
Collaborative Effort Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Alright, we're in. Great! Now let's do this."
"We're gonna need everyone's help... it's a big potential breakthrough."
"Let's start with the first layer. Are you ready, kids?"
"Let's make this platform really super successful."
"But if they want to put the final cap on that pyramid and that cap is wisdom then I think we can only do that if we create this Internet of Things future by working together."
"We're going to see lots of characters playing their parts to ensure the hero's chess-esque strategy is executed perfectly."
"The feeling you have is when you want to make a difference and you work together with those guys, I mean you just make a difference."
"I won't be able to do this alone though I need your help if you like this video it will teleport me to Milo so I can prank him."
"You're on the same team, pushing the ball in the same direction."
"This is definitely the most collaborative record we've done within our band from start to finish."
"Thanks, Jay. It is absolutely our honor to be part of this huge effort to get the United States back in the launch business."
"It's a team effort this time to get the chaos emeralds with everyone splitting up and doing their part."
"You know, it's great to get support and back up from the boat."
"We need to work together with a common purpose."
"It's been amazing to watch these guys dig as a team."
"It's fascinating what can be done at a very low level with just a little bit of thought, a little bit of application, innovation, and then everyone deciding, 'Yeah, I'm gonna take my chances and lean in and let's all go together.'"
"Let's take it to the next level man, let's create [ __ ]."
"It really did feel like everyone just poured their love and effort into making this film as impactful and resonant as it could be."
"We like where the spirit of our group is, everybody's chipping in, pitching in, excited about this Challenge."
"Unity of effort is critical to this complex operation."
"If we can't put aside our egos, the world is literally doomed."
"When we come together we have one common purpose to improve the award through its reach its access and its impact."
"There is layers to the song and that is so important."
"We all have a role in this, and we could all row the boat together."
"The international team of 2000 engineers and contractors assembled at Abu Simbel were racing to beat the rising Nile in the most ambitious move of a historical site ever attempted."
"We've done it. I think we've been able to achieve something great here."
"The future is built by the people who are in that room."
"Together we're gonna save the world from pollution."
"Launch is absolutely a team sport... It's all about the team."
"With the power of teamwork, they may have a chance."
"They want to meet you halfway, move forward together."
"At the end of the day, both the ghost and the bustings end up playing second fiddle to a silly but endearing character drama."
"Ghostbusters was successful because of the understanding that the filmmakers had not only with their craft but with one another."
"Partnerships are so important on a football pitch."
"Progress can be slow and frustrating, but I also know it's possible if we work together."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures; it's time for a kingdom collaboration."
"Harry agrees to bring Sirius up to the school to have one of the teachers test this theory."
"Guys, I think we need to make a better base than this and make it super secure."
"Let's just stick together, let's keep doing the work together, and put the rest in the Lord's hands."
"We need to get the team back together, the only chance we have to take down Superman."
"Why can't we do the same thing to try to beat cancer?"
"I think we can all work together to get health care for everybody."
"We need to get as many folks on board and spark competition."
"We just have to find each other and figure out how to work together. It will happen at school boards, community centers, sports leagues, and places of worship."
"All are welcome. If you want to make a difference, join us. We're taking down the elite one contract at a time."
"Joseph Staton was the guy who basically wrote the Halo story along with other people at Bungie."
"Big shout out to 64-bit animation for doing the intro."
"It's not enough to just crush it on my own, I have to work with others."
"If we're truly going to get to number one, we don't have leaders, we have each other."
"We have to come together and unite and solve these problems." - Mr. Cox
"It's the imagination and huge effort by every corner of every world of this game for an indie team to pull off that makes it so special."
"Every single person was important on that crew as it always was throughout Star Trek."
"We'll use it together and we will delete the nightmares."
"This sounds like a great idea. We need to do this."
"We will figure it out because we're not going to figure out everything."
"We stand united to beat this pandemic and build a better tomorrow."
"To be able to just work that much harder than other people and other people involved in the project too not only myself sure sure."
"You want to help me take down Ultron? For sure."
"The amount of effort that all of these agencies put together really truly is why we're here today."
"During the Burning Crusade, it was a journey that spanned months and took quite a bit of thought, effort, and teamwork."
"This is a group effort... it has to be a group effort."
"The curse has been broken. I broke it so now... well, you did your part, I did my part, Nate did his part."
"All the plushies worked together to develop this whole menu."
"He's a sponge and we were fortunate enough to use that knowledge that he has to make Top Gun a better film."
"Whatever things we try to challenge, whatever challenges we try to take on, we can solve with a little bit of concerted effort, and some good technology."
"This is Rex ranch just so you guys know, NH came up with the idea and a lot of other people supported it after that."
"This community is amazing, the community that you guys built that we built together."
"Personally, it's very gratifying to see the incredibly talented young minds around the country coming together to address this very unique problem."
"That's why no one's ever beaten it, we gotta do it, man!"
"Who cares about the Cell games anymore? They all need to fight together."
"Thank you for being part of Katie's Arms and everything that we're trying to do together."
"That is my promise to you pinky promise here we go we're going to do this together."
"No one person solves a homicide... It's a team effort."
"I want to build a decentralized peer-to-peer currency and I think that's going to take the effort of a lot of us not only here in this room but across the world."
"It takes a village to raise a child; in this case, the 'taste' takes an army to raise a game."
"Love you guys, and I'm so happy we were able to do this build."
"Excited to meet Greg with stock from aquascape and have him myself and Kathy show you guys the whole process of building my pond it's gonna be so crazy."
"Together we're going to make the planet a better place, and if we all work together, we can do it."
"Batman, I know you're the world's greatest detective, but for this, we'll need the world's greatest gamers."
"This has been like nine years of effort from a lot of different people who have put a lot of time into this game."
"This as far as I'm concerned, it's how we make a better world together."
"Thank you to Andy Chandler, Matt Monroe, Dave Yates, and Better Fantasy for the research, the editing, and just the laughs and the writing."
"It's a solvable problem, it just requires a lot of work and effort, and it requires everybody to be on board with it."
"It was that fan community and their amazing work."
"If we want to eradicate polio, and we do, it’s going to take everyone around the world working together."
"Together we are going to work to ensure that the well-being of our children remains a priority."
"So much credit goes to her like her ideas and her request and I think that's that's really cool it's almost unheard of I know for that to be such a conversation surrounding a show too."
"Inspire each other to do things differently."
"This is a team effort, each person you see here is making a contribution."
"If the three of them work together, it won't be a problem."
"Taking advantage of an extra pair of helping hands."
"Very well, let us prepare for the fall of the Chroma Conclave. Together."
"If your group can't work together, you won't accomplish much."
"Looks like our admins have been cleaning out the remaining chests here everyone do you everyone a spawn let's do a big push all of us I'm sure ready meaneth yes we'll give it another five seconds."
"I want to say a huge thank you to fizzy elephant and William beaver because they really did all of the other work getting this game to the point where it is now."
"If they don't do it, we will, and that's the beauty of the open-source Community."
"Trafficking is not inevitable. If governments, businesses, civil society, faith communities, survivors, and everyone bands together, it can be stopped." - Ambassador John Richmond
"Don't let others put their work on you. You do your part, they do theirs. It's called teamwork."
"I'm hopeful for the future, especially for the buddy system."
"The fact that there are clues in the game before you get to the mimic that it's actually the mimic and it's not really Gregory down there, I think most people once they knew what the mimic was knew what was going to happen."
"Many hands make light work, despite his previous dice with death."
"We've got a mission teaching those dragons to help, was a great idea."
"I believe that if we work together, we can really turn the tide in this war for our babies."
"Just know that I'm working and so is the team."
"You guys started it, you guys all created it. Without you guys, it wouldn't have happened."
"But they explained how the whole thing came together."
"America does have talent. It seems to lack the talent to recognize the talent, but between the two of us, I think we can do that."
"We need the help of others in order to make our dreams come to fruition."
"We're going to try and be as creative as we possibly can, and if you've got any suggestions, you know that we are all ears."
"I think people would believe it to work on it and make it better."
"Once we get SIP 1694 through the door, then the devs, the retail investors, the big companies, everyone will have a say to push Cardano forward."
"Journalism is a completely different process; it's not something in which we are stating the truth, we are allowing others to help us make the truth."
"That is teamwork, mate, I'll tell you."
"Let us know how well you think that Audrey and I did giving the instructions on how well Jake and Ty did following our crazy directions."
"Let's build a community together."
"Everyone's role is important in a team effort."
"The wise thing to do is to come together and figure out how to bring out these really advanced technologies and physics in a way that is as non-disruptive as possible."
"We're gonna work together to stop Zygon. That's the main Easter."
"We will work with you to try and make this place the best place it can possibly be for the people that live here."
"You have to take the ego out of it and know that it's a lot of different people with a lot of different perspectives that have to be heard."
"It was through teamwork that they were able to get those bells."
"Let's do it together and jump in and get started."
"Between all the dull stuff you're doing and the exciting stuff I'm doing, we're going to save the world."
"Everyone's suggestions were so helpful."
"The thing about a life is it's never done alone, a career as an actor is never done alone."
"They all wanted to help Raimi to take Spider-Man 4 to another level."
"Extraordinary work being done by all the people collaborating on solving the puzzles for her to get her through."
"This is team effort and that's why you're both here today."
"The mastermind is defined as coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose."
"Everyone on the show makes the show."
"The future of the tailoring industry is bright... with efforts of everyone here in the tailoring industry."
"You only need to fight one. I'll do the other, and we'll get Gendry out and run."
"We're all trying to reach common goals and we're all trying to make our machines the best we can."