
Kindness Advocacy Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Names do matter; they can really impact a person's whole life, so you should be kind."
"The more we treat each other with kindness the easier it will become to live on this very short time that we have on earth."
"It's time for traditional Catholics to have the reputation of being the warmest, the kindest, the gentlest Catholics out there."
"I want you to be nice. Spread kindness because it can make someone's day."
"But beyond that, don't be a dick, don't be an ass, be nice to people. This goes for everyone, everyone."
"You never know the struggles people are going through, so please be kind."
"As always, take care of yourselves, be kind to one another, and I'll see you on the next one."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and don't put up with abuse."
"It's not cute or fun or cool to be a mean girl... the world can always use more good people."
"Be kind to each other, that's what I would say."
"I just think we need to be a little bit kinder to each other."
"Be kind to each other and embrace the moments of levity."
"If you have a thought to do something kind for someone, just do it."
"Be kind be kind yes thank you for mentioning this hannah says love these people like jesus would welcome them they came to the right place exactly."
"I just want people to be kinder, to be nicer. It's not hard to be nice to people."
"You need to learn to spread kindness and not hate."
"Be nice to each other. I will see you all soon. Peace."
"Kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere." - Bambolino
"Be kind, you know, life is hard, just do your best to be kind, figuring it out. You don't have to be an a-hole doing it."
"The equestrian world needs to be more supportive and more kind."
"Stay safe, be kind, and leave no one behind."
"It's one of the worst things you can do to be mean to somebody that doesn't deserve it."
"I really do appreciate it, man. Y'all know, so, man, it's crazy how generous and kind people are. It just makes me want to express that level of kindness to other people, man. It really does, it really does."
"Your compassion, your mercy – the world needs more of your kindness."
"As we count down the days to the end of the year make each day meaningful fill every day with love each moment with kindness and every interaction with the warmth of God's love."
"I'm begging you to be kind, be kind, be kind."
"If we as a humanity understand the world through the lens of 'advisor,' we will be kinder to each other and kinder to the earth."
"Be kind to others as you wish others be kind to you."
"My other goals for 2017 as well as staying fit and keeping healthy is just to always have a positive mind and always be kind to others."
"It's a lot easier to be kind than it is to be mean it's a lot easier to love than it is to hate."
"In the meantime be nice to the people in your community we live in rough times right now everyone needs to be given a break."
"Be nice to people, guys. This is so messed up."
"Our agenda is simple: if you happen to see someone different in the world, treat them with kindness."
"Try today to be kind to someone just for the heck of it. It really does change your entire way of being in the world."
"We need to stop thinking it's acceptable to treat people poorly or with lack of kindness or respect because we disagree with them."
"People are all living different experiences, but we gotta treat everybody with kindness."
"So many people are so nasty, let's be kind. I'm into it."
"It's not enough that you escaped the land of Egypt. You must remember to be kind to the stranger today."
"Practice kindness aggressively, hug each other more."
"You're not gonna change hearts and minds by being cruel to others, facts."
"Be good and kind to everybody; it is one of the royal paths to happiness and peace."
"Spread love and kindness in a world full of negativity."
"We're all in this together, so let's just be kind to each other."
"We want to create a kinder and braver world."
"Simple as, be kind to one another. Trans, queer people, people like everybody else, black and brown people, just people like everybody else living their lives."
"For me, it's kindness. Being kind to one another, that's for children and for grown-ups."
"Be kind to other people and be kind to yourself too."
"Being a bully is not nice. Don't be a bully. Nobody likes mean people or bullies. Don't be a bully."
"Be nice to everybody, don't egg cars, don't egg people on, be nice to kids."
"He had a feeling deep within his spirit that the people he called out were deliberately trying to get in his way."
"When you can be kind, be kind. When you can't, take no prisoners."
"Be kind to one another, no matter your differences. We are all human beings and we must learn to get along."
"It's nice to be nice with everybody, especially, you know, you like I said to your friend."
"Go out, do something amazing, keep working hard, be nice to each other."
"It propagates the principles of self-sacrifice, charity, benevolence, and teaches us to live for the good of others and to be kind to all."
"Be kind to each other, that's what I know; be kind to the mothers, daughters, and sons."
"Stop being nice and be more kind. Be nice to all but nice to few."