
Racial Discussions Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"SAT scores and crime correlate to race, falling in line with hypotheses about genetic differences."
"Lawful elections are at the heart of our constitutional democracy."
"Just because someone says something messed up about another race doesn't mean they're racist."
"In America, everyone is equal under the law. You can get into the arguments of course about systematic racism and oppression, there's no legitimate evidence to support those arguments."
"White people have a very, very serious problem."
"Juicy, you can't come around here talking about the racial element and all. It doesn't work like that."
"They would rather the controversy of this discussion of this racial [__] than that but yeah, but it didn't work, it actually spotlighted it."
"Stop letting white folks tell you what being black AF is supposed to mean."
"Sorry, sorry for the alleged sins of those who died decades before we were born, sorry for the color of our skin." - Unknown
"Oh no, poor schooling... This is excuse after excuse for why Black people can't get ahead."
"Anyone can say anything they want regardless of their skin color... Words only have the power that you give them."
"Conservatives don't care about race. They care about policies and ideas."
"When you see 40-something percent of the black on black crime happening I don't want to talk about that real quick to crime is proximity white on white crime exists we just don't have a turn for it."
"We're dying off, we have to sacrifice certain people within our own race."
"Is it because these are white men mainly... that they did not take it seriously?" - Michelle Martin
"I just don't see anything getting better in the racial or social department when people can't openly talk about it and just be honest about certain narratives."
"Recently they tell me they don't like me to talk about race. Well, I'm going to talk about it anyway."
"Oh y'all can't talk bad about the Jews but you can talk bad about Black Folk. Oh, you can diminish the struggle of black people."
"You can't be racist against white people. Yeah, it doesn't seem fair, does it?"
"We know the power and the importance of the black voice."
"White people wouldn't buy a book that talks about the lie of race because that was a lie to everything that they have been taught all their lives."
"We want to help, but we have to do it by saying yes, the content of your character matters more than the color of your skin."
"White silence in cross-racial discussions is complicity with racism."
"Why does that spark a racial discussion was it mean we America takes meaningless interactions and uses them to spark important discussions."
"Abortion, particularly here in America, if you go look at the percentage of how many black babies are being destroyed in the womb, you're actually co-signing your genocide and death."
"Before we can talk about supporting a black community, there has to be a black community defined."
"All money ain't good money, stop celebrating black people just because some white guy in Hollywood is giving them money."
"I think it's very worrisome to me because I feel like this conversation of race, of course, it's important to be against racism, of course I'm against racism, but this is not what it's about anymore."
"You're a hater. Malone exactly. But also, when you disagree with black people, they be like, 'No, you're Uncle Tom or sellout.'" - Charles Barkley
"Race is not important, and to say it is, is racist."
"White privilege exists, alright, everybody agrees with that."
"The concept of systemic racism is often confusing because it's not located in the individuals or the policies but in the 'system.'"
"White privilege: it's this like security blanket towards actually doing away with racism."
"Black women and black people in general do not owe you education, we do not owe you political commentary, we don't even owe you racialized discussions."
"When it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don't matter."
"Whites can do it, but blacks can't? Who's the racist?"
"Our people, we have got to stop being so focused on white validation."
"We should not have to keep going back and forth about what Storm's complexion is. That's ridiculous in 2020."
"It has a lot of heart, it has a lot of points to make especially about relationships between people and also racial tension."
"People talking about fandom racism are not trying to start drama or cause problems, they're talking about something that needs to be spoken about because it needs to go and it shouldn't be here."
"How can you claim to fight for equality and then single out the color of someone's skin and tell them to give it up? It makes no sense."
"If I was starting off today I would love to be a well-educated black because I really believe they do have an actual advantage today."
"The point is, black comics are generally better, so it's graded on a curve."
"Stacy Dash, you are a black woman. I will not take that from you. You are not in a position to represent black people."
"Finally, people will shut up about their white savior myth. This is just another white - no, it's not. Doesn't end that way at all."
"When a white man grasping at straws about offensive stereotypes tries to explain to a black man what racism is, that's when we can maybe start having a discussion about what's offensive."
"If you're so in love with hashtag black love and you're hell-bent on being with the black man, stop trashing your dark-skinned children in front of the entire world."
"I am not a hater. I've made it clear that I am not pro-white, I am not anti-black."
"It's just amazing to watch how quickly people will go go and pull the black card."
"If you're white, don't use it. Say it so we can know exactly what's in your heart."
"I'm sick of white men whining and complaining about wokeness."
"Are you saying catering to black people is dangerous in hospitality?"
"If you really want to get past racial barriers be fair in coverage be honest."
"White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for free."
"There are many educated Caucasian folk who are talking to each other about it. They need to continue to do that, so that we can save our energy for survival and thriving."
"We have what I call a cowardly Pastor problem because they don't want to get involved in the political situation conservative Christianity and
republicanism have grasped hands in a way that's very unhealthy."
"For the fact that black people are doing well is not proof that there's not enough pain out there."
"We should change that and make people think before they repeat disparaging negative sentiments about white people."
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"The Internet will tell you quickly, 'Black in,' and it will tell you, 'N***a, stop crying.'"
"If this were a white supremacist thing, the media would be covering it."
"Please don't say that I shouldn't talk about things because I'm not African American."
"White privilege, far from helping to combat racism, is actually stoking divisions."
"The sensible left on race is not coming back."
"Silence is complicity... the acts of omission are part of what it means to be racist in this society."
"This is really an issue and black women, you can say it's not an issue but as a woman I understand very clearly."
"The idea that this has never been a racist country is just so obviously incorrect, inaccurate, and ridiculous."
"Black women have never been held and put in check."
"How dare you attack me and say white privilege when you know nothing about the situation it did not lie period."
"Black folks... scared to offend white people... just say what needs to be said."
"We need money, they didn't have a listening session with Asians, they started giving them money."
"They spend all of their time trying to come up with ways to debunk black lives matter while they say things like listen, obviously we believe black lives matter."
"This is a smart way to talk about race rather than telling people it's illegal to do it if we should give people the framework to actually talk about what is going on with race."
"Dr. Seuss taught kids to read, not be racist."
"This has tremendous implications for the present so-called racial debate in how people identify who's who, who they came from, how they view other people, what's foreign, what's different, what's related, what's not."
"Say we're playing the race card? Well, if you don't want people playing the race card, stop beating up black people."
"You don't have to be racist at a personal level."
"Outstanding commentary on racial politics and black culture."
"We need to counter this false racial narrative."
"White fragility functions as a kind of white racial bullying."
"He can do a profanity-laced rant about white people, black people, by the way, Asians. I'm talking about Muslims if he wants to."
"You are literally getting on your knees and apologizing for having a conversation with another grown-ass black man."
"White supremacy would mean that there's a hierarchy, a racial hierarchy... it's actually the opposite."
"You can't play oppression Olympics with a grown Black man who's dealt with racism in real time. So please shut the actual [__] up."
"Post-racialism does not constrain your ability to come up with racialized explanations for inequality."
"I don't want this to be the case, but it's never gonna be the case that some white Savior goes and imposes values upon the black community."
"We have a tendency in this country that when we say black it automatically means black Americans."
"White women's investment in white supremacy is older than the US itself."
"Black Oscar-winners have permission to be difficult. But what they're telling Monique is that you can't do that. Other people can do that. But you can't do that."
"There's only one race on the planet: the human race."
"We need to come together but then behind closed doors they're going to put the black on the in the back burner."