
Christian Community Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"If you're someone who loves Jesus but knows you're not perfect and struggle with stuff, join the club."
"The church is the gathering of the called out ones."
"He loved the local church. A para-church ministry is not a bad thing. It got a bad name by some. But the word para means alongside. Para-church ministries walk alongside the local church."
"No one is superior or inferior to anybody else in the body of Christ. Each of us has given a place and a job."
"Welcome to the family of God, your names have been written tonight in the Lamb's Book of Life."
"Unity of believers is what we should strive for; it's Christ's prayer for us."
"Let's be people who are full of the love of God in our hearts. Let's do away with arguments and divisions."
"I hope that the body of Christ can continue to do things like this, even when there's... in a spirit of love and grace."
"How can Christians get involved? Number one registering and voting."
"We need to be in relationship with other Christians that are also serious about following Jesus."
"Father, I pray that they may be one as we are one."
"May the eklesia rise to voice as never before your will and your plans never backing down."
"Every one of us baptized confirmed received... we're all called to the heights of holiness."
"God wants to gather His people back into His fold, where truth abides."
"I think it's a grace to realize that we miss the mass."
"This stuff does affect all of us under the name of Christendom."
"God bless you, friends, and God bless you who are watching."
"May we come out from among them and may we only support biblical churches and finish the race."
"In the New Testament, it talks about the church, the body of believers, which is the family of God."
"You can't love Christ and not love the body of Christ."
"Establish a community of believers living in the fullness of Christ."
"I declare in the name of Jesus, make them come to themselves now, and I declare that we will see an overflow of men in church next year in 2022."
"God really is using pastor Jason and pastor Liz and Freedom Christian Center."
"Steep yourself in the epistles as Paul and the other writers of the New Testament write to the local churches. Be encouraged, be nourished, and be satisfied in that."
"Where there are two or three gathered in my name, there I am also."
"We are the church, the body of Christ. Let's not focus on the church building or denomination."
"Most Christians that I know are pretty cool."
"Donald Trump during his presidency from 2017 to 2021 took several actions that were viewed positively by many in the Christian Community particularly among Evangelical Christians."
"Practicing Christians have a thirty-five percent less likely to be divorced."
"I am so cautious now about celebrity within Christendom that I just think if all of us were doing something similar, there would be no Christian celebrities."
"Revival is always local, it's always contagious, it's always Christian becoming revived infecting Christian."
"There's rot in the Christian music industry, but it's not just the industry, it's in all the Evangelical world."
"Christians can gather together at Halloween... to wage spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness in their community."
"The promise of revival is not bigger crowds but more deliverance of god's people."
"The number one religious group persecuted in the world now is Christians."
"Dedicated to serving the body of Christ, serving the Kingdom of God."
"those communities of christian living they are the salt and light that jesus spoke of."
"The discernment of spirits is a vital gift in the body of Christ."
"with Samaritan Ministries you're in control of your health care."
"I always felt in very deeply to pray for America and I asked all of my Christian to pray for America every day especially Sunday and Friday."
"The church is the body of Christ, the fullness of him who fills all in all."
"We hereby join in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Cal Christian Center."
"The body of Christ is most potent when it simply speaks and lives the gospel."
"Evangelization is about falling in love and not just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior Lord but a covenantal relationship that establishes interpersonal communion in the family of God."
"...the body of Christ can do Great and Mighty things for the kingdom of God."
"God called out a group of Believers that would form one of the greatest churches of the New Testament era."
"They were so generous with their goods, there was no poor Christian among them."
"I keep hearing of the love and faith you have for the Master Jesus, which brims over to other Christians."
"Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is, Christ."
"Christian fellowship, in my opinion, is the most wonderful relationship on the planet; there's nothing like it anywhere else."
"The church exists to bring glory to God and it's made up of those who are in Christ."
"Why do we expose false teachers? Because we care about God's people."
"The body of Christ has to stand up."
"The presence of Christ which he promised to everybody who comes together in his name."
"The end result is going to be a massive harvest within the body of Christ that we have been praying for."
"The whole parish, the whole church would come forward and they would kiss the feet of Christ."
"Say yes to Jesus, come on and be a member of the body of the saved."
"The whole Eucharistic structure of the church presupposes that at the Lord's table all Christians are gathered together."
"By this all men will know that you're my disciples, if you have love for one another."
"My people are my brothers and sisters in Christ."
"For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, what will be the end for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
"Together with one mouth and with one voice, glorify God as one body in Christ."
"The Church of Jesus Christ is always be lavishing in love."
"Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son."
"It is always a delight to come together as the body of Christ and dig into the Scriptures."
"According to the most recent polls, 84% of Christians say that they are satisfied with life in Israel."
"Happy Easter to those of you celebrating, especially our Christian friends."