
Player Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Most people do not like having their time wasted inside of the limited time frame that they can play."
"Regardless of what your opinion is, there's one thing that is very clear: a big portion of the player base is not really satisfied with the current implementation of these masks."
"Especially since shaders are one-time use and you're going to be using them on these ugly-ass armor sets."
"Battlefield 2042 didn't just suffer from visual performance, server, and gameplay balancing issues, nope, it suffered from core game design problems."
"This is why players hate getting coins from item boxes."
"I think laners are really sad if the meta is rexi style Champions."
"Legendary acquisition was terrible. People were quitting the game because of how WoW's systems were dealt with."
"Every single thing that was unique to Sam Fisher is either gone or you don't get to use until the end of the game."
"Corruption: S and actively made the game worse at the same time."
"The meta sucks nobody likes it but you got to do what you got to do to win the games right."
"The game does not offer a great ability to tweak the quality of tessellation upward in a meaningful way."
"The worst part about this ending is that other games before and since have done it better."
"No match XP at all... it's just insane to me."
"Congrats 343, you made leveling up feel irrelevant and unimportant."
"For a live service game, this is just unacceptable."
"Definitely a beautiful new start, leaves indicate new beginnings."
"Locking iconic playable heroes behind ridiculous credit numbers is bad."
"Blizzard, you've eroded at the meaning and ownership of success in the game."
"The economy of Hearthstone really prohibits how people want to enjoy the game and often scares them away."
"A lot of Ronaldo's unhappiness is about lack of signings and lack of ambition, which is the same as you."
"There's really nothing satisfying about a pay to win MMO."
"Historically you can look back at pretty much any version of while you want and you can see people do not like repeating the exact same grind on multiple characters."
"The rewards of Marvel Future Fight are much less than the difficulty."
"Ronaldo has every right to be a bit annoyed for the lack of transfers."
"There's a clear issue. Varane is furious with the way he's being treated."
"Dungeons are not fun I get it we are only 25 levels act one but thinking that dungeons are gonna be the end game with more affixes are not really convincing."
"I really wish this thread hadn't started with 'trials deserve loot' because the entire focus on the subject was whether or not it was about dicking over trials."
"Why would you remove all the stuff that makes the game cool?"
"104 people were shot, 13 were killed, five of them were children, one was only three years old."
"We as a global community did not want the remote raid issue to come to this point by any stretch of our imaginations."
"Basically, I feel like it's a good expansion, a lot of really good things added into the expansion but there are a few systems in the game namely the Titan forging legendary system that have kind of poisoned the expansion for a lot of people."
"No premium currency, just a massive slap in the face."
"Overwatch 2's progression: regression across the board."
"People don't like getting Creative Fairy Fire."
"The outer worlds is shaping up to be what a lot of people wanted from fallout 76."
"World PvP is objectively not fun for people."
"On my 3rd day, I entered competitive to get some gear. And uhh... thanks, but I hate it."
"Absolute lowlights of Guild Wars 2 were at launch."
"I don't hate Diablo 4, I don't think it's a terrible game. I still enjoy playing it, I just wish I enjoyed playing it more than I currently do."
"Playing the same maps over and over again is just sad."
"The global cooldown change... it definitely sucks."
"The whole gameplay loop of an MMO is based around working to gear and progress your character... Legendary's were a really interesting idea but ultimately failed with the player base because..."
"I believe in God used Supremacy, I don't have her because her gameplay kinda sucks."
"Supercell didn't really address the hog rider mortar deck..."
"Tanks have been in a very uncomfortable spot for years now, and it's only gotten worse after the item system overhaul brought in mythics."