
Historical Claim Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"When Justinian first entered the completed church, he exclaimed 'Solomon, I have surpassed thee'."
"In 1993, Ben Rich... said in the presence of two friends of mine... that we have the technology now to go to the stars."
"This boat shaped formation in eastern Turkey is actually the remains of Noah's Ark."
"Jerusalem... was the Canaanites and specifically the sect known as the Jebusites and thought to be again hybrid Giants."
"We built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
"We've put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
"America was discovered by the Vikings in or about the year 1000."
"Christianity stands or Falls based on the resurrection of Jesus being a real historical fact."
"God wants me to tell you that he is revealing himself, Jesus is revealing himself, the Holy Spirit is revealing the Father and the Son."
"This proves once again the truth of the Bible, the truth that the Jewish people were here thousands of years ago in their ancient and ancestral homeland."
"But this was Egyptian territory, plain and simple."
"James had a strong claim to succeed Elizabeth when she died."
"I took on communist China like no Administration in history."
"Citizenship was core to the West, a very unique idea."
"I got the best shooting back court in the history of the game."
"We gave you the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country."
"Ancient Indian civilization is the oldest in the world."
"We achieved the most secure border in American history."
"We will again rebuild the greatest economy in history."
"There is allegedly written evidence that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had babies."
"In 30 years time people who weren't here will claim that they were."
"We will not apologize for embracing our culture and acknowledging our history this is the true history we are the Hebrews of the Bible."
"The Quran makes the claim that Babylon was a major epicenter for magic."
"A missing 1,000 years, that's a hell of a claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"President Trump is the most pro-life president that this nation has ever had."
"Exactly like Somaliland, they had a historical claim to their land."
"My grandfather taught Jack Nicholson in high school math class, said he was rebellious but wasn't too bad at math."
"The Roth Shields invented the banking industry."
"That's too aggressive, lady, you've been in this country that my ancestors built for about 20 years."
"If I had found this place as an Egyptian king and I found it to be profound, I might have claimed it and used it for my purposes."
"We delivered the largest tax cuts in history."
"The New Testament speaks of itself as eyewitness."
"It's just what Jews did... Moses himself says that these things were given to him by God."
"The U.S government acknowledged the existence of advanced aircraft... used a gravity control method of propulsion." - 1971
"There was never any colonization of any Africa I'm telling you a fact."
"One of my favorite stories in the world of extraterrestrial contact is that of Val Thor after whom the book Stranger at the Pentagon was written. His story was brought out by a man named Frank Stranges."
"I believe os2 is destined to be the most important operating system and possibly program of all time." - Bill Gates
"I testified to every soul that would listen to me that this experience was true, that Christ's New Testament church had fallen into apostasy after the death of the apostles."
"Israel predates any Palestinian connections here to this land."
"There's no disputing that the Germans really were 25 years ahead of everybody else."
"Now you're overseeing the greatest economy in American history."
"Crimea has been Russian since Catherine the Great."
"RFK Jr here's a guy who literally out loud says my uncle was assassinated by the CIA."
"We've built the greatest economy in the history of the world." - Pride in economic achievements.
"This isn't just folklore... this actually happened."
"We had the greatest economy in history, the greatest economy that we've ever had, the greatest economy that anybody's ever had."
"The crucifixion of Christ is a fact because for 80, 90, 100 years it's in the new kit."
"This meant that he was the legitimate heir to the Russian throne."
"The Catholic Church is the true church because it is the oldest church."
"Christ was, is, and always will be black, a black man of the tribe of Judah."
"It's the greatest Trump election interference in human history."
"This is not a campaign, this is a movement... the greatest political victory in history."
"This whistleblower suggests that these enigmatic aliens set up shop on Earth long before humans staked their claim."
"The greatest overreach in the history of our country."
"He claimed he flew a Messerschmitt 110."
"In 1674 the women's petition against coffee claimed the beverage was turning British men into useless corpses," and proposed a ban on it for anyone under the age of 60.
"Judaism is not a religion, it's an historical claim experienced by millions of people."
"Jesus Christ really did live and walk this earth, and that he really did die on a cross and that he really did raise from the dead."
"The most important thing to stress is that there are two historical realities that simply cannot be denied: the followers of Jesus did claim that he came back to life, and if they had not claimed that, we would not have Christianity."
"It is America's oldest city, you know."
"I declare myself the only woman in all Hellas to have won this crown."
"No other nation has ever made that claim in human history."
"In the name of the United States of America, I take possession of the planet Moon, of and for the benefit of mankind."
"Our title to the whole territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable."
"The tribals have the right to the land because they have lived through it through the hard times through the centuries."