
Communication Breakdown Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The more we treat misunderstandings as genuine signs of harm, the less we are able to talk to one another."
"Each one is brutally honest in their feelings, yelling ceaselessly into the void, all the while talking past each other and unable to hear the other side."
"The facts don't stop them. They simply shout their bald assertions and then cover their ears in case anyone shouts back."
"It didn't have to escalate to the point that it escalated to."
"I almost immediately distanced myself and we went from talking almost every day to almost no contact."
"Let's not do this. If we're going to have this conversation like that one more time, we both going to be defeated, depleted, exhausted, and we're going to feel constantly that instead of getting closer we're further apart. We're not doing this."
"We lost the ability to argue for a lot of the things that we believe in liberalism."
"That's not actually what's going on... you've totally lost the ability to engage."
"When the White House and the Capitol are obliterated, the Avengers' communication network is taken down."
"I’m not sure we can get to a place where Americans can sit down and say let’s talk about our differences when we can’t even agree on the facts."
"Bad faith changes everything in a conversation."
"The communication is so off, despite efforts to express and take action."
"That kind of statement just tells people... you don't even respect their values."
"Facebook arguments... It's just people that just bury their feet in the sand and stay there."
"I love oh it's focused I it's I think it's I I haven't look just love."
"I would love to do your show and then he reported that you simply stopped replying to emails and bailed, is that true?"
"That wasn't a conversation, that was a one-way diatribe."
"The fact that that has been marginalized, I literally listed on Twitter spaces sometimes."
"The breakdown of a shared reality... Both sides seem not to be able to process that they're speaking past each other."
"You're not even listening, go ahead and occupy all of my time with pointlessness."
"The moment we can't have a conversation is when we descend into Civil War."
"Since I wasn't communicating with him and I wasn't talking to him, he started sending me flowers to work every single day."
"nowadays everybody want to talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move the lips just a bunch of gibberish and [ __ ] that they've got About Dre"
"You're not even listening to me. I'm really crying right now."
"What the [ __ ] are you talking about? You got us, okay?"
"The reason why I'm not talking to you or talking or liking you or whatever it is, people never see what they did is, you know, those super bad things."
"If words don't actually mean anything like do and you then we don't have a language and there's no point in talking."
"And when you point it out, they call you a liar and say you're making it up."
"Our inability to have fact-based conversations is literally destroying our democracy."
"There's no willing to communicate anymore, not even personally."
"When does it end? People be so... what the... you know what I'm saying?"
"The fact that people can't have a conversation or debate the issue is insane."
"We've lost the ability for rational debate. Everything seems to be predicated on..."
"When somebody reaches the point where their argument turns into sarcasm, they've run out of argument."
"Whenever you have a polarized society and you have active division happening, people stop listening to the warnings."
"Worried that you guys now shut down from them."
"When you start with one message, by the time it gets to the end, it's a completely different thing."
"She didn't just stop calling everybody for no reason."
"This graph represents what is basically ruining discourse between humans across the globe."
"I'm red engine is about an egg into the guy."
"He's crying because y'all aren't listening, that's why."
"We were fighting and he wasn't talking to me so now he's dead."
"The instant anyone stops defending their argument and starts complaining about their right to have it – something has gone horribly wrong."
"Never has trash talk been more immediately ruined than by Cruz's completely dismissive 'What are you talking about?'"
"And yes I realize she said that in regards to a movie but it's basically the real problem here that when you just dismiss certain people they're only going to dismiss you in return and the gaps that separate us are only going to widen."
"We stopped talking to each other, we stopped being concerned about celebrating each person's individuality."
"Is it a budge fest? Like, are you two sitting there going, 'I'm not going to budge,' and they're going, 'I'm not going to budge either'? Is it a budge fest?"
"John Doe emailed me back. Benjamin has no intention of talking with us. He's like, he's going to ask, okay, well, we're here."
"I thought you were about it so dude who so you believe because I asked him about the wings and he told me he didn't so I had to find out from Ben."
"Both sides are coming from an 'I’m right and you’re wrong, the end' standpoint." - Video Narrator
"Not a single one, not one sentence made any sense."
"That's not a reasonable interpretation of the statement. If what a person hears doesn't line up with what was said or meant, then there's a miscommunication."
"I don't care what stupid chart you try to show me."
"What we've got here is failure to communicate."
"What happens here is this and only Oh what thing these people say yes thank you."
"Trust the science now no longer want to even talk about."
"I speak to them and they listen, but they don't speak to me, they don't tell me what's going on. That's a betrayal of your manager."
"How do you know you don't have an earpiece? What, why not? How do you know? You don't have an interference."
"You're leaving this person on red, alright Leo?"
"It's the one where Guy Gang gets a question and he doesn't answer because he's so excited to get a question."
"We've stopped listening, we've stopped trying to understand."
"We've lost track of actually having the meaningful conversation."
"I'm sorry that you don't understand it, I'm sorry that you need examples, I'm sorry that you don't believe us."
"At the point that we're at odds, we can no longer communicate."
"It tells all of us who can think with a nuanced mind, 'Oh [], what else are they gonna [] up?'"
"Everything you say is garbage at this point."
"Disagreement escalates into dehumanization too often."
"When you stop communicating, when you think you know it all and you're not listening to your people, that's when you get in trouble."
"They're not gonna pick up your calls anymore... it's done."
"And he told me to go fuck myself. So not gonna get anywhere with that guy."
"It felt to me like I couldn't have a conversation with her at that point. She was not listening, and I didn't want to interact any further."
"This [ __ ] is glitching right now what you mean what that [ __ ] come here man"
"Communication was just really bad."
"What I enjoyed about this job is gone. People refuse to listen. They refuse to pay attention."
"You're wasting a lot of time, you're wasting a lot of time. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not wasting time here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is ridiculous. There's no way you sent this back to me three times. It just can't."
"David you called me last night saying help we have no gases."
"Things getting misinterpreted by the news sometimes, sort of like a game of telephone."
"I feel like you've tried to text this person and they have not responded."
"I demanded an explanation from her but she was too shocked and mortified to utter a single word."
"When you stop bringing issues to them, that's when they need to be worried."
"Basically, what we have here is a failure to communicate."
"I'm sorry that you felt so alone that my mistake not yours caused you to feel that you couldn't come to me."