
Spiritual Trust Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, leave God to the rest."
"Trust God to make you happy, even if it means being miserable for a season."
"The scriptures are reliable and what the Church teaches us can be trusted."
"If Jesus trusted the Holy Spirit for power, surely we can trust the Holy Spirit for power."
"God is really working here and I can trust this."
"Worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and the power of God."
"Walking on that high wire of balance, trusting God."
"Trust yourself and trust that spirit will help this situation come full circle when it's meant to and when it needs to."
"Let God take care of everything. That's the prayer of a poor man - may God take care of everything."
"Living with an open heart, trusting the journey, and resting in the safety of trust in God."
"In God, you don't have to know what you're doing; you just have to know who's doing it."
"It wasn't about the food itself, literally they could have had the exact same food the king was offering."
"Trust in God's faithfulness and cling to his promises."
"Trusting in God's guidance means being attuned to the Holy Spirit who empowers and directs us according to God's will."
"I already manifested for the day. I'm gonna trust now in God or the Divine."
"Allah's wisdom exceeds our understanding, and His plans surpass our comprehension."
"Remember blessed Consolata Bertoni: 'You worry only about loving me, and I'll take care of everything else to the smallest detail.'"
"Embrace God's timing, trusting that He knows the best moment."
"The enemy never knows the full plan, only God knows the full plan."
"Abiding faith says, 'He is my refuge, my fortress, in Him will I trust.'"
"Trust that everything is unfolding for your highest good."
"Lord, I trust and believe that you will meet the desires of my heart according to your will."
"You're gonna be in this energy of trusting the divine."
"You have my whole affection, devotion, and trust, and I put my whole confidence in you, my God, my savior, and my Lord."
"Place your belief in him and he'll never let you down."
"Let's be known as people who rise above anxiety and trust that no matter what, God is in control."
"The universe will bring abundance to you, don't care where it comes from."
"Faith means trusting that God will take care of us even when we can't see how."
"Trust that God will deliver you from all troubles."
"Trust God's guidance even when it seems inconvenient."
"Trust your spiritual guidance, trust the signs, everything."
"The essence of faith is trusting without seeing."
"Trusting God is a daily choice to believe in His promises and guidance."
"Living in trust means seeing God's hand in every aspect of our lives."
"Padre Pio spoke highly of these apparitions. I think it's one of the main reasons people have placed their trust in the apparitions."
"Do I trust that God loves me? Do I trust that I'm a child?"
"Trust your spiritual guidance, you are loved unconditionally."
"Deem it a privilege that God is trusting you enough to give you this challenge."
"Trust in that... things unfold for you in the most beautiful way."
"Trust Spirit; focus and don't lose sight of the new and good coming in."
"I trust your timing, your pace, your renewal, your removal. You have better."
"Trust in the universe, all will be revealed just after the solar eclipse."
"He's in your boat, he's in control, and I promise you he is up to something good."
"Trust the invisible, trust what you cannot see."
"It is for God's to recompense. It is for you to trust Him right now and to fully give yourself over to him."
"Trusting God's plan requires us to acknowledge his sovereignty over our lives."
"Put your confidence in the one who loves you, put your covenants in the one who said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"Trust in the Lord meaning, sometimes you can't just fight anymore but you can passively lean and rest on God. God got me."
"Take it. Don't worry if it doesn't seem practical. The divine is so much more important, intelligent, and capable of genius than what mere logic would have us believe."
"Trust in the divine and just let your feelings guide you."
"There'll be so many situations that you come across and you feel like, 'Oh, this shouldn't happen this way,' or, 'This should have happened to me.' But when Allah is fixing something, he looks as if he's destroying it."
"This Scorpio full moon is likely to bring up themes for all of us about destructuring and trusting in the higher power."
"I trust God with my life and I hate that I feel like I'm still being abused despite the fact that I left."
"Commit your way to the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
"I don't know, but God knows. That's the difference."
"Through it all, I've learned to trust in God, I've learned to depend on His word."
"Now is not the time to give up or throw in the towel. Trust in God, He can turn it around."
"When you really trust God and you really trust Spirit, you can be brave. You can have courage because you know that no matter what you will come up against, if you have God in the right position in your heart, you can do anything."
"Trusting God and knowing that you are divinely protected."
"God's timing is perfect because He doesn't make any mistakes."
"Every dog will open up another door. You gotta trust God to guide your footsteps."
"Put your trust in a Supreme Being and you will be shown the path to reach the highest ground."
"This is your sign of healing... trusting that you are being guided to the right direction."
"You have got to trust the Holy Ghost in you."
"The key is not knowing all the answers but trusting God to know the answer."
"Believe and trust that God's going to take whatever the conditions are of this place and teach us."
"Allow yourself to feel this capacity to just trust in the flow of energy."
"Trust the universe at this time. Trust the Divine energy here."
"Faith is essential. Trust in God's timing and His ways."
"Trust in the boundless love of God in times of uncertainty; God assures you, maintain your hope for deliverance is nigh."
"Trust in him and you will see how his promises are fulfilled in your life."
"Have faith, thank you for boosting my faith so that I may trust in miracles."
"Trust in the unknown. Trust that your path is unfolding exactly as it needs to. You have a personal relationship with a great father."
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding."
"Quit quitting. Endure in the workplace, in school, in the family. God can't trust you with the next level if you quit."
"There's always someplace to go, and that God can be trusted to take the worst of things and use them for some benefit that you can't even anticipate or imagine."
"The Bible speaks to the human condition accurately; it can be trusted and believed."
"Have faith in God. Trust that he's going to guide us."
"The assurance for your life is in the hands of a capable God. You do not need to be afraid."
"If he doesn't give you, then you don't need it."
"If it's God's plan, it's going to work. If it's my plan, it's going to profit nothing."
"Faith: trust that you're always being guided."
"Trust in divine timing, everything will be all right."
"Embracing God's timing helps us prioritize tasks, find peace, and deepen our faith, trusting in his perfect plan."
"We trust you because of the faithfulness of your character."
"The Lord will protect and save those who trust and worship Him."
"There's actually so much privilege in [clarity]...through the trustworthiness of God's word we get to be vessels of clarity and of Courage."
"Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you."
"In all matters try to see and accept the will of god because it's the truth whatever happens here is literally the will of god."
"If you turn to God, you will find Jesus to be worthy of your trust."
"When you face uncertainty, you can either worry about it or trust God about it."
"When you do trust Him like that, stuff comes, so much stuff."
"Trust the divine to help you make this happen."
"Trusting heaven, you are safe. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur."
"But you need to be willing to dream a new dream but also trust in spirit because I was hearing this has happened to set you free and to bring your passions to life."
"Trust in him and you will experience his peace, joy, and unfailing love."
"It's okay to be afraid. But even in the midst of that fear, I still trust you, God."
"God's plan is always the best... that's what I say."
"Exactly what He's doing is He's able to do the work that He has said He would do."
"Spread your wings. Trust in divine. Happiness awaits."
"Surrender does not mean to give up; it means to trust the universe."
"Faith is about trust in God to fulfill your needs and guide your life."
"Acknowledge that God knows exactly what He's doing."
"We put our faith and hope and trust in God. That's what we do."
"Embracing God's timing requires a deep-seated belief in his goodness and faithfulness."
"I think you need to not give in... kind of like a divine timing reading... needing to trust that the universe is bringing you something."
"Trust in the higher forces, trust in the higher power. There's definitely divine power, spirit guides, ancestors that are guiding you, protecting you."
"Just have faith that it's going to all work out."
"I don't need to get out of this cave and see how it turns out. God already knows."
"Because he's good, and he's great, and he's faithful, That's why I trust him."
"You don't get access to Universal secrets and ancient truths without deep trust."
"Everything's going to be okay as we keep our trust in Him. Do not fear and do not lose the peace."
"Elevate me, Lord, into greatness each passing day. I trust that you will always do what is best for my life."
"If there's anything you ever want to do in life that's worth doing, do it, speak into existence, trust in God and go for it."
"Lord, I trust you to bless and favor me in overwhelming ways."
"Patience isn't the absence of Desire it's the ability to manage desire wisely say I want this now but I will not unwisely to get it I trust God."
"There's no wrong way to approach God, just pray with an open heart."
"Boldly telling God what you want, but quietly resting in His answer."
"Trusting God's timing is essential; his schedule is perfect even when it diverges wildly from our own."
"Trust the magic, trust in something bigger. Embrace it and take it one step at a time."
"Trust in my might, extend your hands to receive the bountiful blessings I offer."
"Trust in the situation, trust that the divine will unfold it as it should."
"Listen to your inner intuition, trust in the mystery of the universe."
"Recognizing the right moment to release and move forward is crucial for our growth and well-being."
"The journey of letting go and moving on is a journey of trust, not only in God's plans but in his timing."
"Somebody here chose happiness because somebody really stepped out of their comfort zone, trusted God, trusted the divine, and took that leap of faith."
"Trust the divine, trust our intuition, trust where we're being led."
"Even when you don't think he's being faithful, he will always be faithful."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will make your path straight."
"God is not slack about His promises made to you."
"You're stronger than fear you're bigger than doubt you are light and you remain light trust in God and Stand Tall before the test of life you grow and become wiser through every challenge you are a being of New Life."
"When we trust in God we watch him move in us through us."
"Take delight in the Lord... he will give you the desires of your heart."
"The trial will expire and He will bring His goodness, His righteousness to pass."
"Anxiety is not a condition; it's a choice. Trust God with everything."
"Let go, let God, and you'll see those results come in a lot more quickly."
"God can take you in the things that seem like rubbish things that seem like ashes and transformed them into years of glory when we begin to rely and trust in him."
"Preserve me, O God, for in you I put my trust."
"Trust the universe and trust your intuition. Let God use you as an example of how he can really change your life."
"Your universe will always come through for you without fail if you always choose your soul over what you perceive to be your soul."
"There's a difference between belief that and belief in. Belief in is not just believing that God exists but trusting in Him."
"I've always gotten through those times, I have a trust that God's going to provide for us."
"Giving joyfully enters us into a deeper level of trust and surrender to God. Giving is an act of faith."
"When you trust in God like a child, that's when you can give with joy."
"Your future is in the hand of God and God alone."
"God will supply everything you need as you step into His calling."
"You've got to trust in God, not in your possessions."
"The more we trust that formless loving presence behind the appearances, the more we're able to hold and cherish this changing life."
"If He makes you a promise, He's going to do exactly what He said He's going to do."
"Alcoholics Anonymous gave me peace, just gave me a God in my very own that I not only believe in, I trust in everything that I do."
"Not my plan, not your plan, but His plan. That is the real plan."
"The Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him."
"Once you have developed your own study habits and you are faithful, then the spirit of God will come in a stronger way because he can trust you."
"Dear heavenly father, we acknowledge you today as our protector and strength... it is you that we trust and look to for courage, strength, and wisdom."
"Our trust is in you and in the moving of the operation of your spirit."
"He works with his power in all cases among the children of men; He extends the arm of Mercy towards them that put their trust in Him."
"Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him."
"Trust in the most high, you will get the closure that you needed and the clarity."
"Trust in God and love God more, and you'll be at peace."
"Those who leave everything in God's hands will eventually see God's hands in everything."
"When God takes things out of your hands, there's an emotional impact."
"Trust that God has a master plan for your life."
"There is this peaceful trust in spirit and this knowing that things are going to come to them when they are ready for them."
"I trust in the forgiveness that comes from God. I can just feel it."
"Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good, yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit."
"Put your trust in the Holy Spirit, and walk humbly to judge righteously."
"You're being asked to have faith here."
"You said you never leave my side, God of your word, you will never lie."
"Trusting in Him and trusting in each other and having that safe conversation, that's what we're all about."
"God can fulfill His promises in your life."
"God's people have never been afraid of Judgment or Investigation because they put their trust in Jesus Christ for their righteousness."
"Our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name."
"At the end of the day, God is in control, and everything is done for your greater good."
"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
"I just want to keep my head down and do my work and trust in my angels."
"The birds without barns or storehouse are fed; from them let us learn to trust for our bread. His saints what is fitting shall never be denied so long as it's written the Lord will provide."
"His ways are higher than mine, and he knows he's in control."
"Justice is being served, but now it's time to be still, now it's time to let God work."
"There's a time to work and there's a time to rest, and when we rest, it shows that we trust God to cover the difference."
"You trusted in God and you trusted in yourself."
"Trust in the process, trust in great spirit, trust in ourselves."
"Divine source, help me know all my deepest needs will be met, let me trust that."
"Let go and trust God; God does not want you to worry."
"Spirit has a plan and you're going to trust that plan."
"You made a final judgment to release it, to let it go, to listen to your intuition, to listen to the divine, to trust."