
Positive Engagement Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"If you believe that you're a good person and the game and your enjoyment of this game has nothing to do with anything negative, continue to play the game."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you're having a really great day."
"It's just refreshing to see lads their age channeling that energy into the great outdoors."
"Fans being passionate about their favorite character or their favorite media figure is therefore not inherently toxic but instead quite the opposite."
"Welcome back everybody! Thank you so much for joining us. I hope you're having an amazing day."
"We're kind of vibing along, the growth on the channel has still been going surprisingly. I'm so grateful for that."
"The most important thing is that we all enter into a good faith agreement to participate in a way that's fun for everyone."
"I just think it is more positive in the long run to make good community engagement and good community awareness that, hey, you know, if you don't have the money to spend, you can still achieve that."
"The key to community building is the word yes."
"Reading books like this and the other ones that I'm mentioning, they're just such an easy way to kind of stay connected with the positive and the happier things in life."
"More people understand that there is value, there is virtue, there is pleasure, there is fun in doing so."
"Welcome to the new felix fans the new trainers i've talked back and forth with and the positive people who are smart enough to see the bigger picture going on here."
"It's great to see a lively community right now."
"The topics, positive takeaway, and feelings make the experience more fulfilling than fixating on minor issues."
"Favorite moment from covering Animal Crossing... the 2.0 direct... knowing they were going to double down."
"I'm having so much fun with this conversation."
"It's creepy in the best type of way because you can have a really entertaining time with it."
"I love this community, you guys are amazing."
"You're a human being who can respond and the difference is the respond means to positively react to appropriately react."
"It's just a positive place for everyone to engage with."
"They built up a tremendous amount of goodwill."
"The film's production was such a colossal undertaking amid impossibly high expectations."
"Opportunities may show up, and if they do, definitely give them the energy that they deserve."
"Thank you for checking this out, thank you for stopping by, thank you to everybody for being a part of this, been an absolute pleasure as always."
"Blessings on everybody be here we love you we appreciate you and we thank you so much for your constant viewership and your love"
"Thank you for watching the video and reacting positively."
"Helping people is fun. It can even be a blast."
"We're gonna make a positive outdoor community."
"The furry community is absolutely wonderful and super sweet and supportive and talented and cool."
"Sharing love and building a community, that's what it's all about."
"I'm not going to participate in negative commentary. I'm going to be part of the solution."
"Meet everyone with compassion, love, and respect."
"She's looking around at people, she makes eye contact with you and smiles."
"Thank you for the support, you guys are insane."
"Everybody's doing it for the love and that's the right reason to do it."
"I actually really, really enjoy the FBI and the police on this case."
"Building more positive and meaningful connections with customers."
"It is legitimately awesome yeah okay now what are they making like a pouch oh you guys are awesome too."
"I find myself stringing them together and getting distracted by them rather often, and when I say that I mean it in a good way."
"I think you guys might be the best community on YouTube."
"The community is a positive and encouraging group of crypto enthusiasts."
"We have one hundred dollars from The Live Wire. Excited for another SGDQ, good luck to all the runners, and thank you to everyone putting this amazing event on."
"I mean I'm watching having a good time I'm enjoying this."
"Every community has some toxicity in it, and trust me, the majority of this fandom is incredibly awesome."
"Do stuff that's constructive. What constructive value will people get out of it?"
"I've been having a blast playing through this game."
"That's adorable, that is straight up adorable."
"Maybe try to comment but just say something nice and say I really like what's going on here."
"These are my best recommendations but are not the set in stone concrete best way to make this build if you think I forgot something or you want to make a major change to the build go for it."
"Thanks again for watching Vincent Super Channel G. Peace."
"For everything that I like to have fun kind of dunking on it's good to be able to share these things that I get genuinely excited about."
"You guys are the best supporters I can ask for. Thank you so much for all your love, all your support, your kind comments, your positive support."
"Nothing like taking a hilarious meme about your own product in stride, Epic Games, you're the real MVP."
"Thank you all so much for subscribing. We really, really love you guys and the community and what's happening here."
"I appreciate everybody that's been rocking with me, everybody that subscribed to me, all the positive comments, all the support from all around the world. It's much appreciated."
"Ideally, engagements with those who are closest to us should leave us feeling like we're better people for having been with them."
"Thank you all for your positive feedback and comments, thank you for viewing and watching this and sharing it."
"As always guys, we appreciate you, thanks for watching, have a good one."
"Don't forget to light up this comment section with goodness."
"Thanks so much for watching friends, happy hooking and I'll see you next time."
"To have a positive relationship with social media, it's really important to find your little corner of it."
"If you have a limited amount of time to spend on stuff like Twitter, why spend it with people who are pissed off at you when you can spend it with somebody who's going to be excited to talk to you?"
"Love you guys so much, and let's get started!"