
Legislative Change Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I bring to you HB 149 it decreases the criminal Penal for simple marijuana possession."
"Arizona one of 21 states to ban or severely restrict abortion rights since the Supreme Court overturned roie Wade. This is 2024 not the 1800s and we're not going back." - Mary Bruce
"The nuclear option would eviscerate the Senate and turn it into the House of Representatives."
"Federal legalization of jack jackson is coming guys it is coming and it's going to come a lot faster than a lot of people really think."
"We will decriminalize marijuana and we will expunge the records of those who have been convicted." - Senator Harris
"We will repeal the unconstitutional bill C-69 so that we can approve mines in 18 months rather than 18 years and bring home the production to our country."
"It's a way to create the political capital to change the laws."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"We need to abolish the filibuster so we need to codify Roe v. Wade pass the Women's Health Protection Act we need to abolish the filibuster we need to expand the impact of these policies."
"Yeah if you elect me democratic senator I will get rid of the filibuster to codify row into law that's..."
"With all states and territories signed on by the middle of 1996, the agreement flipped Australia's loose decentralized gun laws on their head."
"Changing the way that we classify drugs and how we criminalize all of that would probably be the second thing."
"Step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind."
"The only way we address this is somehow meet in the middle, get a better regulation for it, get better control, get better background checks for."
"His murder, along with that of Matthew Shepard years later, led to increased lobbying for hate crime laws in the United States."
"Democrat senators who agree with this realize they are doing something for the first time."
"While we wait for these laws to change, we have to take this in our own hands."
"Democrats need to take the rare opportunity they have to actually utilize their power and change the underlying rules."
"The bill would expand Medicare to cover dental, hearing aids, and eyeglasses."
"My administration will use all of its appropriate lawful powers, but Congress must act and with your vote you can act, you can have the final word."
"Democrats must now end the filibuster in the Senate, codify Roe v. Wade, and once again make abortion legal and safe."
"We're calling for Governor Greg Abbott to schedule a special legislative session to address the state's lax gun laws."
"Acknowledging the failure of prohibition and the need for a more practical approach."
"A leader must have the courage to speak... to change the laws that have put us in this terrible place."
"It's time to go even bigger and faster than anyone expected. If that means chucking the filibuster and bipartisanship, so be it."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not ban abortions nationwide... all it does is send the power back to the state."
"I hope at some point in some way there are laws passed so other parents cannot do this to their children."
"We need immigration reform... if they don't approve it during these four years of Donald Trump in 2020 they're gonna lose Congress both houses probably."
"Constitutional carry needs to be across all 50 states."
"Good for them! Whoops, yeah yeah, the way this happened is they legalized hemp, individually, and they legally defined hemp as having a certain percentage of THC per plant."
"It's to prove this political point, that gun control doesn't mean what it meant in 1994."
"Nothing will change until this becomes illegal across every country we won't see a change but what we can do is continue to push a message."
"This doesn't go nearly as far as I would like to see it go, but it is an example of New York conceding certain points and shrinking the scope of their gun-free zone."
"Fortunately, the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in 2004, bringing on a renaissance of development within the firearms industry that had been stifled for a decade."
"When millions of people stand up... we can create the kind of movement which will put sufficient pressure on any politician and force them to do the right thing."
"Follow the rules. Don't like the rules, change the rules. But the rules are what they are now."
"We need to actually renew public housing, repeal the Fair Cloth Amendment, and increase our housing stock."
"We eliminated the unfair estate tax or death tax."
"A bipartisan action on something substantial... major prison reform."
"The first step act... aims to reduce repeat offending and expands early release programs."
"The music modernization act... legalizing landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. It's time."
"The filibuster must go. I have never seen a matter that is so dangerous, so out of the mainstream, and so radical."
"One of the main reasons that we had to work with our local state and federal lobbyists and government agencies to help to offset and to rewrite this code."
"You gotta vote, that's what changed the rules, just to change the laws."
"Can actually start to push legislators to give us some clarity here?"
"Decriminalize it because of that, and as I say, not one recorded death by overdose."
"Establishes new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after Nasara's announcement." - Narrator
"This is called the First Step Act which implies there should be a second, absolutely, and a third and a fourth, and hopefully the full decarceration of people from prison and jail."
"We need Social Security reform. We need bills like the Social Security 2100 Act to pass."
"States to be able to Sunset Federal Supremacy in their own State."
"I think the 2020 election... the senate's actually becoming a more moderate place."
"The individual mandate is gone, we got rid of that, that was from Obamacare, that was by far the most unpopular thing in Obamacare."
"Biden just announced that he supports ending the filibuster to codify abortion."
"None of it is gonna pass... until progressives get control of the party."
"That's literally all this bill did, was say parents should be able to know."
"We need to make modifications to Social Security." - Brian Fitzpatrick
"We needed this change I did not want my daughter to have to give her life for it but I know if Anaya had a choice that she would give her life for other people advocating for Anaya's law is only one part of the family's fight."
"The section 174 changes are a dramatic shift in the tax treatment of business investments in research and Innovation."
"This direct action... leads to the Voting Rights Act of 1965."
"How one mass shooting changed the UK's gun laws forever."
"Man, it's kind of unreal, you know, because I was nervous when 64 was passing and everything."