
Refreshing Quotes

There are 440 quotes

"This was refreshing and the passion fruit tempers that bite from the gin."
"One of the freshest and most fun comic book movies of all time."
"It is just freaking fantastic. Very refreshing, very cooling. It's quite aromatic, it's citrusy, it's fresh, and it's just a 10 out of 10."
"My Hero Academia is a really wonderful breath of fresh air for the anime community."
"Being able to have that in on work is very refreshing, uplifting for me."
"Overall, it could be a breath of fresh air for a lot of the audience."
"So clear and honest, truthful, refreshing to hear."
"Structuring your animated series like an actual animated series would feel so refreshing these days."
"She was different. She was, for so many people, the breath of fresh air because she didn’t talk like a politician."
"Absolutely full of sugar. Here's to a drama that's refreshing to watch where romance and comedy are mixed really well."
"It was refreshing to hear such an authentic and genuine character."
"It feels actually pretty cool and pretty refreshing as well."
"This actually made my skin feel really cool and refreshed in that area which is kind of cool."
"Hell Divers 2 is one of the most refreshing and straightforward multiplayer games I've played in a while."
"It's really refreshing to see content like this instead of the negative ones."
"The only [__] that you said was kind of refreshing to hear."
"It's honestly pretty nice and it's a breath of fresh damn air to see the SEC chairman actually talk about and air the concerns of the retail trader."
"Frozen grapes are one of my favorite snacks; they are super yummy and refreshing and taste like nature's candy."
"This is quintessential summer for me. It has an icy lemonade feeling when you spray it on."
"There's no love interest in this film, which is actually refreshing."
"Lively, smart and refreshing. That's how guests who have tried me describe me."
"There's going to be a lot more fun... a breath of fresh air."
"This breath of fresh air that I've so desperately needed on my channel."
"It's one of the coolest perspectives and kind of insights that I've come across in a long time."
"This kind of transparency and honesty is really refreshing."
"They're intrigued by you, feeling like you are a breath of fresh air."
"Your connection always feels fresh, always exciting."
"I thought it was refreshing when they were both sat there together."
"Your words, Lord, are like cold water on a hot day, filling and refreshing my soul."
"Crazy Taxi stood out, it's something new and shiny, a breath of much-needed fresh air."
"It's surprisingly sweet and very yummy and like really quenches your thirst."
"It's just so refreshing to see you going exactly against all of the advice and doing this with these really long form things."
"Sugar cane juice with watermelon and mint, I highly recommend this."
"It's like a lemon and orange sorbet but kind of creamy at the same time, but not, it's powerful, yeah, refreshing."
"It's very refreshing and uplifting."
"It's pretty refreshing to get this type of take on the turtles."
"Daniel Caesar's music served as a much-needed breath of fresh air."
"It has been a breath of fresh air."
"It's so liberating psychologically, it's really refreshing."
"Being lightweight is a breath of fresh air."
"I feel so good after that shower, it's just delightful."
"that little dose of realism is just kind of refreshing"
"It's refreshing to see something different."
"That's fruit. It tastes like it's a fruit. It's like they were dipped in Gatorade."
"He's just very refreshing, I think, when I watch him I'm just like wow."
"It's like Peach lemonade but 10 times better."
"...kind of a breath of fresh air in the metal community..."
"It was such a refreshing take in the superhero genre. We really needed a movie like this in the DC Universe or somewhere in the Marvel Universe."
"Every single time I come here, it is just such a breath of fresh air for me."
"This project really was a breath of fresh air to me."
"Like an ice cold glass of water, quenching a dying thirst in a desert of live-action superhero entertainment."
"This person could feel very refreshing, like a safe space for you."
"Nothing's off the table nothing's off limits when it comes to humor and so and maxor definitely encompasses that and really refreshing and appreciate it."
"...Adrien is complete natural with the new Power which is super refreshing."
"Telling the truth is the most refreshing thing to be able to do."
"The most refreshing thing for me... is to see how much of it's just a facade."
"I swear to you every time I see these in my room I spritz my face and it's loves them."
"You're a sweet drink on a hot day with a little side of tacos."
"It's really refreshing to see someone so open in their perspective."
"It's quite invigorating, actually."
"Everyone is actually so polite and nice. It's really refreshing."
"Sometimes all you need is a little bit of cold temperature to just snap out of it."
"Being around you is just amazing and almost like being in a desert and someone gave them water and they're like 'ah, I'm quenched and I can relax now.'"
"It’s refreshing to have a simple, slightly more grounded story this time around."
"He talks about his experience, and I found that really refreshing, honestly."
"Wash your face with ice-cold water for a refreshing wake-up."
"This tale of the Clone Force 99 troops, their newest recruits Omega, and the all-round aftermath of the Galaxy changing Order 66 makes for a relentlessly emotional and often surprisingly refreshing change of pace."
"This connection feels like a breath of fresh air."
"Wow, this is so refreshing. Super delicious."
"So refreshing, it's like holding a cold breeze."
"Your childlike demeanor and playful energy are refreshing and attractive."
"The introduction of Clifford DeVoe, aka The Thinker, offered a refreshing change from speedster villains."
"It is so refreshing to have you here."
"It's been like a breath of fresh air."
"Being able to do that is so refreshing."
"So I really love how refreshing this is some of the notes on the back it says sweet mint tangerine southern magnolia bourbon grizalva sugar cube and crushed ice and it just feels just as refreshing as that like it's just so beautiful."
"It's always refreshing when that happens."
"...a breath of fresh air to watch this and just be like, 'This feels new...'"
"Your willingness to commit, I think it's refreshing."
"A little mystery can be refreshing."
"I think it's really refreshing to hear you talk about it in a way that's very matter of fact."
"Isn't it so nice and refreshing? Oh, the Vitamin Nectar Glow Water is fire."
"I love it because you're so yourself and it's refreshing."
"It is just so refreshing for the soul and it was really therapeutic to me."
"It felt like a real breath of fresh air in the spa world."
"It feels very refreshing. I feel very young. It feels like spring reading this book right now."
"It was very light-hearted, and honestly, it was just like a breath of fresh air."
"It's refreshing to see things can change."
"This is so good; I will absolutely get these again over any of the other slushies that we've had."
"Your first date is going to feel like a breath of fresh air."
"It's always a little bit refreshing."
"You are a breath of fresh air to them."
"You're like a cool iced tea on like a really really hot day."
"Honestly, it's refreshingly original."
"I think your stand-up is refreshing, it's got a point of view."
"I found it incredibly refreshing. It's one of the things that makes this feel new." - Neil Gaiman
"It's so cool seeing them just have so much fun with the camera angles like it's just so refreshing seeing it now. Everything is so serious."
"It felt like a breath of fresh air... humor... action sequence where the geography makes sense."
"It's not the ocean, but it's still refreshing."
"High Noon is the perfect refreshing drink for a hot day."
"It's a refreshing addition to the cosmere."
"It was refreshing and exciting and exceedingly well made as commercial entertainment."
"Genuinely was a palette cleanser."
"Her honesty was so real, yeah, so refreshing."
"Honestly, this was a really refreshing segment."
"It was so refreshing to actually get out and get into the shops as well."
"It's just really, really refreshing."
"This fragrance is really great for high heat, humid intense situations. If you're living in a country where it's super hot, D'eau de Gengeng is so perfect, it will refresh you and cool you down straight away."
"I love your story because it's kind of refreshing. It's cool, I mean, the whole scalable, repeatable piece to us, what we always try to tell people. And it's so cool to hear it."
"Honestly, it's just really refreshing that I don't have to track everything."
"I find your approach to finding solutions over debating other topics very refreshing and really useful in today's environment."
"I'm reading this 3.5, I really, really enjoyed it, surprisingly. It was like a refreshing, normal read."
"It's refreshing, like a breath of fresh air."
"To have people treat you normally in a situation, yeah it's so refreshing."
"Oh man, now that is what you need after walking the beach on Boracay. I feel like my life has been restored by this ice cold coconut."
"It's so refreshing to see that level of flexibility."
"This is the refreshing thing that changes the day."
"It's refreshing. There's like tomato leaf in here. I love tomatoes, by the way."
"I found it extremely refreshing talking history with him because it also made me look at certain things from a different perspective."
"Cheers, spicy ginger beer, gin, and elderflower. Like, you can't go wrong, really refreshing."
"...a refreshing alternative to rival German-branded SUVs."
"It's refreshing to see, especially in the world we live in today."
"The story is very refreshing, the art is very pretty."
"Something about it just really really does wake you up you feel good."
"This movie is refreshing as hell."
"Just felt completely liberating... something new, fresh, a challenge."
"Tyrion is like a breath of fresh air in terms of variety."
"Denji is such a breath of fresh air in the Shonen category."
"It was like a breath of fresh air compared to the other one."
"Douglas, would you be a breath of fresh air?"
"It was so refreshing because it was so original."
"It's like a breath of fresh air, it steps away from your crowd-pleasing DNA."
"It's quite refreshing actually. It's a good way to wake up in the morning."
"His writing does what writing should do: it refreshes our sense of the world."
"...the American short story not only provided some information but it it was like a total breath of fresh air..."
"You're like a breath of fresh air to this person."
"It's always such a breath of fresh air for me."
"I love it you guys it's like a breath of fresh air."
"I find his criticism refreshing because I find it actually more relatable than than the professional approach"
"I think it's really refreshing to hear that honesty."
"It kind of felt like the breath of fresh air that we all needed."
"It's really refreshing to see a book that primarily focuses on shadow magic."
"There's just something so refreshing about moving."
"That was a refreshing crispy sleep just the way I like it."
"This just feels like a breath of fresh air."
"The natural selection tour is such a breath of fresh air for our sport right now."
"It just feels so different and that's what's kind of refreshing about it."
"You are very lively, and I also heard the word refreshing and new."
"It's like a splash of cool water right to the face."
"Hydrating is all hell. It is so good."
"Man, it's so refreshing to see, just haven't seen it in so many years, you know what I mean?"
"I must just say, it's very refreshing to see somebody get up and not care what comes out of their mouth."
"One of the most refreshing feelings in the world."
"It's a mess but at the same time I kind of think it's refreshing."
"As soon as one says anything vulnerable, it's so refreshing."
"You know, there's not a whole lot of science in it, you know? And, uh, it's refreshing."
"Their introductions have been very, very awesome, a breath of fresh air to the Star Wars Universe."
"It's nice to get a breath of fresh air."
"What a lovely summer rain so refreshing"
"It's like a breath of fresh air, right? It was a different sound, a different moment in music history."
"What a refreshing glass of water this show is."
"Seeing people just being kind to one another is refreshing."
"So unique compared to everything else that we're watching it's refreshing in a way for me and I love seeing this"
"It's refreshing to talk to someone who's thinking."
"He seemed nicer than the neighbors that I had in the beginning and was a breath of fresh air."
"Tongues are a method God uses to refresh us."
"This sangria is really going to hit the spot for you, it's perfect for a refreshing, summery beverage."
"This is going to be such a breath of fresh air."
"It's really refreshing to have that in a relationship."
"If you love peach which obviously I do and this is like summer, this is really nice and refreshing."
"I think it's a breath of fresh air."
"That is so like refreshing and nice, wow."
"It was a nice like breath of fresh air."
"You're like a real refreshing glass of water to me."
"You're just like, you're like a real refreshing glass of water to me."
"What I saw was really refreshing and very nice to see."
"I will pour refreshing water on the Thirsty and streams on the dry ground."
"Isaiah 44:3 says I will pour refreshing water on the Thirsty and streams on the dry ground."
"Some people were thinking who on Earth is she and has Danny Coen lost his mind and other people saying this is really refreshing."
"This is so refreshing to watch someone reflect the absolute joy this hobby could be."
"Truth has the bracing effect of a tonic."
"I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. It was a breath of fresh air."
"Well, that was refreshing to the soul."
"This is just a vacation in a bottle."
"We come to you for news, it's just refreshing."
"A breath of fresh air especially when over the past like 10 to 15 years it's been a lot of narrative talk."
"I love it. It's fresh. So it's like, I would say it's like one of these nice berry drinks, right? That's what it tastes more like. The berry, right? Well, it's delicious. I love it, Stacy. Cheers."
"Feels so refreshed even though it was like a 7 minutes 50 seconds long shower."
"Versace Pour Homme, if you want something to just smell good and feel refreshed, energized, Versace Pour Homme will definitely deliver."
"I think humor is always refreshing. I agree."
"It's just like my mouth almost waters a little bit when I smell it. It's just like a perfect all-around summer one."
"This fragrance is like citrus heaven. It smells like I literally peeled an orange and smeared the skin of the orange onto my skin."
"Abby Jimenez's books are like a breath of fresh air."
"I think it's the most refreshing dessert you could have."
"...taking showers literally makes you feel super refreshed so if you're it's like okay to take a shower like two times three times like I was about to take another shower even though I already took two showers like it's okay."
"Hit the water and the soap and the smell going."
"She's like a breath of fresh air."
"A refreshing experience... it surpassed all of my expectations."
"This one won't be for you, but how refreshing and so summery."
"This is literally the most refreshing pool we've had all trip."