
Spiritual Action Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"When God tells you to do something, you do it."
"It's your turn. That's what He's saying. It's your turn to jump in."
"This new moon will bring us the vision of what is right to do and the action to go after it."
"If I'm not decreeing it, I guess my angel is unemployed."
"And we are meant to bring our cries Before the Throne of God to bring judgment on the rulers of Darkness of this world."
"Do something different in the physical and watch what God is going to do in the spirit."
"A door is gonna swing open and the walls come tumbling down when the people of the Lord get down to pray."
"He's under my feet but you must activate it under your feet."
"You're fulfilling an ayah of the Quran; you took an opportunity Allah gave you to serve your parents."
"Salvation is not about heaven, it's about earth and about you doing what you came here to do."
"Don't run away from warning words; they're invitations to intercession."
"Okay, I'll ride a rocket into space at 90. I'm trusting the process. I'm going to trust that I can do this."
"You need to take a step of faith, you need to put pen to paper and begin to write what God is saying to you."
"Father, I pray today we've heard your word. Now I thank you that we won't just be hearers, we will be partakers or doers of the word."
"He didn't just say I'm praying; he said I'm going to give something of myself so that God can use me to help answer the very thing I am praying for."
"Everything is geared towards action and discipleship."
"Faith is not believing in the Word of God, faith is the act of the Word of God."
"These Christians got together and began to pray and intercede for him."
"A personal word from God always requires action to be activated."
"I'm trying to put all this together you're telling me let's go home and pray and I've been praying my I was just praying non-stop okay but good you know we got to have action too."
"Grace is actually empowerment to do the word of God."
"If there was ever a time to pray, and I mean pray collectively, pray for specific things, now is that time."
"And continue to pray and continue to march forth in this. It's His people who He wants to speak His truth and speak His word."
"I refuse to always be keeping people in prayer. We'll keep you in prayer. God didn't call you to just keep people in prayer. He said you go out now and lay hands on the sick and see them recover."
"If you don't do anything for God, you don't step into what God wants for you."
"God says, 'I'm not going to do this for you, I'm authorizing you to do this.'"
"Every time we speak the word of God, we are literally giving Angels their marching orders."
"Victories don't happen by accident. We need you in the war—a war to share the love of Jesus Christ."
"Faith blocks Lucifer from being able to plant doubt, unbelief, worry, fear. It neutralizes the fiery darts he fires in an attempt to make matters so upsetting and unsettling for us."
"It's time to rise up and pray, it's time to rise up and pray, it's time to rise up and pray."
"In order to bring forth the kingdom, you have to take action."
"In prayer we understand the meaning of action; an action without prayer is destined to fail."
"For such a time as this, you were born. Open your mouth, call on God, exact and execute the plan."
"Repentance is not coming to an altar and saying I'm sorry. Repentance is saying I'm sorry, turning my back on, and walking the other direction."
"God is in the business of telling people to go."
"Praise will go get Faith praise will get stuff you don't have when you praise."
"Life should be chiefly service. Every good action that you perform digs like a pickaxe into the soil of consciousness and brings forth a little spray from the fountain of God's joy."
"What has God called you to do and you do it."
"Don't just be a hearer of the word of God... but also be a doer of the word."
"If all our love for God amounts to is thoughts and words, then it's literally just good intentions."
"Repent, be baptized, get ready for the kingdom."
"Whosoever will do asaha, they will enter Jannah."
"God can make a promise to you, but until you operate in the principles of the kingdom, the promise may never work."
"Act on what you see in the spirit."
"Now we want to serve Him, want to do works for Him, and the works don't save us or keep us saved; they're just a way for us to show God how much we love Him."
"As a spiritual being, I did exactly what was needed."
"With the arrow of Jehovah, I fire the arrow of Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth."
"When men work, they work. But when men pray, God works."
"He plans on doing them through the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"What grace does, what any honest notion of God does, is open up the frame for action from other sources or energy from other sources."
"May the Lord help us now to be doers of the word and not hearers only, lest we deceive ourselves."
"Let the Holy Ghost do what only You can do."
"You'll never have the anointing staying in; you've got to step out."
"Kneel down to pray, step up to serve, and reach out to rescue."