
Game Character Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"There's pretty much nowhere either form of Landorus won't excel."
"The main draw of kindred is their rapid snowball potential."
"Lead us to victory as general of the Tenryo Commission."
"Diana, she's kind of the defensive queen of Brawlhalla."
"Rosa is the only brawler in the game who can deal damage to every brawler in a lobby at once even if they're incredibly spread out."
"He's definitely one of the best rulers in the game right now and he's pretty much never banned."
"He's easily cordelius is one of the best Brewers in the game."
"If you must know, I'm happy to divulge my true identity. I'm a Fatui Harbinger, call me the doctor."
"Chandra awakened inferno... can't be countered... clock is ticking."
"Singularity showed the potential of this killer. The amount of pressure he had over the entire map was so insane."
"NightLight kind of showed the potential of this killer. The amount of pressure he had over the entire map was so insane."
"Mercy is a very mobile character, Mercy is a very small silhouette, so she's hard to hit, she is very survivable."
"Prosper, the best red black commander maybe ever printed."
"The Fate trickster... probably the strongest single target damage in the game."
"Cyrus does not mess around; his main goal is to use the creation trio to destroy the entire universe and recreate it without spirit."
"I'm in tears with Bahamut, dude. It's crazy."
"Beep is possibly the only optimist in the world of Kenshi."
"There's a lot of potential for this Pokemon."
"Yeah, awesome awesome, nothing wrong with seeing Tyr come to the last hands."
"Zero Suit is still ridiculous, she's still so mobile."
"Rob's ridiculous, I think he's the second best top tier of this pack."
"Pyra/Mythra is ridiculous, they're so good in neutral."
"Pokemon Trainer is so terrifying, all three Pokemon are just good."
"Mario's dumb, he just kills you in so many situations."
"Watch how I transform from a normal man into a sociopathic aviary menace."
"Colorado, I'm going to give you Burmi because it's perfectly fitting."
"Tony Todd of Candyman fame will be voicing Venom. Sick, yes, that guy rules."
"If Reinhardt actually manages to hit a few people with his alt those people might still be a little too far away from him giving them time to shake it off and run the hell away from the screaming German embodiment of raw power."
"I think Ornn is going to make a big comeback."
"That was lucky, getting around that. This thing is crazy, I love Rampardos."
"Dark Hawk, my favorite character in the game."
"Number 3: Virgil Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening - 'Virgil is a titan of boss difficulty.'"
"When Crow finally takes his place, I suspect there'll be just as much cheering."
"The hero of the Wilds known for his adventures and sick climbing skills in breath of the wild."
"Nahida is one of the strongest five stars we've ever gotten."
"His healing is definitely good or good enough to be a good solo healer for your team without needing more healing."
"He's always been a champion that is useful throughout games."
"Your Kassadin will literally 1v6 people at this point."
"If you are truly looking for what is Apex Legends best legend to control areas Force the pace of play onto enemies and slow things down Watson is gonna be it."
"She almost looks like the Golden Freddy. Get out of here."
"You play as one of four teenagers with a love of junk food and role-playing games."
"Rush Jet is so overwhelmingly powerful... He will follow you, yes, he does not leave you alone..."
"Mega Man has finally had enough of Wily escaping... He's had it..."
"Para will be able to throw different kinds of parties." - Anti
"It's amazing how much power the warden head has. I honestly think there's potential here."
"Apparently, I am now fast. Though, okay, I'm incredibly flimsy, like I can't really use an axe that well, and I've got like no health."
"He's just absolutely majestic... makes him really fast and easily one of the fastest dinos in the game when it comes to flying."
"Insolent thug is defining of odd rogue, five stars."
"Sevagoth, he is just already amazing because of his Gloom, one of the best abilities."
"Saryn, her only use is map clear and killing, and she does it very well."
"Rhino, a very basic frame, he's good and he's usable for everything in the game."
"Protea, by no means a perfect Warframe, she has a good kit, I like her kit."
"Octavia's stupidly strong kit just does a little bit of everything and she's just so ridiculously strong."
"Nidus will pretty much never die... Damn near invincible."
"Mirage's kit is just made to do a ton of damage."
"Gauss is just great. I will actually give him just straight up I'll give him an A tier."
"Caliban's kit all in all does work decently... so that's why I'll give Caliban a B."
"A very unexpected yet creative way to reimagine a champion."
"Late game Urgot's damage output is redonkulous!"
"Enderman have a new cool design associated with them."
"This wandering trader might look innocent, but that's how they get you."
"Fitz on that Sojourn, perhaps the most underrated Sojourn we have in the entire Tournament."
"Orion... a strong melee general with a lot of damage capabilities."
"Bennett is the best four-star in the game, no capper."
"Mercy who already was winning but is winning harder now."
"Fortress is one of the most successful singles Pokemon of all time and embodies the concept and importance of entry hazards to the fullest."
"Kaza being able to do a ton of damage using his elemental burst and his elemental skill, and still granting his teammates a huge amount of damage bonus, is what makes Kaza really, really good."
"Overall Nita is a really powerful and flexible support and I hope I showed you guys that in this video."
"I would say bring a Goyo or some type of shield, I would suggest a Goyo because of the amount of shields that he brings."
"Mega Heracross was pretty much as automatic a one Pokémon stall killing machine."
"Your ship is the Unreliable, but you can rely on ADA."
"Steve from Minecraft somehow made it into the game and his moves are actually faithful to Minecraft."
"Meta Knight was considered the best character in this game."
"Saryn is one of the premier damage warframes in Warframe."
"Lucario has been an absolutely tremendous competitive force since its inception."
"Kugoku itself is a very, very, very unique bloodline."
"Wigfrid's survivability is unmatched with health and sanity regeneration in combat, but her playstyle may not suit all."
"Webber, the spider, utilizes spider hordes in combat, offering solid utility but average combat capabilities."
"Winona's utility shines with her catapults, making her excellent for wacky farms and combat against bosses."
"Wortox's healing abilities make him a team asset, though his combat prowess is only average."
"Wurt, the merm, thrives on marsh turf and excels in merm-related structures and buffs, making her a unique addition to the team."
"Appaloosa is Bar None the most highly played link boss monster ever."
"P.E.K.K.A deals between 600 and 950 damage per hit."
"Gigantomax Caparaja has the potential power to level an entire mountain."
"He's worth picking because of how much utility he brings to the table."
"Poppy is an extremely tanky champion that can utilize a ton of the new items to become an annoying laner and an even stronger frontliner."
"Miss Fortune is extremely easy to play, has high movement speed for catching waves, and her damage is pretty nuts."
"She's worth it man. She's a really good addition to the game."
"Nova source... progressively stronger... very good early in the game."
"Berserk barbarian... definitely a very good end game build."
"Gene is the best character in the game objectively, she literally does everything."
"Kazuha, really a damage producer, not really a healer."
"Gordon is the first one to age off into a new life stage, and his new life stage is elder."
"Ezreal is easy to pick up, safe to play, and widely considered one of the most fun ADCs in the game."
"Tirtouga is the best starter. Its unique typing makes it a defensive tank."
"Futaba is real amazing, she's gonna be a big help for us."
"Now is the time we gotta we gotta bring out the Big Daddy himself LR Super Saiyan blue Super Saiyan Vegito let's go God is so good oh it's so good."
"Goku Black continues to be a game changer. He's so dang good that he allows you to do things on Global that you could never do on JP."
"Liu Kang realized that Netherrealm was his for the taking."
"Check out this paladin: 212 HP plus 9 attack."
"Salt Baker is the chaotic evil of Cuphead bosses."
"Ghosts is probably the most versatile champion that has ever been added to the game."
"Stark is an all-around amazing rank 5 option."
"Look who washed up on the shore, it's Daisy Mae."
"Corki is pretty much the definition of underrated."
"Polar is just the best, and he dispenses free lives so you can't argue with that."
"Reaper is really bad. Reaper's whole thing is about tank busting and every character can tank bust now."
"I think this Vegeta is actually pretty good."
"With all this brand-new news, Nightmare Foxy wanted in on it and also wanted to escape."
"Palpatine missed the top spot by a few places still he's incredibly good to this day regardless of the situation."
"Springtrap and dead by daylight would be so so much fun, I really like the idea of it."
"Do not skip it, everything that Gundham says is immensely important."
"She is the OG dragon killer, giving everyone a foul."
"No character epitomizes this mentality more than Sonic."
"It's really awesome that it's you know mimic you isn't just gonna be a ghost-type pokémon we run into in some cemetery or into some crazy place."
"The hog rider may not have been the star of the show but he certainly played an important role in escorting this pink-haired menace to the top."
"Ashling the Pilgrim... actually represents burn in perhaps its purest form."
"Norin is truly unique in the world of Magic: The Gathering."
"Archangel is just, in my opinion, arguably the most valuable four-star character in the game."
"Pirate Mithra became instantly successful, flooding results quickly."
"Spider-Man on Turn 5 is just incredibly impactful."
"The Glutton dragon is so cool. It's gotta be one of the best creations ever made."
"Honestly, I'm pretty happy they didn't change Morgana. She's solid like it's a solid kit, there's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing overpowered."
"Ganyu is one of the best units I've ever pulled and she has definitely stood the test of time."
"Android cactus proving to be our strongest unit so far."
"I still get chills every time I hear Sovereign speak."
"Swain seems to be a really good and really just balanced character."
"Toasty is definitely the best creature by far."
"The first of these heroes has been officially confirmed as being Sojourn, a railgun wielding damage hero."
"Previously at the number four spot was Diddy Kong. Initially, I thought Diddy Kong was going to play the same way he did in Smash 4, just with better bananas. As it turns out, his throw and aerial combo game got quite the nerf."
"Her super allows her to jump into the air leaving behind four bombs that deal damage and blow up walls."
"He throws Cactus balls that split dealing damage in a star pattern."
"Her super swings in a Big Arc dealing massive damage."
"His super creates a power up boosting your teammates damage."
"Nasus is pretty strong in general but he's exceptionally strong in lower elope where players don't know how to punish his weak early game hard enough and can't close games out of where he gets a chance to stack up and become the raid boss."
"GLaDOS brought the empty halls of Aperture Science to life, her dialogue was cold mechanical but draped in an endearing sense of black humor."
"Giovanni is an S-tier hot mob boss in a cool suit who is scary. I'm down with that tier."
"Moving on over here to the storm wind avenger for paladin... becomes this really nice onboard threat."
"This might be the most interesting Azorius commander ever."
"I love the colors and even though the colors are a little bit more on the muted side, the cranberries, the browns, the blacks, and the golds all resonate quite well with Kratos here."
"Mr. Boddy is the victim of the game; it was technically Mr. Black in the original UK version, but I think everybody is in agreement that Mr. Boddy with two Ds is infinitely funnier."
"With Panic back, they decided to enjoy the Fortress and do some shopping."
"I like it that she leads with her heart."
"Juke gets surprised as a cute level 20 Sasson hugs him."