresh content you will not want to miss out on it."
"All we ask is that if you do love us, then please talk to us."
"Three hundred and fifty thousand subscribers, oh my god, thank you very very very very much."
"Thank you for watching our video and for stopping by tiny house expedition. I'm Alexis and I'm Christian. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe."
"Thank you very very very much for joining me."
"Hey, T, I want to tell you that I absolutely love your content. I've been watching you since 2017, and I always finish a video of yours learning something. You're such an inspiration. Keep doing what you do. I'mma leave well, I'mma leave will."
"Mad love to you, I will see you in a video very, very soon."
"If you want to tell if your content is good, sit down at your computer, open up your stream, go to your last stream or your last video, and just start watching it full screen, sound on, everything."
"Thank you for watching and subscribing. Your support means the world to me."
"There'll be less need for workers...that will free us up to follow our passions."
"If your handle is Movie Bob, where are your movie reviews? Well, my old reviews are in a lot of places. You'll find many of them on my YouTube channel."
"These games are really good and certainly worth investigating especially if you've watched my channel for any length of time."
"Ultimately, I care more about how my core audience is gonna respond to whatever I do."
"Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video."
"I'm so excited to be back on this couch and talking to you people."
"His work is incredible please go subscribe to his channel."
"I found you because of Benjamin Boyce... was very impressed."
"That guy has a real relationship with his audience."
"Thank you for watching, you guys are amazing! I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you guys very soon for more videos. Bye bye."
"Thank you so much for watching! I love you all."
"Until next time, I'm Dr. Justin Sledge, and thank you for watching Esoterica where we explore the arcane in history, philosophy, and religion."
"Thank you again for joining me I will see you soon."
"Thank you very much everybody if you've made it to this point in the video, I want to thank you very much for your support."
"Let me know if you made it to the end of the video you get first dibs let me know what you want to see in my next video and leave a comment below I'll see you really soon I love you bye bye."
"Thanks for watching I'll catch you next time."
"My name is John Campbell and until next time my friends, bye-bye."
"I think I have one of the best communities online. I think I do. I think I have one of the least toxic communities online."
"It's really humbling to be able to meet people that watch your videos."
"Thank you all so much for watching and get out of my office. See you on the next Angry Joe Show."
"My fans are just so supportive, they're always there to say it's okay, Technoblade, we never expected anything from you at all."
"I just cannot stress enough how much you all mean to me as an audience and how much I sincerely appreciate you guys even clicking on my videos responding to them doing whatever it's really means the world to me."
"I played so much bloodborne, I've played at this point, I want to say like over 70 hours of bloodborne."
"Thank you guys for watching my rant. If you agree with me, please drop a like and share this video if possible."
"Haley is TCB... I love her videos she's very well-spoken and I love all of her favorites..."
"I really appreciate every single one of you guys who actually uses my supporter creator code when they purchase something from the item shop."
"From me and my amazing team, or from my team and me, I just want to say thank you for watching."
"For any of my frequent followers who wish to further support the channel and myself, you can do so in the Patreon link down in the description below."
"It feels like an enormous amount of responsibility to be mindful of what I'm saying, what I'm doing, how I'm acting."
"Thanks once again for watching. I'll see you in the next one. I love you all and good night."
"I love your videos and I really loved meeting you at VidCon, thank you for keeping me sane."
"So yeah all that's left to say really is thanks for watching."
"This will be the last ever Reddit video that I post on this channel."
"Please do consider subscribing, join team TDM for daily gameplay videos!"
"Subscribe... I'll see you on the next video... peace."
"As always guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"If you're excited, please be sure to hit that like button, showing your support."
"All of you tune in to watch, you really don't know how much I appreciate every single one of you."
"Thank you very much for watching this video, and I'll catch you in the next one very soon. As always, love you all, bye-bye."
"Only Use Me Blade has had one of the saddest downfalls in content creator history."
"Thank you all so much for being here with me, like this video if you liked it, share it if you think it's worth sharing."
"And in that video, we uncovered that the source of these videos is actually a familiar face, Rick Lax."
"Thank you all so much for watching... be sure to like And subscribe."
"If you guys enjoyed it, make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel."
"If you'd like to see more stuff by me in the future, please consider subscribing to the channel."
"It's my favorite thing to do." - Blitz Winger
"This is one of my favorite hubs." - Bill Roseman
"This has been scram and I'll see you next time, bye."
"You guys are just the best, thank you for tuning in, I appreciate it."
"Yo yo what's up, Busta fam? If you're new here, I'm Easy Bust. If you've been around, I appreciate you."
"Orex Tactics does have a Patreon page as well."
"Thank you guys for watching again, and guys, I'll see you on the next one."
"My name is big fry and this is the shit I live for."
"If you don't know him by now, you're probably under a rock... Luton is the de facto perfect Warhammer lore YouTuber."
"Thank you for watching. Stay alert, stay safe, and I'll see you next time."
"Thank you for watching, thank you thank you. I will see you next time. Bye."
"Help support me directly in return you can be immortalized in my videos."
"Have a great day and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"I have the best fans ever. You guys really make it worth it."
"I still have massive respect for this youtuber. I don't want them to die."
"I want to say all of you who are watching the channel I love you I appreciate you thank you so much for watching my content."
"Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video. Okay, bye."
"Thank you so much for watching! As always, I have been AverageTrey. PEACE."
"Don't forget to subscribe with notifications on, leave a like if you enjoyed this one, and I'll see you guys again."
"Welcome back to my channel, hot buns, thank you for sticking around."
"Whoever says Roger doesn't listen to his audience, believe me, I do. I listen, I know you guys want it, so here we are."
"Let me know what your favorite comedies are right now down below thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye! :)"
"Jacksepticeye used to be an employee here at Poppy Playtime. Jacksepticeye is officially Huggy Wuggy."
"Thank you for watching I'm TJ Kirk peace the fuck out."
"I'm Kayla... I'm on Little Simsie and uh doing good so there you go."
"You'll see me not just as a machine that cranks out videos but a real person."
"I really do want to just give back to you guys in some way because truly I'm so grateful for each and every one of you."
"I just love you guys. Literally, I love talking to you guys."
"I love all you guys you guys mean the world to me thank you for understanding and being patient with me thank you guys for supporting me thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed my story see you guys in the next one."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I shall see you all next time goodbye."
"I hope you found it entertaining and maybe a little bit informative as well. I will see you next time."
"Thank you so much once again everyone that's been liking commenting subscribing bail notification you know the drill guys my name is K dub this is crypto zombie until next time stay crypto peace out."
"Become the content creator you would want to watch."
"As a content creator, you have to be responsible for the people that follow you and the things that you say."
"I don't really care if a YouTuber is relatable or not as long as they have entertaining content."
"We are Marching to 1 million subscribers here on the Midas touch Network."
"Hi, yes, my name is Felicia Lockhart, and I am a YouTuber."
"Thank you so much for subscribing, for following us on our newsletter, for reading our blog posts, for following us over on social media."
"29,000 people watch my videos that's genuinely mind-blowing so thank you all so much for the support."
"I seriously believe I have the best viewers on the planet."
"I appreciate every single one of you just as much."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you did, you already know what to do with that like button. I would very much appreciate it."
"Thank you all for watching. I love you guys, hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll see you guys next video. Peace."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the video! Hit the like button, comment down below, and as always, KTG out."
"We seriously can't be here without you guys watching and chiming in and giving us feedback."
"I appreciate you and I will see you guys in the next heavily censored shadow band livestream."
"I always get so happy when you upload or go live."
"Thank you for watching this video until the next time we see each other if we see each other again it's a boy meow Hawaii take care peace out."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. Let me know in the comments down below what's on your thrift wish list."
"Hey mate, you're amazing! Watch your videos every day, says Jack Ballard. Thank you very much, Jack."
"Thank you so much for watching guys, massively appreciate you."
"Thank you guys for watching thank you guys for being awesome thank you for everything and i'll see you all next time bye."
"Thank you so much for hitting that join button, your support really does mean a lot to me."
"We just added him! Who else supports me as a creator?"
"Guys, before we start, make sure you like and subscribe so that I can get some good luck."
"If you enjoyed, smash like, don't forget to subscribe to the channel."
"Generally my social media for the future for people who maybe want to subscribe to your OnlyFans, social media is what's all the links they can go to."
"Thank you so much for watching, I love you guys so much and Nikki out."
"I'm thankful for all y'all locking in with us."
"If you enjoyed this zodiac series I will leave my playlist right here so you can watch all of them and entertain yourself for hours."
"Thank you for watching, I love you guys, I'll catch y'all on the next one. Peace."
"That's gonna do it for this video, I'll see you guys later."
"You are an amazing amazing inspirational like streamer person YouTuber all the things content creator."
"Every time you clicked on a video, every time you hit a heart button, every time you created a comment, every time you shared a video, my wife saw that."
"People have been watching I started watching Alex Earl when she only had 400 000 followers because somebody was like watch this girl she's gonna be the biggest thing on TikTok she's a genius."
"Thank you to Mitch for all the entertainment you've provided to us over the years, from Nazi zombies to vlogs to Minecraft, you've certainly done a lot for us all."
"This is not Mia Mulder two, this is not ContraPoints two, this is Philosophy [ __ ] Tube, baby!"
"I appreciate you guys for always supporting me and my channel and like I said I wanted to give back."
"You guys are the smartest, most intelligent, beautiful people out there."
"I hope you like this video, if you did, smash that like button, I'll see ya next time, goodbye!"
"Thank you for watching. I'm grateful for you."
"Hopefully everyone enjoyed it. And I'll see you in the next videos."
"Real quick, I wanted to tell y'all, uh, thank you so much for all the feedback and the comments on the last video."
"And the fact that so many of you left these like heartfelt comments that you know you support me and regardless what I choose to make videos on you're going to keep watching, I honestly teared up reading a lot of those comments man."
"Until next time my name is Justin aka Scout boy and don't forget Frederator loves you."
"What the hell is it? I'll tell you what Xerath Mortis isn't: it's not our Patreon, but our Patreon is pretty cool."
"I love you all so much I had so much fun, and I'll see you next time, bye bye everyone."
"Thank you guys for joining me for this video for this rather emotional at times walk down memory lane I just can't thank you enough for being with me all this time on my channel."
"Thank you so much for watching, you guys are the best, I love you all very much!"
"Thank you guys so much for watching. You're our Legends of my book."
"Thank you guys for watching, please be sure to drop a like on the video, subscribe to the channel if you guys are new. It has been your boy Alex, also known as Formula. I love you guys."
"Make sure you take care of yourselves and I will see you boys in the next video. Peace."
"Thank you all so much for a hundred thousand subscribers... YouTube has been an absolute adventure and is allowing me to move all across the place so I can't thank you guys enough for giving me the life I have today."
"It's just such an amazing feeling to know that there's so many people all over the world watching my content."
"Ladies, gentlemen, and others, my name is Arkada and today on Glass Reflection, a look at the 100 slice of life anime high school series known as School Live."
"I firmly believe that Carrick is the best reviewer on YouTube."
"I wanna huge thanks to you guys for watching this video."
"And there you go, the top 10 best Pokemon backstories in my opinion. I hope you guys enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like if you did, it's appreciated a ton!"
"Thank you guys so much for watching, you guys are amazing."
"I don't really feel like I'll fall into the same 'Oh I don't want to just be the 'Know Your Moves' guy' because I know I'm not like that."
"Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again soon for the next one. Take care."
"Thank you all for tuning in. I appreciate you."
"Please give the video a thumbs up because it really helps me out."
"Thanks for watching everybody I appreciate it... remember if nothing else stay."
"Turning views into a livelihood, one video at a time."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you again soon."
"It bothers me when I see someone like moist critical who's like a genuine guy who looks like a fun guy makes great content you can tell he's watching only the negative stuff about me."
"Content creators are more positive and have better mental health."
"And remember buddy, always be grateful, always be kind to others, and always say please and thank you, I'm your buddy Kev, this is Kevs Toy Fun, thanks for watching buddy and I'll see you soon, okay, buh-bye!"
"Thanks so much for watching and I will see you guys next time."
"Thank you for watching... hit subscribe... have a great day."
"Did you know I'm also trans? Pronounced she/her. I've been out since before I released the first Jojo video."
"We're really fortunate with our channel, 99% of them are nice, normal people."
"Thank you for being the most dedicated and personal YouTuber ever."
"Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show."
"And finally just a note for me to you thank you so much for all the time that you folks have spent with me on this channel..."
"Enjoy this video, I love you dudes! Hope you have a good one and hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a very happy holidays! Good times with friends and family."
"Helping you guys navigate this and if that's a value to you guys I sincerely sincerely hope it is do me a favor and smash that like button."
"Welcome aboard, good to see you all here. Thanks again for subscribing to the channel. Welcome to all you awesome new members and long-term supporters. And thank you very much for subscribing, smashing like, just being awesome in general."
"Don't forget to like this video thumbs up, subscribe to my YouTube channel, turn on the notification bells so you never miss a video, it's my babe."
"Thank you for watching my videos and chatting with me."
"Yo, boys, it's Taylor here. I just want to say thank you if you've made it to the end of the video."
"As much as I identify with PewDiePie's desire to have freedom over his message and to not be taken out of context any one of those phrases isn't quote just a funny meme as he claims at the end of his video."
"Thank you everybody again and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye."
"Thank you very much for watching thank you for the support thank you for subscribing thank you for sharing for just being there always it really means a lot."
"I thank you so so much for watching this video till the end."
"Thank you for almost two hundred thousand subscribers."
"Being a member of this channel means you guys get first dibs on most of my stuff."
"Thanks so much for watching this video, hit that subscribe button, hit that thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next video, peace out."
"I love your videos. Thank you, Ruby, I appreciate that."
"It's a big ask but it would mean a lot to me if you guys could subscribe."
"But anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video."
"If you enjoyed, I'd really appreciate if you leave a like on the video."
"This video has been an absolute blast. I hope you guys enjoy these kind of one-off Hut videos if you want to see more like this one let me know in the comment section down below."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, my name has been Pixel Riffs. Don't forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it, subscribe if you want to see more, and I'll see you guys soon. Take care, bye for now."
"My name is KingStix, thank you for watching, and I'll catch you guys next time."
"If this is the first time you've clicked on one of my videos, what's up? I'm Amazed One and I plan on doing some of the craziest things you've ever seen in this series."
"I've been the spiffing brit. I'll see each and every one of you in the next one. Goodbye for now."
"I believe that Andre is simply taking a break from YouTube."
"If you're watching this right now, why not pause the video, get a drink, get some food, let me know in the comments what you're eating, what you're drinking, how's your day going?"
"He's so boogie... the nicest dude on YouTube."
"I read lots of comments when I tell you I read a lot I read a whole bunch so"
"I should be smash the like button for Sam's effort. Let's get this video to ten thousand, no, no, no, fifteen thousand likes!"
"What draws me most to his work is how passionate he is when talking about games."
"As always guys I love you all I cannot wait to see you all in that very next video take care."
"A huge thanks to everyone that's using creative code sir tag and supporting the channel."
"And of course if you have watched until the end of the video you my friend are a true legend and I really do appreciate you being here from the bottom of my heart."
"Thank you guys again for watching and I will see you next time. Bye!"
"Thanks for watching, guys. Thanks for subscribing."
"I appreciate every single one of you guys in my supreme family."
"Just thank you for subscribing I appreciate that."
"I appreciate every single one of you guys who watch my videos every single week."
"I greatly greatly greatly appreciate you watching like I said giving me grace during this time."