
Skill Display Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Precision driving, absolute precision there." - 90
"A skip that truly should not have been possible."
"He flicks his wrist with a beautifully located throw."
"Messi gets away from three incredible skills."
"He got what he was looking for and I think in the end showed the skill level that he has which is quite significant."
"He just made it look so easy but it's his intelligence, he wasn't the biggest player but he never seemed to get pushed off the ball."
"You feel like a sniping pro when you play it."
"There's nothing more satisfying than getting that headshot snipe."
"He's so good [__]! That was close, just toying with them."
"Oh, what a shot! Oh, that's disgusting double reset!"
"Played great, she definitely outplayed everybody at the table."
"Nice hand there from our short stack... high level of poker."
"The goal he scored yesterday was ridiculous."
"Just fantastic long-range shooting, a brilliant finish."
"Beautiful little bit of dribbling from Messi."
"Unbelievable skill expression from both of these teams."
"Absolutely sensational. That's right. Vamino takes it away with the touch. Amazing."
"He didn’t put a foot wrong; that was a majestic performance, commanding from the front and with great skill in very difficult conditions."
"Absolutely amazing...how many double overtakes does that man do."
"Here's that bar spin gap to grind you can see throws the handlebars and then catches them."
"I'm doing all the stunts the kid could do on the ball and more."
"Skill for skill, round for round, this should be Caleb Plant showing us."
"The interview is about selling yourself, you want to showcase all of your skills."
"Magnus Carlsen wins again, made it look very easy."
"It's a super strike, what a skill outside of the foot are you kidding?"
"I'm actually playing this without looking at the lead sheet like I usually do."
"He's got skill, not phased whatsoever, not pressure. No pressure, look at this, of the occasion, yes."
"That back heel was incredible, one of the goals of the tournament."
"That may have been like greatest timing in video game history that was filthy he didn't even see the target oh that was nuts."
"Halloween provides the opportunity for creatives to show off some crazy skills."
"Every single opportunity on screen is a chance to showcase your skill level."
"Simple with another one, is he really going to get them all?"
"I'm just mopping the floor with these things!"
"This is one of the most ridiculous sprees your boy had, he's real hard to kill, that's for damn sure."
"I'm actually a god. That was first try. I'm actually insane."
"Skill moves everywhere, this Brazilian is actually playing like one."
"It's ridiculous what this guy can do after Chronic looked completely fine in this matchup."
"Absolutely ludicrous the level of play we're witnessing right now."
"Wow, three entry frags off the first taken this half, that won them around."
"It's like poetry, the fact that Rainer has been trying to show off a little bit and absolutely destroyed."
"Even though there's a lot of chaos going on, you still have those moments where high-skilled players like Numbers and Go can go ahead and juggle and use combos."
"Regardless of where you stand on the Messi-Ronaldo debate, prime Messi is the most entertaining footballer to watch."
"He's not just juggling, he's trickshot juggling."
"You pulled off a really slick illustrative tattoo."
"He technically was picking apart the former interim lightweight champion."
"Device just going to stay tucked inside of C. He's been spotted and he will find one kill, but that activates Device who is... That's the beauty of Device, so damn good. He makes it look easy."
"It's so insane that's why I like this speedrun is it is really beautiful if it brings a culmination of of these different approaches."
"Simple with the reverse ridiculous pistol clutch I've seen, I couldn't even register the second frag with another one to make the terrorist squad safe."
"The goal of balancing is to make the game fun to play in the sense that both sides can actually show their skill."
"Full skill on this play right here, baby. Full skill on display."
"A 3-star on his very first hit, that was an excellent attack."
"He's just so confident in his skills. He's like what do I make? I don't care, this is easy to me."
"Did you see the skill? Just extended his freaking leg like in that character in One."
"Alex Blackwell's Megalodon run, navigating the tacky track with expertise, hitting jumps and impressing."
"Lovely volley by Pogba, silencing the critics."
"Atlanta phase just make it look so damn easy."
"Like perfect play on that 3k round in particular, we saw how he was using his nades, how he pre-smoked pit, how he played versus the lurk smoke out halls, those were all really cool."
"I want to show you that I'm able to flash through here and handle it and shred the boss even though I'm under leveled because this build is pretty darn good."
"Money capital never fails to make things close and entertaining with his gameplay."
"Lovely one shot one kill, two in a row, two in a row. I love the lw3."
"One of the most clutch plays I've ever seen."
"Hogwarts Legacy delivers on that promise to a degree."
"He basically delivered two of the exact same finishes, and the second one's even better than the first. It's outrageous."
"Absolutely the king, the daddy, the 1v4 specialist in the arena."
"He made it look so easy, beating guys who dedicated their entire lives to jiu-jitsu."
"Did you see that? There was a jump headshot!"
"Dr. Flay has continually smashed the hardest demons."
"Congratulations, on the basis that I just made that [ __ ] shot like a boss, dude."
"I love that jump every time I make that jump, I feel hella skilled."
"He effortlessly destroyed her with Aya and thought nothing about it."
"My first epic polymer clay sculpture: a testament to time."
"Overwatch is an FPS game, and people want to see these high energy high skill moves."
"We're going to finally see some crazy high level Street Fighter 6."
"Here he is in his prime, admire the precision, the speed of his movements."
"Neymar with the rainbow flick, plastering the defender. Neymar with a beautiful goal."
"Tom kicks things off with an unbelievable chipped goal there."
"That was the most impressive display of skills I have ever seen."
"Absolutely, and I absolutely been holding it down like crease that was sick."
"There's just nothing that matches the feeling of hitting a sick combo in a Tony Hawk game."
"I dodged the blue shell with the feather, that was awesome."
"You could just see the presence of Sam use his ability back to go trying to flick that on."
"If you know me, you know we've gone way too far into a video without seeing some of my twerk skills."
"An incredible job by Gulbe to get the space to get the shot off."
"...he blew many out of the water when he put his skills on display."
"You know what was crazy about this contest? The lines these guys were doing."
"What a cutback and what a stiff arm on Jordan Wade to just kind of propel him into the secondary."
"The duel is quick and relentless, and though it ends a tad too soon, it's still a great showcase for the little green Jedi's skills and the compassion he has for his allies."
"He's just making it look so easy."
"Whether it was the incredible rugby league skill on display, the spectacle itself, or the classic moments that either changed the game or the side of the match that will be cemented in our memories forever."
"Displaying their considerable skills and nerve."
"He really put on a clinic last night. He did. He made some shots I didn't know were shots."
"He's making some TV highlight shots, no doubt about it."
"Yoruichi and Soifon display seriously impressive hakuda skills in this battle."
"Amazing, that was phenomenal, that was a fantastic shot."
"Wow, I come here just to watch him; just look at those sword skills!"
"It's so nice when you make huge bluffs and you show the table what you're capable of."
"He was an even better player and his hair blowing in the wind as he was bombing down the wing taking slap shots."
"That's a beauty, two very fine all-rounders going at each other."
"He makes everybody look like children."
"The tuning exams were explosive and an amazing display of skill and power by the aspiring Genin."
"Bogey free on the end of a course on that front nine is amazing."
"I gotta go in there and put on a great performance and showcase my skills."
"Some of the best basketball to have ever been played."