
Contextual Understanding Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Language evolves, context matters, intent matters."
"I think that's studying history makes our world interesting, it provides context."
"Context doesn't erase context; it only adds to it."
"People live in the moment and forget to look at a wider context."
"Are we overrating Fred," assessing players in context is crucial.
"The best justice takes the person's context into account."
"It's about having context understanding the challenges impacting us domestically regionally and globally."
"Ian isn't racist and he's just using a word."
"When there are actions that a person took, it's not blaming them for anything that could have happened to them."
"Understanding that context will really help you."
"Being able to capture the context is what becomes really important."
"Haiti is under siege and it's important to understand why."
"Not everyone was as bad as Hitler and not everything was as bad as the Holocaust."
"If you use a word in its proper context, how can it be offensive?"
"Thank you, um, anyway, it doesn't matter because Dylan wasn't 21."
"It's a great way to provide this contextual understanding of what was the original value and what is the new value."
"It's all context, and it's all how you say it."
"Context is so much more important than words."
"I have taken a lot of solace in reading history in the last couple of years to put our moment in time, in context."
"Only when we see things in context of what they're going to be can we really make actual great decisions on what it is we're making."
"Nobody would expect to watch a historical Nigerian story and demand to see Latinos; it's absurd."
"Elections are always best understood if they are not looked at only for what the election was about."
"Context is not only your friend, it's likely your edge."
"Picking a singular verse out of context to prove a predetermined view makes as much sense as saying indoor bathrooms are unbiblical."
"Every verse you're gonna quote... read the context around it."
"We've all got bottoms, every one of us. I've got a bottom, you've got a bottom, and even for the context of this video game, Tracer has a bottom."
"You've got to see both sides of this and there has to be context."
"Context, context, context. That's the key to understanding any research."
"With these Concepts it's hopefully easier to understand where you stand when it is or isn't a good time to read what the vibe of the book is..."
"Data is great but this is not just about numbers."
"It actually made me really happy when I understood and found the context."
"Context matters. If you contextualize Isaiah 53, you can make it say anything."
"You can't understand what has happened in today's reality without understanding the historical elements that took place."
"You can't judge what is good or bad, efficient or effective, without the context of who you are, your skillset, and what you can do."
"Communication gives us context. Communicate with others and with yourself."
"Understanding that context is vital in understanding what happened next."
"Words are just signposts; we need to understand the context."
"It's not like this is some we're referencing some other letter that's just like not connected to what's going on in Acts."
"Jesus is on the cross, He's a rabbi quoting an Old Testament passage, and all the Jews listening immediately load in their mind Psalm 22."
"A dog and dogs are both 'inu.' It's kind of nice. 'Inu' means they are dogs, and it's a dog. And it's all context that makes it happen."
"Oh, come on, that's what you see, that's what's used."
"Throughout the scripture, we have to be careful not to conflate issues. We have to be careful not to make the scriptures say something it's not saying."
"Everything has context, and you should always look at the big picture to try to better yourself and better those around you."
"The negative references seem to refer specifically to the behavior of street dogs and does not reflect a blanket opinion on dogs as a whole."
"A reasonable person before making any sort of judgments... would ask... why are the kids there... why is the guy there... what's the context behind all this."
"It's important to really look at words in context and understand their meaning."
"It's a combination, right? I don't necessarily blame anybody for being annoyed by the [__] that he said."
"I'm stuck in this Tower how do I get you out if you don't have any hair"
"Start at the end, show the work, and then understand the context. Highlight what you value and what you think is important."
"It also understands context... you can ask it to change some stuff up to fix some stuff up."
"Dogma is actually a good thing to a certain extent, if it is understood in its proper place."
"Let's zoom out and get some perspective."
"It's very very important to understand context."
"Context is more than just the verse before and the verse after; it's the broader context like the whole book of John or the whole New Testament that has to be taken into consideration."
"Whatever topic whatever question you explore, you want to make sure that that topic is situated within a larger context."
"It's so much faster and it's nice to be able to ask follow-up questions and it knowing contextually what it wants to respond."