
Governmental Accountability Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Secretary Mayorkas has not done his job. He has willfully ignored immigration laws passed by Congress and allowed our Southern border to turn into utter chaos."
"His constant attacks on the FBI the free press inspectors general federal judges they all have one purpose to remove any check on his abuse of power put simply he treats our country like it's his family business."
"The reason they did this is because the American government said we broke something and we're going to repair it."
"We've lost sight of the fact we're the boss and they work for us."
"You have to be able to hold government to account."
"Whenever governments go against these, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government."
"The moment we no longer have free speech and a free press to keep the government in check, we no longer have a democracy."
"Our national response was to go to war, 3,000 Americans died in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, where is our response?"
"How we restore a government that fundamentally cares about the consent of the governed."
"The American public has a need to know and a right to know."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"Why don't you do your job? If you're saying I'm not doing my job, how about you do your job like secure the southern border instead of shipping people with COVID into communities like McAllen, Texas? Why don't you get this border secure?"
"It's Biden's fault for damaging trust in institutions while himself spreading this narrative that you just can't trust the government."
"The uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures."
"I am drawing up articles of impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the United States Senate."
"We demand, on behalf of the ordinary people of Nigeria, that the federal government provides answers."
"It's government's job to be crucified sometimes for doing the right thing."
"Anyone who was dealt an injustice by the United States government where it was calculated and intentional should receive their just due."
"The emphasis needs to be on the accountability of government, not surveillance of the citizen."
"So, along those lines, it's not just me talking. We do specific litigation to push these issues, to educate the American people, hold the government accountable, and protect the rule of law."
"Show up to hearings, even if it's complicated. We are their employers."
"It's really the responsibility of Assembly Speaker Carl Husty to impeach him immediately and you know, September is not soon enough. This needs to happen now. He is a danger."
"British and European governments have to be held to account."
"Leading the country means the buck stops with you."
"A citizen's job isn't to sit back and let the government do anything they want to the citizen's job is to empower themselves with knowledge and information and hold their government to account."
"This love dissolves pain, frustration, and exhaustion."
"But that doesn't mean that congress should get away with doing nothing again."
"Georgians deserve to know where their federal tax dollars are going."
"Draining the swamp? That is the utter epitome of not only the swamp but the most cancerous nuclear waste-filled destructive horrible seep of if you could even call it liquid slime crap that you could possibly have."
"I love this because this is people speaking out these governments have to pay attention when enough of us rise up and I don't mean you have to go tear them apart just you just have to make yourself hurt so they understand what's at stake."
"This man wants the government to just simply abide by its agreements."
"Governments are instituted among men to secure these rights, and whenever government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it."
"Why can't we hold our government officials accountable?"
"The Department of State claimed that they had it in hand which meant that they were supposedly taking actions which they were not."
"We have a good faith belief that the president of the United States participated in a conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruct the work of the House of Representatives and the Senate."
"The days where nothing goes to the American people are gone."
"The preservation of liberty requires unwavering scrutiny and an unwavering commitment to holding those in power accountable."
"All of those Biden officials sitting for depositions, and my friends, that is a fun, fun victory."
"We don't need a voice to Canberra; we need accountability."
"We owe it to the American people to ensure this never ever happens again."
"Black capitalism was a solution that would allow the government to hand over the economic problems of poverty and insufficient wealth in the black community to the community itself, effectively ridding the government of responsibility."
"You can't be afraid anymore, Americans. You've got to realize this government is supposed to be working for you."
"Free speech and gun ownership are so important, the government needs to fear the people."
"People want the truth from the government on this issue."
"Something doesn't smell right here, especially when we have a president and an administration who have a great deal of trouble telling the truth."
"We have an absolute right to know how many FBI agents participated in January 6 riots."
"The windrush scandal wasn't exceptional because it was an injustice imposed by the home office on people of color."
"Locke said, 'No, if you surrender your rights to the government in order to protect your property, if that government no longer protects your property, you pull those rights back.'"
"It's been almost two months since the House of Representatives officially voted to recommend contempt charges for Mark Meadows..."
"Sunshine is the greatest disinfectant... All you need is disclosure disclose disclose disclose disclose."
"Who do you think them people in Washington DC work for, me or you?"
"It's important that we succeed to say that we the people do create a government that's accountable to us."
"Many of you politicians sing a good song but when you get in office you are nothing but a bunch of thieves."
"We're calling on full transparency and openness from the Chinese Communist Party."
"As American citizens, we want the ability to question our government."
"The Senate deserves to see the documents and witness testimony that the President has concealed."